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_____V_____ 09-29-2009 04:23 AM

Versus (2000)


Visitor Q aka Bijitâ Q (2001)


Voice aka Yeogo gwae-dam 4: Moksori (2005)


Wild Zero (2000)


Wishing Stairs aka Yeogo goedam 3: Yeowoo gyedan (2003)


_____V_____ 09-29-2009 04:23 AM


3 Extremes II aka Saam gaang (2002)

Art of the Devil aka Khon len khong (2004)

Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman aka Kuchisake-onna (2007)

Darwaza (1978)

Elfen Lied aka Erufen rîto (2004)

Exte: Hair Extensions aka Ekusute (2007)

Face (2004)

Feng Shui (2004)

Forbidden Siren aka Sairen (2006)

Freeze Me aka Freezer (2000)

H (2002)

Inner Senses aka Yee do hung gaan (2002)

Ju-on: The Grudge 2 (2003)

Memento Mori aka Whispering Corridors 2 aka Yeogo goedam II (1999)

Neighbor No. 13 aka Rinjin 13-gô (2005)

Rahtree: Flower of the Night aka Buppha Rahtree ((2003)

"Funny to the point of ridiculous, this blast of a Thai flick sways back and forth between funny, creepy, goofy, scary, and even grusome. And while it was a blast to watch, Bhuppa Rahtree deserves more than just being relegated a guilty pleasure as the premise and story were solid enough to elevate it into the land of decent Asian horror." - Psycho_d

Red To Kill aka Yeuk saat (1994)

Ringu 2 (1999)

Sex and Fury aka Furyô anego den: Inoshika Ochô (1973)

Terrifying Girl’s High School Lynch Law Classroom aka Kyôfu joshikôkô: bôkô rinchi kyôshitsu (1973)

The Eye 2 aka Gin gwai 2 (2004)

The Untold Story aka Bat sin fan dim ji yan yuk cha siu bau (1993)

The Wig aka Gabal (2005)

Veerana (1988)

Wicked City aka Yôjû toshi ((1987)

psycho d 09-29-2009 05:29 AM

Very nice work indeed. Thanks to all ya'll for this absolutely beautiful list. Ashe.

Straker 09-29-2009 05:36 AM

Very cool list. Plenty I've never seen though... Looks like my wallet is gonna take a beating over the next few weeks. Pleased to see Mr. Vampire made the cut, great film.

ferretchucker 09-29-2009 06:47 AM

Sticky it.

Good List. I don't use these things as much as I should. Will do so in the future...

scouse mac 09-29-2009 09:28 AM

There is an intimidating amount of films on that list Ive yet to see. Ive seen hints of the work involved when Ive logged into the 'bomb shelter' so kudos to all the compilers.

newb 09-29-2009 09:55 AM

WOW....Great job all.

I really have to catch up on some of these

neverending 09-29-2009 09:57 AM

What an amazing list. Great job everyone.

Doc Faustus 09-29-2009 10:02 AM

Very good list. Makes me wish I stayed caught up with Asian horror.

The Mothman 09-29-2009 11:24 AM

Great list, but why in god's name is Re-cycle on there?

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