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rikki 12-11-2003 05:33 PM

Most of Alaska is considered bum fucked Egypt, and Unalaska definitely falls under that category. Although, they do have a skate park there. I don't know how or why, but they do. We don't even have a real skate park in Anchorage (the biggest city). Alaska has about 500,000 people in and about 300,000 of them are in Anchorage.

Granted, there's not mad shit to do, but there are some bennies. There are a shitload of bars - EVERYWHERE - because of this. Some of the smaller villages are dry and kids die from huffing shit, but Anchorage isn't so bad. It's really awesome if you're into snow sports though. Valdez has some of the best snowboarding in the world. They shoot a lot of snowboarding movies and competitions out there.

There's not much for clubs, but if you're an alchy who likes to smoke some doobies, this is the ultimate. Most of the people who live here are ex-hippies who have shacked up in little houses with no neighbors, shotgun by the door, and plants growing in the garage/spare room/etc.

mudsliptones 12-12-2003 12:17 AM

movies, all kinds
music, making it, listening to....
and of course, sex:D

coldwhisper 12-12-2003 02:13 AM

Listening to music, scuba diving, clubbing, shopping, lurking at cafes around town(malibu)... I LOVE ALL THINGS ROCK!

bunn100 12-12-2003 03:21 AM

Arioch no way it is kicking out 700bhp but unfortunately it has got an auto box if it had a manual we could crank it up to about 800bhp

I have so far got 187mph out of it but it is good for at least another 10mph (I ran out of raod)

but yer it is enough to make you shit your pants when you floor it it knock the wind outta ya!!! Awesome feeling!

Colm O' Toole 12-12-2003 03:33 AM

I'm obsessed with writing Novels (Horror of course next Stephen King of course) ;). Also into music (AFI, Nine Inch Nails, The Streets) and experimenting with illegal substances FUN FUN FUN FOR EVERYONE ;) ;) ;)

Malicious_Mirth 12-12-2003 05:03 AM

i am into music (NIN tool alice in chains .....blah blah blah)

i play guitar.......( if you dont know i am in arioch;s band ) Longinus is coming............

i love everything horror

ummmm i drive an 89 toyota camry (vroom mutha fuker)

it aint shit compared to that supra but i like it

thats about all i guess i am finally done with finals !!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!

EvilTeletubby 12-12-2003 07:04 PM

Hobbies... lets see... online video gaming, and posting on several internet forums (mostly gaming related), while listening to music on winamp (legally purchased of course [heh... stupid RIAA will believe anything you say]). Ah, my brethren, I too am a loser.

Any Starcrafters here by chance? ;)

cheebacheeba 12-12-2003 07:38 PM

anyone over in the us ever seen any of these shows?;
*Freaks and Geeks
*The nowhere man
I loved these shows, although freaks and geeks Ive only seen once on late night tv...
my hobbies....well, not hobies, just stuff I like....
*Storms, I love storms, and the smell when a storm is coming.
*Long-ass bike rides to places I don't know.
*The beach, at night or during storms only....the sun doesn't like me much...
*First person shooter pc games (dont call the FBI just yet, guys...)
my fave probably being half-life (waiting for #2)...and I thought Max Payne really rocked too...
*The Night
*The Rain, hail, and floods.
*Puffin' the occasional blunt (palmboys not around, is he?)
*Watching the scene in CastAway where Tom Hanks knocks his tooth out with an ice-skate....again and again, that's some funny shit...
*I also like going to pet-shops and shelters, even if I'm not gonna buy an animal...just to say Hi...
*Writing, fiction/adventure/horror
*comics, well, when I can...the marvel "ultimate" series is pretty cool so far....
*searching and searching for old-skool sierra type adventure games....Quest for glory...etc....they were cool....as were alot of the old-skool games...
*Going to horror sites,and general movie sites... watching "upcoming" trailers.shit....I'm drawing a blank here....
hope u enjoyed the read...:confused:

MichaelMyers 12-12-2003 09:00 PM

Reading...I like to take in an occasional ball game.

Mr_Dizzle 12-12-2003 09:37 PM

HA I'm new here. This is actually my first post.. Funny thing that it has nothing to do with horror? But that's ok.

Let's see.. watching horror movies is pretty fun, but there IS life outside of the bubble. Besides, all the adrenaline rushing.. I need to let my body have a break hah.

Uhmm, dirtbiking/offroading, darts, pool, reading, photography, flying/being a pilot, watching TV/movies, listening to music is a biggie. WOO METAL. Rap is good also. There's probably more, but I can't think of them right now.

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