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TheWickerFan 04-30-2010 12:15 PM

I agree, Mothman.

siorai 04-30-2010 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Ferox13 (Post 859005)
Personally I'm a vegetarian and I try not to preach but when some one says kill a director (that i like) but yet condone the killing of countless animals in passing for their means then....

Not to condone it at all (I'm vegan), but I can see why there is a big disconnect for many people. People don't eat "pig" or "cow," they eat pork and beef. People don't eat "flesh" or "muscle," they eat steaks and porkchops. It's a subtle, but important bit of marketing by the meat industry. Not to mention just how the meat itself is packaged so neat and tidy with that nice little maxipad underneath to soak up not the blood, but the "juices." It's made to be so far removed from a once living being and transformed into just another foodstuff that is produced to be eaten. So people losing touch with just what's on their plate isn't too surprising.

Elvis_Christ 04-30-2010 05:12 PM

Must be time for someone to talk about incisors and how you don't get enough vitamins from just eating vegetables.... oh yeh and PETA et al. Hey weren't Hitler and Manson vegetarians :rolleyes:

siorai is dead right and it's sickening. The way people think it is their "right" gets me spitting blood.

The "free range" thing cracks me up. There's nothing humane about it at all (as Ferox mentioned). Wake up. Just another get out of jail free card for people who want to feel better about their selfish actions.

We live in a (somewhat) free world it's our own choice what we put into our bodies and it's none of my business what people choose to do but I just want people to see that its not that hard to do the right thing.

If you're bothered by the scenes in these two movies go to a slaughterhouse and check out where you meal comes from and see some really twisted wrong shit.

Ferox13 05-01-2010 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by siorai (Post 859012)
the meat itself is packaged so neat and tidy with that nice little maxipad underneath to soak up not the blood, but the "juices."

LOL - never heard it called a 'maxipad'..


Originally Posted by Elvis_Christ (Post 859022)
Must be time for someone to talk about incisors and how you don't get enough vitamins from just eating vegetables.... oh yeh and PETA et al. Hey weren't Hitler and Manson vegetarians

But what about....... LOL

siorai 05-03-2010 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Machete Moonlight (Post 859027)
Seems like two different arguments to me (one about corporate cruelty in meat production another about realism of violence in films), and since Im new and probably walking into a trap, Ill stay out of both.

Read the thread. It started about real violence in films as in animals being killed for the film then moved into the questioning of people who find that morally repugnant, but still run down to the local McDonalds and grab a cheeseburger.

neverending 05-03-2010 04:59 PM

Now you know!!!!!

Elvis_Christ 05-03-2010 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Machete Moonlight (Post 859288)
I also stated Im skeptical of human morality branching off in absolutes and including other animal species.

Haha what? Someone's taking a Philosophy 101 class.

Elvis_Christ 05-03-2010 05:52 PM

Good one that's really sharp. Go flip through your textbook and lay some more wisdom on us.

Quit fucking PMing me:


Originally Posted by Machete Moonlight
'haha what?" in way makes your point..it just proves you're a smarmy little twit.


endo 05-03-2010 07:05 PM

I eat meat(love a good steak), and my wife is a vegan. She won't eat anything with a face, in her words.

We get along fine. Just saying.

Elvis_Christ 05-04-2010 12:52 AM

Cool :)

I don't mind what people do it's their life (like I said earlier). Most of my friends eat meat.

That guy was the only one with a problem.

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