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ChEEbA 03-13-2005 03:47 AM

In case anyone missed it:::

New update...just the latest bunch of trailers I've had a look at...

- Looks a bit like they're borrowing ideas from Jumanji, but yknow...could be ok - I'll probably check it out with my brother.

- Hmmm....Top Gun vs 2001?? Looks as though it could be kinda stupid, nice effects though.

- New Hitchhikers Guide trailer...I haven't read the book or seen the original film/series...so I dunno how this one rates, but it looks pretty good, excellent effects, and seems to be quite funny, I'll probably be seeing this one.

- Ok...they say it's based on a book...animated film that looks to have been drawn over actual film. Interesting kinda storyline, but they dont say/show much.
I'll probably have a look at this one just for the "weird" factor.

- I don't think I've yet posted a link to a drama film trailer...I watched this, and even though it's hardly my kinda film, I dunno, it just looks good...I wanna see it...

As always folks, feel free to add.

- B.

Barbra...the trailer to the new zelda looks badass...I wonder if they could ever make a zelda movie? You'd think as a fantasy/adventure movie it might just work...

AUSTIN316426808 03-13-2005 03:51 AM

I wonder if they could ever make a zelda movie? You'd think as a fantasy/adventure movie it might just work... [/B][/QUOTE]

I don't see why not, you saw what they did with Lord of the Rings.

Marroe 03-13-2005 12:21 PM

hmm? all those links say "page not found"

barbra 03-13-2005 12:26 PM


Originally posted by ChEEbA

As always folks, feel free to add.

- B.

Barbra...the trailer to the new zelda looks badass...I wonder if they could ever make a zelda movie? You'd think as a fantasy/adventure movie it might just work...

I hope they don't though. remember the cartoon? any ways, its a child hood thing and I hope they leave it alone, plust hollywood might do something crazy like making tom cruise link.

ChEEbA 03-13-2005 06:15 PM


hmm? all those links say "page not found"
Try cutting and pasting onto a new window, or looking up "apple movie trailers" on a search engine, they're all on the apple trailer site.

- B.

ChEEbA 03-30-2005 08:52 PM


- Looks interesting...any thoughts?


- Hmmm....Wes Craven...who knows? I'll probably check it out, looks a bit better than his recent dog movie...


- Deuce Bigalow 2, eh?? I liked the first one to an extent...I wonder if this one'll hold up at all...

Also, Madagascar looks like it's gonna be pretty funny, they recently added a longer trailer:

ChEEbA 03-30-2005 09:02 PM



MIGHT be good...

ItsAlive75 03-30-2005 09:03 PM


Originally posted by ChEEbA

- Looks interesting...any thoughts?


- Hmmm....Wes Craven...who knows? I'll probably check it out, looks a bit better than his recent dog movie...


- Deuce Bigalow 2, eh?? I liked the first one to an extent...I wonder if this one'll hold up at all...

Also, Madagascar looks like it's gonna be pretty funny, they recently added a longer trailer:

I've been real excited to see The Island.

Fuck Deuce Bigalow though.... I hate Rob Schneider.

I actually think Madagascar looks sweet, those penguins are hilarious.

ChEEbA 05-02-2005 10:27 PM

Ok, so...some of these movies I have shown trailers for already, but the repeats are for updated and new trailers:

batman begins
- The most recent one I've seen....looks cool....SCARECROW!

- Again, don't know why I wanna see this film...there's just something about it...

the man
Eugene Levy and Samuel Jackson "un-buddy" kinda comedy...the trailer didn't look ALL that funny, but between the two of them, they should be able to make a decent film.

- Russian vampire film...I hope it's dubbed, 'cos the version I saw, although looking completely awesome, I couldn't make any sense of whatsoever....great looking movie though.

- Based on the series "firefly", looks FUCKING COOL.

Devils rejects
- I never liked HO1KC, but I have to say, this one looks a LOT better...I'm not sure but I think Rob Zombie is actually IN this one...



NEW trailer...showing a taste of some of the action in this movie...MY GOD these fights look like some crazy shit.
From the guy that did "Leon/The proffesional", this looks....man, I've been saying it from the beggining, just watch it....

barbra 05-03-2005 03:52 PM


Originally posted by ChEEbA
batman begins
- The most recent one I've seen....looks cool....SCARECROW!

maybe Im scared of change?

barbra 05-03-2005 05:16 PM


Originally posted by hellboy
batman begins does look good. But too often do they put the good parts in trailers. I'll go see it anyway.
its lost that retro feel that I love so much. Gotham looks like new york

barbra 05-03-2005 06:14 PM


Originally posted by hellboy
You do have a point. Tim Burtons look went more by the comic book. I agree.
and joel schumacher had the old series feel, this new one however looks like everyother action movie with the characters we love. The story better be good.

GorePhobia 05-04-2005 12:48 AM

dont complain it will be good

Amalthea 05-04-2005 01:00 AM

Batman Begins looks great!

GorePhobia 05-04-2005 01:01 AM


"A man who dresses up like a bat....heh clearly has issues...."
Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne

barbra 05-04-2005 10:12 AM


Originally posted by GorePhobia
dont complain it will be good
Im not sure I share your enthusiasm (sp??) Don't get me wrong, Batman is my favorite, second to the Joker, but I think this movie lacks love.

urgeok 05-04-2005 11:34 AM


Originally posted by ChEEbA



NEW trailer...showing a taste of some of the action in this movie...MY GOD these fights look like some crazy shit.
From the guy that did "Leon/The proffesional", this looks....man, I've been saying it from the beggining, just watch it....

i saw this trailer when we saw Sin City - it looks like it could go either way ..

Besson also produced Kiss of the Dragon ... i remember it had an awsome trailer too .. but the movie was ho-hum.

Hopefully he has more of a hand in this one ... but .. and i hesitate to say it ... it could end up being a slightly quirky version of a van damme film ... (i hope not - cause i'ma jet li fan)

kung-fu-jesus 05-04-2005 11:36 AM


Originally posted by barbra
its lost that retro feel that I love so much. Gotham looks like new york
news flash gothom is in New York, just so you know. alot of comics were set in NY, spider-man, superman, batman, etc.

i personaly think it will be an alright movie, im not exacly estatic to see another batman film( batman has got to be my least fav comic/super hero).

barbra 05-04-2005 12:07 PM


Originally posted by kung-fu-jesus
news flash gothom is in New York, just so you know. alot of comics were set in NY, spider-man, superman, batman, etc.

i personaly think it will be an alright movie, im not exacly estatic to see another batman film( batman has got to be my least fav comic/super hero).

uh, thanks for the news flash I must have been mistaken since I was like 8:rolleyes:

kung-fu-jesus 05-04-2005 12:28 PM


barbra 05-04-2005 12:37 PM


Originally posted by kung-fu-jesus

zwoti 05-04-2005 12:58 PM

play nice boys & girls

barbra 05-04-2005 01:17 PM


kung-fu-jesus 05-04-2005 01:23 PM

i have insaulted you at least 20 times and this is the first time you actualy said any thing back.

congradulations you finally grew a pair.

i was just saying it was set in NY, cause you said it was starting to feel to NY. and you sent me a link to a porn site, a fucking astralian porn site. i just want ed to say,


barbra 05-04-2005 01:28 PM


Originally posted by kung-fu-jesus
i have insaulted you at least 20 times and this is the first time you actualy said any thing back.

congradulations you finally grew a pair.

i was just saying it was set in NY, cause you said it was starting to feel to NY. and you sent me a link to a porn site, a fucking astralian porn site. i just want ed to say,


you've insulted me 20 times? cool! send me some links? I missed them. Have you been following me around? where any of them good, or where they all lame? If they where lame that would explain why I missed them. If you would like you can keep insulting me and Ill come back, although I really don't know anything about you, or even what you write about for the most part. I'll do my best and aim to please. There is even a tread we can use so we don't piss anyone off and they can watch/read it as it goes down. People can chime in with their two cents, it could be great. What do you think? Im not scared.. are you?

kung-fu-jesus 05-04-2005 01:32 PM

no not scared. as for the insualts i cant remember where there posted at, but im not the only one. there are others on this site who you should invite to the insualt-ithan.

barbra 05-04-2005 01:34 PM


Originally posted by kung-fu-jesus
no not scared. as for the insualts i cant remember where there posted at, but im not the only one. there are others on this site who you should invite to the insualt-ithan.
yeah about that, I really haven't noticed. But you know, until you learn how to spell insult, you are uninvited.

kung-fu-jesus 05-04-2005 01:36 PM

i fucking hate proper grammer, it is the most un-useful thing. for gods sake we are on the internet, it shouldnt matter how its spelled just that everyone can make it out.

GorePhobia 05-04-2005 02:06 PM

i just think bale will pull off both a great batman and bruce wayne....and it will be amazing since Nolan is directing and Momento was amazing

barbra 05-04-2005 07:38 PM


Originally posted by kung-fu-jesus
i fucking hate proper grammer, it is the most un-useful thing. for gods sake we are on the internet, it shouldnt matter how its spelled just that everyone can make it out.
you really showed me..


Originally posted by GorePhobia
i just think bale will pull off both a great batman and bruce wayne....and it will be amazing since Nolan is directing and Momento was amazing
bale is dark and dreamy, I dunno, prolly be a download/rent/wait for t.v. kinda movie

barbra 05-20-2005 08:01 PM



same movie, I had trouble with one and not the other and then a friend had trouble with the other and not the one, so heres two. Enjoy!

zwoti 05-21-2005 12:31 AM


Originally posted by kung-fu-jesus
i fucking hate proper grammer, it is the most un-useful thing. for gods sake we are on the internet, it shouldnt matter how its spelled just that everyone can make it out.
think you'll find there's a difference between grammar and spelling

ChEEbA 05-21-2005 01:08 AM

I'm sure a few ppl wanna see this, just a teaser though:
Very nice effects happening there.


ChEEbA 06-01-2005 08:57 AM

The full trailer is up now...
Clearly, it in no way resembles the original, but I'll probably head along to check it out...if only for the effects.

Yet another Fantastic 4 trailer...you get a pretty good look this time.
For anyone that read the comic...they seem to have got the johnny storm character about right, the flame effects also look awesome...yep, I'm still looking foward to checking this out.

"The Island", newer, bigger trailer...
Didn't think much of the first trailer I saw, but it looks like it's actually gonna be pretty good..

Kinda looks like another urban legend/scream type deal...just when you thought they'd died out. Eh, who knows...I'm sure a lot of us will end up seeing it out of the HOPE of something decent, although from first impressions, it doesn't look really outstanding.

Updated trailer...
...as I said before, looks like it could be pretty stupid...I have SOME small interest in checking it out, but I'll probably wait for the dvd.

ok...updated trailer.
Interesting concept, not really a "remake" as such.

Like Shrek??
This is apparently from the same producers, looks like a laugh...

Ok, I thought the beggining of the trailer looked shitty...
...but, watching it through, looks pretty decent...

Another Robert Rodriguez "troublemake studios" films.
Clearly, aimed at the kids...However, I thought the first spy-kids was some fun, so I'll probably take my little brother along. Looks strange.


Oh, and check this out
It's a national geographic documentary about emperor pengiuns, and it seems to have been done digitally...

and one from miramax...
That seems to be ACTUAL footage, looks to be some pretty interesting deep sea species in this one, this gigantic multi-organism-symbiant thing the size of a football feild being one of them...

Ok, so...those are the upcoming films I wanna personally check out.
If anyone wants to submit something, or discuss, you're more than welcome.

- B.

urgeok 06-01-2005 09:14 AM

in the theatre last weekend (before Madagascar came on)
there was a blurb on Will Farell - something about him being involved in a movie version of Land of the Lost ...

if they do this right it could be the funniest movie ever made ..

ChEEbA 06-01-2005 09:24 AM

"Land of the Lost" - Not ringin' any bells...

Oh right, I forgot this one:
The Dukes of Hazzard:confused: why:confused:

"Could be the US answer to Shaun of the Dead" they say,
comparisons to Peter Jacksons earlier works are even made...I'm thinking NOT, but, a zombie movie that takes the piss outta itself might be entertaining. Looks gory enough too...Yep. zombies = I'm THERE.

ChEEbA 06-01-2005 09:32 AM

Not sure how old this is either, but here's for those that are looking out for them, the Hellraiser films "deader" and "hellworld" are, not surprisingly, straight to dvd.
Eh, I dunno...I'm sure I'll see 'em one day.

I've updated this thing three times today, so be sure to look at the last few posts, folks...

urgeok 06-01-2005 09:37 AM


Originally posted by ChEEbA
[B]"Land of the Lost" - Not ringin' any bells...

land of the lost was a cornball 70's kids show by sid and marty kroft.

it had these insanely bad sets and dinosaur animation bu tthe real charm was the overacting by the leads... they put their heart and souls into it..

some of the episodes were written by well known sci-fi authors.

the show is so easy to parody that making it funny would be like taking candy from a baby ...

my kid loves the show - we have all 3 seasons on DVD ... i've been forced to watch it a million times and believe me - i cant think of anything i'd rather see parodied.

except survivor maybe ...

Haunted 06-01-2005 10:05 AM

Umm....y'all know that White Noise has been released, and though not a complete piece of shit, it isn't very scary while being sorta boring.

ChEEbA 06-01-2005 10:17 AM


Umm....y'all know that White Noise has been released, and though not a complete piece of shit, it isn't very scary while being sorta boring
Yep, those white noise posts were made waaaaay back when...
(go check out some of the new ones just back a lil bit.)
although, for the first time recently, I've watched some of the white noise dvd, looks like some jump-worthy, weird kinda stuff, I might watch it through sometime soon.

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