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The Villain 07-19-2011 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Deposable (Post 898046)
Odd. That's my girlfriends favorite scene... That's not a joke either :o

Well yeah that makes sense though.

crabapple 07-19-2011 08:32 PM

The Strangers--a tale of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

leezuki 07-20-2011 05:03 AM

also i thought 28 days later went into rambo,hacking everyone up and he was covered in blood but did not get infected.

leezuki 07-20-2011 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by TheWickerFan (Post 897957)
Tons. Off the top of my head:

Hour Of The Wolf
Don't Look Now
Jacob's Ladder
High Tension

i love jacob's ladder.

leezuki 07-20-2011 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Deposable (Post 898039)
Sorry, That list is totally wack. How could anyone like "28 Weeks Later" better than "28 Days" ? "Weeks" had a lot of action but a very silly plot, "Days" seems the opposite. Less action, more plot character driven. I don't know anything, the mom being the "carrier" in the ending was lame for me. TWwwwwwwwiiiist.

"Let the right one in" is a masterpiece, maybe a teenager might be bitter towards the romance/horror. It's a non-gay twilight haha. But it's great... in my opinion.

Zombieland is funny too. You shouldn't dislike so much for being "popular". You'll miss out on a lot in life...in my opinion.

let the right one in i just found so dull,i prefer near dark,vamp,lost boys,vampire movies like that,right one in just did not do it for me.zombieland was boring shaun of the dead i like perhaps because there have been to many zombie commidies nowdays.

Fearonsarms 07-20-2011 10:11 AM

Villain there's nothing homophobic about not wanting to see Murphy's dick-a while back in another thread someone said that Murphy begged the director to let him show his dick.

I hope this doesn't end up in another argument but off the top of my head-

Monkey Shines
Young Frankenstein
The Raven (60s one)
The Tomb Of Ligeia
Shaun Of The Dead
Various remakes I'm not going to promote
I Vampiri
Rear Window
Manhattan Baby
The Seventh Seal
Dead Birds
Burnt Offerings

The Villain 07-20-2011 10:15 AM

People just get so damn sensitive about things that i just felt like i had to say that like a little disclaimer. You have to watch every little thing you say now or else risking offending someone and unleashing the beast. It's really annoying.

Fearonsarms 07-20-2011 10:46 AM

I've seen plenty of tongue in cheek comments on here and I've seen some REAL homophobia-I like to think people here know the difference.

leezuki 07-20-2011 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Fearonsarms (Post 898128)
Villain there's nothing homophobic about not wanting to see Murphy's dick-a while back in another thread someone said that Murphy begged the director to let him show his dick.

I hope this doesn't end up in another argument but off the top of my head-

Monkey Shines
Young Frankenstein
The Raven (60s one)
The Tomb Of Ligeia
Shaun Of The Dead
Various remakes I'm not going to promote
I Vampiri
Rear Window
Manhattan Baby
The Seventh Seal
Dead Birds
Burnt Offerings

i agree with that whole list :)

ABjerg 07-20-2011 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by The Villain (Post 898002)
Dude really? Nightmare on Elm Street, Let The Right One In, Dracula, The Howling, Carrie, Sleepy Hollow, and The Omen? REALLY?

Lol seriously though, you're free to like and dislike whatever you want. I agree with you on 28 Days Later as i didnt like that but i did like 28 Weeks Later.

For me the biggest one has gotta be The Shining. I hated it and everyone loves that movie. Also The Hills Have Eyes Remake was raved about and i thought that was terrible. I'll come up with some more later.


Cloverfield for me too, I'll write more later...

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