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davey2crazy 10-26-2005 06:35 AM

:) Glad to know the racist undertones were easily picked up upon.

No, I'm not racist. However, Middle Eastern horror has never interested me like it does some people. Ju-On was lame. So was Ringu.

At any rate, I didn't know if it followed the traditional patterns of a stereotypical Japanese horror film.

Thanks for the responses.

noctuary 10-26-2005 07:15 PM

Well, it's not really a horror movie. It's a Yakuza film, taken to the furthest extreme of the genre. There's some gore, but it's not like Dead Alive or anything like that. What there is a lot of, however, is sadism. I think it's an excellent movie, just don't go into it expecting a horror film, because you'll certainly be disappointed.

IDrinkYourBlood 10-26-2005 07:31 PM

I just bought this movie yesterday (not rated) Im pretty excitted to watch it tonight. It will be placed in my horror collection as it says on the box "action horror". But only about three more hours till i watch it.

MiskatonicKitty 10-27-2005 04:48 AM


Originally posted by davey2crazy
:) Glad to know the racist undertones were easily picked up upon.

No, I'm not racist. However, Middle Eastern horror has never interested me like it does some people. Ju-On was lame. So was Ringu.

At any rate, I didn't know if it followed the traditional patterns of a stereotypical Japanese horror film.

Thanks for the responses.

I don't really consider it horror at all. It's more a yakuza/black comedy... just a rather weird, gory one. I love it myself. One of my favorites. Make sure you see the unrated version though. A friend of mine accidently bought the rated version and... ugh.

Zombee 10-27-2005 05:26 AM

Re: Re: Ichi the Killer

Originally posted by bwind22
WTF? Why would ask about an Asian film and then say something like that, you fuckin' goon?

I haven't seen Ichi yet, but it's in the next 5-10 movies I have queued on Netflix so it won't be long now...

(Netflix is cool. I'm finding all sorts of stuff I've been having trouble getting my hands on.... Ichi, Toolbox Murders, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Cannibal Ferox and more! Netflix is A-OK in my book.)

I agree I pimp Netflix all the time.. And dont worry the Ichi that Netflix has is not cut at all.. So you get to enjoy all of the brutality that is One the Killer!

I personally love this flic it is not for the faint of heart though it is very hard core and gory..

Zombee 11-09-2005 02:30 PM


Originally posted by Signs515
This is what makes me angry; I'm dying to see movies like Audition, Battle Royale, and Ichi the Killer but I never see them anywhere. Are they easy to find at Best Buy, or maybe can you find them at Blockbuster?
Netflix my boy Netflix has them all and there all uncut.. buy yourseld a DVD burner and own them all..Yes I am a pimp for Netflix.

RavageRitual 11-09-2005 03:01 PM

Really good film, in fact ive never seen a bad film by Takashi except for his Psycho MPD movies, but if you liked Iche, you have to see his other movies like, Gozu ( my favorite ) and Audition, and Full Metal Yakuza.

Despare 12-09-2005 12:22 PM


Originally posted by RavageRitual
Really good film, in fact ive never seen a bad film by Takashi except for his Psycho MPD movies, but if you liked Iche, you have to see his other movies like, Gozu ( my favorite ) and Audition, and Full Metal Yakuza.
Izo is nuts too, out of control. "Beat" Takishi is in it too WooT.

Thorns_demon 01-16-2006 03:51 AM

Ichi the killer
I guess it's a japanese horror movie well it was so weird, I totally loved the white haired guy with his pierced mount, so cool, but the movie was so fake, the blood was a little too red and because that it looked fake, I did like the story thou but every killing scene was a little too funny (or I'm just weird) was it a horror comedy?

Well when I'm going to the movies i find myself laughing with things other people seriously don't think it's funny, lol.

Angra 01-16-2006 04:10 AM

Re: Ichi the killer

Originally posted by Thorns_demon
I guess it's a japanese horror movie well it was so weird, I totally loved the white haired guy with his pierced mount, so cool, but the movie was so fake, the blood was a little too red and because that it looked fake, I did like the story thou but every killing scene was a little too funny (or I'm just weird) was it a horror comedy?

Well when I'm going to the movies i find myself laughing with things other people seriously don't think it's funny, lol.

Itīs more comedy than "Horror", i would say. More like a gory Tarantino movie.

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