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Jigsaw Killer 10-28-2013 05:47 PM

Yeah, the series definitely kept you in suspense and on edge throughout and you were always eager to see where it'd go next.

Jigsaw Killer 11-05-2013 02:02 PM

Saw VIII has been announced recently as being in active development, not a big surprise. I had a feeling a new film would inevitably be made. I wonder if we might see it materialize next year?

Jigsaw Killer 12-28-2013 05:29 PM

I was thinking on the subject of a new Saw film, would you prefer a reboot that completely redoes the storyline or a sequel picking up from 7? I honestly am fine with either. A sequel would be cool to see but the original storyline got stretched pretty thin and the actors are much older, now. I'm honestly not opposed to a reboot done right, as I think a fresh start is what the series could use.

saw1 01-24-2014 11:53 AM

hello hello hello hello...!!!
Come Back...!!!
yes ... I come back to you
I was very very very busy ...
so i can not enter to the forum and see your comments
but now i am here and i am very very happy because ....
saw 8 comming soon ..!!!!!!!

I hear that adam stay alive ..
whats in your mind about that ...???
I think it may be an excellent idea if the writer can find a good scenario to it .

what do uou say about that ? ?

Jigsaw Killer 01-26-2014 02:47 AM

Without spoiling a decade-old movie, I very much doubt Adam is still alive...

Crude 01-30-2014 03:23 PM

LOVE this whole series, and have the collection in my DVD rack!! ::embarrassment::

Jigsaw Killer 01-30-2014 07:07 PM

I own them all as well. Got the unrated versions of all seven and also have the theatrical cuts of 1-4 in addition.

My ranking preference for the series is still the same and I think it'll always be:


Fearonsarms 02-05-2014 11:00 AM

I'm pretty excited at the thought of a saw 8 I hope it will take the series in a slightly different direction could be very interesting I look forward to it.

Jigsaw Killer 02-05-2014 03:41 PM

I wouldn't be opposed to a reboot that's the start of a new canon, I feel the series still has a lot of untapped creative potential that arguably may have been lost along the way with the corner the series got painted into with the third film.

Fearonsarms 02-05-2014 04:05 PM

I agree there is definitely potential for a different direction but I wouldn't be opposed to a sequel to Saw 7 as such. I also hope it's not another Saw 3. I'm hoping for kind of like the jump from Saw 1 to Saw 2. I mean still have the puzzle solving and some gore but let it be not just about that. I'm sure there will be some sort of twist to the film whichever way they go about it. They could do anything with the franchise now and I'm very interested to see what they do. I don't want to have too high expectations though.

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