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Chris_Morey 12-15-2012 04:03 PM

The table of contents for Dead Clown Barbecue by Jeff Strand has been added to its product page. Click the balloon:


Chris_Morey 12-18-2012 01:38 PM


Chris_Morey 01-09-2013 02:07 PM

Joe R. Lansdale joins the Black Labyrinth imprint

Dark Regions Press is excited to announce that the best-selling author of Edge of Dark Water, The Bottoms, the Hap and Leonard novel series and Bubba Ho-Tep will be joining Tom Piccirilli in the list of ten Black Labyrinth authors. Joe will be delivering an original psychological horror novella by the end of this year.

If we can have the book in stock on time, our goal is to launch Joe's book for order on the DarkRegions.com website on Tuesday, November 12th of this year.

The book will be available in all Black Labyrinth editions, including the specialty oversized Ultra-Deluxe hardcover tome. For more information on the Black Labyrinth imprint, click here to visit the Black Labyrinth page or visit directly at: http://www.darkregions.com/blacklabyrinth

Joe R. Lansdale is the author of over thirty novels and numerous short stories. His work has appeared in national anthologies, magazines, and collections, as well as numerous foreign publications. He has written for comics, television, film, newspapers, and Internet sites. His work has been collected in eighteen short-story collections, and he has edited or co-edited over a dozen anthologies. He has received the Edgar Award, eight Bram Stoker Awards, the Horror Writers Association Lifetime Achievement Award, the British Fantasy Award, the Grinzani Cavour Prize for Literature, the Herodotus Historical Fiction Award, the Inkpot Award for Contributions to Science Fiction and Fantasy, and many others. His novella Bubba Hotep was adapted to film by Don Coscarelli, starring Bruce Campbell and Ossie Davis. His story "Incident On and Off a Mountain Road" was adapted to film for Showtime's "Masters of Horror." He is currently co-producing several films, among them The Bottoms, based on his Edgar Award-winning novel, with Bill Paxton and Brad Wyman, and The Drive-In, with Greg Nicotero. He is Writer In Residence at Stephen F. Austin State University, and is the founder of the martial arts system Shen Chuan: Martial Science and its affiliate, Shen Chuan Family System. He is a member of both the United States and International Martial Arts Halls of Fame. He lives in Nacogdoches, Texas with his wife, dog, and two cats.


Chris_Morey 01-30-2013 01:55 PM


Dark Regions Press proudly presents Luminous Worlds by Rhysling Award winning sci-fi poet David C. Kopaska-Merkel.

Click here to read more about Luminous Worlds by David C. Kopaska-Merkel


We can only write what we know, whether that comes from communicating in broken French and broken English with a Parisian nurse, or staring in horror at the human effects of a geological calamity. Here are twenty years worth of dark poetry, representing a dark world, the very one we live in. These poems were written at home, at work, in the air, shipboard in the middle of the Indian Ocean, confined to a hospital bed in a foreign land, in other words, all the usual places. Influenced by Lovecraft, Zelazny, and Algernon Blackwood, among others, Kopaska-Merkel enlists his imagination and scientific background in service to poetic expressions of the wonder, horror, and magic that permeate our world.

Advance praise for Luminous Worlds

“Linked by themes of cosmic isolation, ruin, dead cities, and mysterious women, these poems proceed by their own sure dream logic. Kopaska-Merkel’s deep understanding of science blends strangely but effectively with the surreal to create convincing narratives of impossible experience.”
– Ann K. Schwader, Rhysling Award winner, author of Twisted in Dream and Wild Hunt of the Stars

“Over the last 25 years, David C. Kopaska-Merkel’s Dreams and Nightmares has been at the heart of speculative poetry movement, publishing some of the very best speculative poetry anywhere – in these pages, you’ll see that he’s written some of it, as well. David has been a flame at the heart of a movement; herein, find the artistic core of things, and the vision behind a now-venerable publication. Damn, but the man can write!”
– W. Gregory Stewart, Nebula Nominee and multiple Rhysling Award winner

“The stark wind of a cautionary tale dips through the ruined cities and skewed alien love songs of Luminous Worlds. These are cohesive literate subtle explorations loaded with kinetics. ‘Ghost Lakes’ haunts with geologic power. An entire Japanese horror movie is encapsulated in ‘Tsunami Child.’ Kopaska-Merkel's formidable voice becomes a force to be reckoned with.”
– Robert Frazier, SFPA Grandmaster Poet, author of Phantom Navigation

About the Author


David C. Kopaska-Merkel describes rocks for the State of Alabama, and publishes Dreams and Nightmares, a magazine of SF and fantasy poetry. More than 1000 of his poems and stories have been published since the 70s. In 2006 a collaboration with Kendall Evans won the Rhysling Award of the Science Fiction Poetry Association. Flash fiction can be found at http://www.dailycabal.com. David lives with an artist and furry layabouts in a centuried farmhouse with a yellow tin roof. David was born in Virginia, but has lived where the dentist is king as long as anywhere. You can learn more about Dreams and Nightmares here http://dreamsandnightmares.interstellardustmites.com/ and here http://dreamsandnightmaresmagazine.blogspot.com/.


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Chris_Morey 02-12-2013 12:12 PM


Enoch Coffin is a proud inhabitant of Massachusetts, an artist following in the footsteps of local legend Richard Upton Pickman. Coffin is an artist with a singular quest: to capture in paint, or ink, or clay -- however he might -- sights that no mortal has ever portrayed in art before...and lived to exhibit. His quest will take him throughout actual New England locations, and that other New England of H. P. Lovecraft, where his models will be doomed souls, ravening ghouls, and entities from beyond the veil.

Individually acclaimed for their weird fiction, in this collection of short stories authors W. H. Pugmire and Jeffrey Thomas collaborate to paint the portrait of a character every bit as fascinating and unique as the subjects of his artistic encounters.

With haunting illustrations on the front and back cover by renowned illustrator Santiago Caruso and interior illustrations accompanying every story by illustrator Clint Leduc, Encounters with Enoch Coffin is anticipated to be one of the best-selling Dark Regions Press titles of 2013.

Don't miss our live chat event with authors W.H. Pugmire and Jeffrey Thomas on Tuesday, February 19th at 3:00PM PST (6:00PM EST) at: http://www.darkregions.com/events/

Table of Contents

Ye Unkempt Thing
Matter of Truth and Death
Beneath Arkham
Spectral Evidence
They Smell of Thunder
Mystic Articulation
Every Exquisite Thing
Impossible Color
Ecstasy in Aberration
Shadow Puppets
Fearless Symmetry
Unto the Child of Woman

Praise for W.H. Pugmire

"The prose-poet of the horror/fantasy field; he may be the best prose-poet we have...perhaps the leading Lovecraftian author writing today." - S. T. Joshi

"An important figure in the fields of modern horror and the weird." - Laird Barron

"Stylistically he owes as much to Oscar Wilde and Henry James as to HPL and Poe, creating a truly unholy fusion that defies academic boundaries between ‘mainstream’ and ‘genre’ fiction." - Editor and scholar Scott Connors

Praise for Jeffrey Thomas

"In time he will, in this reviewer’s opinion, be listed alongside King, Barker, Koontz, and McCammon." - Brian Keene

"Jeffrey Thomas’ imagination is as twisted as it is relentless." - F. Paul Wilson

"With brutal elegance and chilling subtlety, Thomas pulls his readers into his dark visions immediately from every opening line." - Paul Di Filippo

Launching for preorder on Tuesday, February 19th at: http://www.darkregions.com/books/enc...jeffrey-thomas


YouTube trailer:




Book Details and Specifications

Authors: W.H Pugmire and Jeffrey Thomas
Front & Back Cover Artist: Santiago Caruso
Interior Artist: Clint Leduc
Editor: Joe Morey
ISBN-13: 978-1-62641-000-8
ISBN-10: 1-62641-000-3
Page count: 270
Story count: 12
Interior illustrations: 12
Size: 6"x9"
Publication date: 02/19/2013
Deluxe Hardcover pricing: $99 USD
Limited Hardcover pricing: $45 USD
Trade Paperback pricing: $17.95 USD
Ebook pricing: $3.99 USD

About the Authors

Wilum Hopfrog Pugmire has been writing Lovecraftian weird fiction since he was a young girl in the 1970s. His first American collection was published by Jeffrey Thomas, through his Necropolitan Press, in 1997. Pugmire's books include The Tangled Muse, Some Unknown Gulf of Night, The Strange Dark One, Uncommon Places, The Fungal Stain, and Gathered Dust and Others. In April of this year Arcane Wisdom Press will publish a new collection, Bohemians of Sesqua Valley. Wilum is currently writing his first novel, inspired by Derleth's The Lurker at the Threshold, and he will be working on an Enoch Coffin novel with Jeff in some dim future aeon.

Jeffrey Thomas is the author of such novels as Deadstock, Blue War, Letters from Hades, and The Fall of Hades, and such short story collections as Punktown, Nocturnal Emissions, Thirteen Specimens, and Unholy Dimensions. His stories have appeared in the anthologies The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, The Year’s Best Horror Stories, Leviathan 3, The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases, and The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction. Forthcoming from Miskatonic River Press is a role-playing game based upon Thomas’ universe of Punktown. Thomas is also an artist, and lives in Massachusetts.

About the Artists

Santiago Caruso was born in 1982, in Quilmes, Argentina. He is a symbolist and surreal artist, with an avant-garde concept but rooted in the nineteenth century´s decadentism. Dedicated to the fantastique, metaphysical horror and poetry, he had illustrated books for Libros del Zorro Rojo, Dark Regions Press, Ex Occidente Press, Tordesilhas, Tartarus Press, Random House Mondadori, Planeta and Penguin.

His work stands out both for the vigor of its poetry as well as for its technique. Member of the Beinart Surreal Art Collective since 2010, the artwork of Caruso is well represented in galleries and museums of Buenos Aires, United States, United Kingdom, Mexico and Spain.

Dark Regions Press is an independent specialty publisher of horror, dark fiction, fantasy and science fiction, specializing in horror and dark fiction and in business since 1985. We have gained recognition around the world for our creative works in genre fiction and poetry. We were awarded the Horror Writers Association 2010 Specialty Press Award and the Italian 2012 Black Spot award for Excellence in a Foreign Publisher. We produce premium signed hardcover editions for collectors as well as quality trade paperbacks and ebook editions. Our books have received five Bram Stoker Awards from the Horror Writers Association.

We have published hundreds of authors, artists and poets such as Kevin J. Anderson, Bentley Little, Michael D. Resnick, Rick Hautala, Bruce Boston, Robert Frazier, W.H. Pugmire, Simon Strantzas, Jeffrey Thomas, Charlee Jacob, Richard Gavin, Tim Waggoner and hundreds more. Dark Regions Press has been creating specialty books and creative projects for over twenty-seven years.

The press has staff throughout the country working virtually but also has a localized office in Ashland, Oregon from where we ship our orders and maintain the primary components of the business.

Dark Regions Press staff, authors, artists and products have appeared in Rue Morgue Magazine, Publishers Weekly, Kirkus Reviews, Booklist Online, LA Times, The Sunday Chicago Tribune, The Examiner, Playboy, Comic-Con, Wired, The Huffington Post, Horror World, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Sony Reader store and many other publications and vendors.

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Dark Regions Press, LLC
300 E. Hersey St. STE 10A
Ashland, OR 97520
United States

media AT darkregions.com

MichaelMyers 02-12-2013 01:33 PM

Thanks Chris, slightly concerned about DRP's heavy recent shift toward e-formats. Is business all right or is this just a sign of the times?

Chris_Morey 02-16-2013 08:03 PM

Download the first story from Encounters with Enoch Coffin "Ye Unkempt Thing" via the following links:

Issuu: click here
Scribd: click here
PDF Download: click here


Chris_Morey 02-16-2013 08:04 PM

I wouldn't call it a heavy shift towards e-formats, we're just actually releasing ebooks now. We're still doing our limited hardcovers and trade paperbacks. We launched Dark Regions Digital which will contain most of our titles in digital format across all major ebook platforms.


Originally Posted by MichaelMyers (Post 944927)
Thanks Chris, slightly concerned about DRP's heavy recent shift toward e-formats. Is business all right or is this just a sign of the times?

Chris_Morey 02-17-2013 05:33 PM


He had no idea how large the creature was, but it must be colossal, and yet there was something skeletal, wasted, in its aspect. It rested on all four weirdly-bent, bony limbs, its emaciated body the same color as the rock upon which it was perched; a grayish-green, as if it were a chameleon that had changed its hue to blend in. The only other color was a white cloth or gauze wrapped around its hairless head, completely concealing its face. But as it called out, the depression of its elongated open mouth could be seen through the material that bound and blinded it.

Encounters with Enoch Coffin by W.H. Pugmire and Jeffrey Thomas launching Tuesday, February 19th for preorder at: http://www.darkregions.com/books/enc...jeffrey-thomas

Chris_Morey 02-18-2013 01:58 PM

Download the second story from Encounters with Enoch Coffin "Matter of Truth and Death" via the following links:

Issuu: click here
Scribd: click here
PDF Download: click here


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