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abbycomix 11-10-2003 01:42 PM

I like Ringu and just saw Tetsuo 2 and Tokyo Fist which are both worth checking out. Quite gory and artsy.
But the best wacky gory movie I saw from Japan lately was Wild Zero, I totally loved it. I think people who are into Evil Dead 2 style wackiness and rock n' roll will like it a lot.

dmihatmttl 11-10-2003 04:42 PM

Hell, Yes
Love 'em. Can't get enough of Asian horror movies. Count me in as a *huge* fan.

A few of my favorites (in order):


Bought THE EYE this past weekend, and while it was a tad disappointing -- wasn't *quite* as good as I'd heard it'd be -- I still enjoyed it. Can't *wait* to see UZAMAKI (SPIRAL), TWO SISTERS, or DARK WATER. I have a copy of STACY but I haven't got around to watching it yet -- supposedly it's really cool.

The one I *especially* can't wait to see, however, is JU-ON (THE GRUDGE).

THE GRUDGE looks to me like it just might be the scariest goddamn thing ever.


Ritualistic 11-11-2003 05:33 PM

OH MAN!! I completely forgot about the guinea pig films.... IMO they are the fucking best asian horror films ever made....

mictlan 11-11-2003 06:16 PM

I like Asian horror stuff a lot. My favorite has probably been Dark Water. I liked the Ring, didn't like any of the sequels much, though Birthday had its moments.

Kairo was creepy and atmospheric but not really scary, same with Uzumaki and the Eye.

Audition was really cringey - and definitely a horror film, the imagery and situations really stayed with me, even before the famous grueling ending.

Organ was great, worth looking for.

Tsukamoto's films (Tetsuo I and II, Tokyo Fist, Gemini) aren't really horror, though a lot of Tetsuo I is. One of his earlier films (I don't remember the name) is about a Japanese goblin who invades a school - has a few great horror moments.

Ricky-O is soooo gooood, so gross. I love the guy who whips out his own intestines to strangle Ricky. I never saw the Guinea Pig movies but have heard that they are pretty twisted.

The question was, is Asian horror the future? Maybe not, I think the vast majority of American audiences can't relate because the cultures are very different. But people keep asking that question because most new Asian horror films are way better than most new American horror films. The Asian films don't rely on big budgets, unoriginal plots, T+A, overdone effects, or truly crappy but cute actors.

bloodrayne 09-13-2005 06:06 AM


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