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LuvablePsycho 08-23-2018 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 1033035)
Well, I was a kid in the 70s. No video games, but, lots of horror movies. On TV. VHS hadn't even been invented yet. LOL Yeah, I'm old.

I'm getting there. I already have grey in my hair lol!

idoneus1957 08-23-2018 06:49 AM

Did they colorize horror movies?
It was a big controversy among fans of old movies, back in the 1980s, when TV networks began colorizing old classic movies. I don't recall any horror movies that were colorized, though. I wonder if there were any?

LuvablePsycho 08-23-2018 08:20 AM

I watched colorized versions of Night of the Living Dead and Carnival of Souls of DVD. I personally think the black and white versions had a more nightmarish feel to them.

idoneus1957 08-25-2018 07:17 AM

Black and white vs. color
Yes, usually black and white horror movies are more atmospheric than the ones in color. (This could start such a flamewar!) I thought that the original Castle of Blood was a lot more a atmospheric than Web of the Spider, the director's remake of his own movie.

What's wrong with my memory? In order to remember what the original movie was named, I had to go to imdb.com, enter Barbara Steele, and scroll down her filmography until I found it. What would we do without imdb.com?

Lesson from the movie: Don't accept a bet to spend the night in a haunted house if all the ones before you who took the bet died.

LuvablePsycho 08-25-2018 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by idoneus1957 (Post 1033087)

Lesson from the movie: Don't accept a bet to spend the night in a haunted house if all the ones before you who took the bet died.

When you are in a horror movie you make poor choices. It's what you do! ::big grin::

idoneus1957 08-27-2018 07:03 AM

poor choices
Poor choices. I see. It's like "there's a killer monster in the house. Let's all run upstairs and separate!" I think the tv show In Living Color did a skit about that.

Slaughter of the vampires is a movie I like, but in the scene where they are hunting on the grounds for vampires and the vampire expert says "Now it's best we separate." I thought "Why?"

Its not something stupid, but it reminds me of how the girl is running away from the mummy, and she is running fast, and he is just shambling along, and he always catches her.

Sometimes the vampire hunters lose because of undermining. Don't go into the haunted house with 5 people. Go with 50 people, so that you can split up into teams and not be alone.

In slaughter of the vampires, the vampire expert says "They act with cunning, and we must be just as clever" and then both sides act like idiots.

LuvablePsycho 08-27-2018 08:37 AM

It's obvious that the characters always "split up" so that the unimportant ones can be killed before the hero or heroine defeats the monster in the end. ::big grin::

Dickey 11-25-2019 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by LuvablePsycho (Post 1032988)
I have to wonder... when the young people today are in their 40's and 50's is anybody really going to remember anything special about their generation? The only thing to really come out for them was the internet and smart phones.

Every other decade from the 1920's to the 1990's had something memorable about it. Great classics and impressive subcultures trying to make a statement.

But now all we get are crappy remakes of great classics, pop singers who can't sing worth a damn without voice enhancers, annoying reality TV shows on every channel, fake news that you can't trust, and hipster wannabes and posers.

You hit the nail on the head! There will be nothing memorable about today's generation. Except maybe greed, stupidity,fat bodies & dumb haircuts.

classic_horror_fan 12-08-2019 09:46 AM

Yes! A lot of the really old black and white horror films are some of the best ever at times! The list of examples can really go on forever, but some of my favorites would be the original black and white "Village Of The Damned," "Children Of The Damned," "Return Of The Vampire," the original black and white King Kong, the original black and white Godzilla, the original black and white Gamera, the silent "Phantom Of The Opera" with Lon Chaney, sr. "Creature From The Black Lagoon," "The Wolfman" with Lon Chaney, jr., "Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman," the original "Carnival Of Souls," "I Eat Your Flesh," "The Black Cat" from 1934 with Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi, "Them," the original "Night Of The Living Dead," "White Zombie," the original "House On Haunted Hill" with Vincent Price, "The Last Man On Earth," "The Mummy's Ghost," the original "Little Shop Of Horrors", "Terrified," "The Devil's Claw," "Sadist," "Tarantula," "The Bat" with Vincent Price, the silent "Headless Horseman," the silent "Frankenstein" from Thomas Edison, to name a few. ::devil::

Sculpt 12-08-2019 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dickey (Post 1040471)
You hit the nail on the head! There will be nothing memorable about today's generation. Except maybe greed, stupidity,fat bodies & dumb haircuts.

You mean the Man Bun?

Anyone here have the Man Bun? Why do you like it?

I have a nephew who has long hair... and so that doesn't look unusual in a "bun", as opposed to a pony tail, because the bun has functionality that a pony tail does not.

But the man bun where the hair is short, especially less than 3"... yeah, that's a 'style' without any function for sure.

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