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Elvis_Christ 02-07-2012 12:51 PM

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?

Saw it on VHS.

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?

Pretty hard to not have heard anything about this one. The shower scene and ending had all been revealed to me through various parodies on TV shows or people singing it's praises.

3 - How was the viewing experience?

Despite knowing a lot of the key moments the film was still amazing and kicked my ass.

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?

Many times including seeing a print of it on the big screen.

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?

This was the first "old" black and white film that I enjoyed as much as anything modern.

roshiq 02-08-2012 08:35 AM

1 - Nope! actually can't remember when I first saw it...probably on TV or VHS.

2 - Not actually. But as far I can recall my bro invited/insisted everyone in the house to watch it together.

3 - Jaw dropping! Norman's mother's voice & even her shadow on the wall or window totally freaked me out.

4 - Many times...one of my most watched horror movies.

5 - My no. 1 favorite horror film of all time!

_____V_____ 02-11-2012 10:01 AM

Sir Hitchcock's masterpiece moves past the limelight.

Next up...

"Da... dun....


Dun-dun, Dun-dun, Dun-dun Dun-dun, Du-dun, Du-du-dun Du-du-dun!

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?

3 - How was the viewing experience?

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?

The Villain 02-11-2012 10:40 AM

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?
Can't remember exactly when but it was with my siblings in my living room

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?
My brother was relentlessly trying to scare me since this was a time in my life when horror movies terrified me.

3 - How was the viewing experience?
Suffice to say, it worked. I was pretty freaked out.

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?
A few

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?
Not really. I like it and all and own it but i never had any personal memories attached to watching this film

hammerfan 02-11-2012 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 919469)
Sir Hitchcock's masterpiece moves past the limelight.

Next up...

"Da... dun....


Dun-dun, Dun-dun, Dun-dun Dun-dun, Du-dun, Du-du-dun Du-du-dun!

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?

3 - How was the viewing experience?

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?

1. Saw it in the theater.
2. There was mega buzz on TV before I saw it.
3. Excellent!
4. Multiple!
5. My Mom - who hates horror movies - went with me and when the guy's head came out of the bottom of the boat, she jumped so hard she hit the guy next to her and punched herself in the face! :D

ManchestrMorgue 02-12-2012 02:06 AM

1. I first saw Jaws at the drive-in. It would have been around the time of its release, I guess.

2. I was very young, and I really loved sharks. I pestered my parents to take me :)

3. Loved it.

4. This is one film that I have watched countless times. I may not watch it for a long time, but will then watch it a few times in a few weeks. It never loses its impact for me.

5. Nothing specific - just one of my all-time favourite films. Definitely in my top 10 films of any genre.


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 919469)
1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?

3 - How was the viewing experience?

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?

ZombieDrone 02-12-2012 04:03 AM

This is going to sound so wrong as a horror fan as well as an admirer of one of my favourite directors, Steven Spielberg, but...I've never seen Jaws.

I've simply never got around to it. I also remember watching the first twenty minutes or so when I was very young and being very scared. I still think the part with kid gets eaten is just brutal.

Strange that most horror films get an 18 or perhaps 15 certificate from the BBFC and Jaws of all things is a PG.

Fearonsarms 02-13-2012 07:33 AM

I can only remember seeing Jaws sometime on tv while at school-another one I remember discussing in the playground-I do remember that Jaws 3 was at the cinema at the time cos I remember telling one of my mates that there was going to be a Jaws 4 coming out and in it Jaws would attack people on the beach so even the Beach wasn't safe lol completely made up cos she was absolutely terrified by Jaws.

TheWickerFan 02-13-2012 07:41 AM

I can't remember when I finally watched the film, but the buzz was powerful. I would have been 6 when it came out, and I frequented the Long Island beaches at the time, so talk of sharks was constantly circulating.

It is one of the greats that I watch on a regular basis.

fortunato 02-13-2012 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 919469)

1. I first saw it on TV when I was maybe 6.

2. Actually, what first made we want to watch the movie was riding the Jaws ride at Universal Studios on a family trip. It totally blew my mind.

3. As a 6-year-old, there's nothing much more awesome and enthralling than a giant killer shark.

4. Maybe 3 or 4.

5. Not really, just the experience of riding the attraction at Universal. I obsessed over seeing it after that. My parents got me this souvenir from the ride; it was the shark, halved, with two suction cups on the inside so you could make it look like it was going right through the window. I played with that thing constantly.

Elvis_Christ 02-13-2012 02:15 PM

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?

Saw it on TV when I was maybe 6 or 7.

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?

I had heard it was a great film and it would put me off swimming in the sea :)

3 - How was the viewing experience?

I loved it. Especially when they go after the shark in the boat and the soundtrack.

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?

I wore out the tape I recorded off TV so quite a few times. Watched it every day for awhile.

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?

Jaws was the film that turned me into a total movie buff.

newb 02-13-2012 04:37 PM

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD? at the movies on it's initial run.

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it? the "have to see movie" of the summer

3 - How was the viewing experience? more than expected...a great piece of cinema

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since? too many to count....most likely my most repeated movie ever.

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share? Living in "The Ocean State" it most definitely gave me pause every time I went to the beach....hell...I would hear that music in my head whilst swimming in my pool and get creeped out.

_____V_____ 02-19-2012 09:27 AM

Lots of memories associated with, quite possibly, the scariest horror film involving water of all time.

Moving on to another cult classic...

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?

3 - How was the viewing experience?

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?

fortunato 02-19-2012 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by _____V_____ (Post 919961)

1. Yeah, the first time I saw it was with my mom on TV when I was probably 10 or 11. She told me about watching it when she was younger and how much it scared her. Of course, some of that umph was removed with it being on TV, but it still creeped me out bigtime.

2. I just remember my mom telling me about it.

3. I thought it was awesome, and it really gave me the willies for a while. I remember being freaked out when I would go to bed, thinking that I'd wake up and Damien would be standing at the foot of my bed or something.

4. 2 or 3

5. Not really. I like it, and think it's an effective horror film, but it hasn't remained one of my favorites.

ZombieDrone 02-20-2012 10:02 AM

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?
Watched it on TV a few years ago.

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?
I remember a few years before I saw it for the first time my mother (who isn't usually the kind to watch horror films) watched it after I had gone to bed. It was quite loud and could hear it while I was lying in bed. I was already aware of the film though.

3 - How was the viewing experience?
Can't quite say I remember. When I was first going to watch it on TV, I was getting prepped as I had the house to myself only for my sister and her boyfriend to barge in and watch TV instead, which annoyed me. I've always been honest that this has never been a favourite, although I am fond of it. I always felt that Omens II and III are underrated. Omen IV is dire though.

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?
A few times

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?
Again in my University days this was required viewing to learn about scoring horror films. Unfortunately I missed the screening (I had to have a criminal record check which was standard procedure at the university so a few of us missed the screening). It was a shame because I always prefer watching a film in a screening room or theatre environment to anything else and one of my friends (Who HATES horror movies and is scared witless by them) got to go and I missed his reaction. Still I got the film on DVD and watched that and the next week we watched the openings of several horror films in class and freaked him out (I especially recall his reaction to the opening to Texas Chainsaw Massacre. lol).

_____V_____ 02-24-2012 08:35 AM

Anyone else?

Posher778 02-24-2012 09:36 AM

Not a fan. Do something Posher likes next ^_____^

Angra 02-24-2012 09:46 AM

I can't think of a single gay horror classic.

Sorry Posher.

Posher778 02-24-2012 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Angra (Post 920237)
I can't think of a single gay horror classic.

Sorry Posher.


newb 02-24-2012 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Angra (Post 920237)
I can't think of a single gay horror classic.

Sorry Posher.

Angra 02-24-2012 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by newb (Post 920242)


That's both classic and gay. A little gay.

Fearonsarms 02-26-2012 09:13 PM

The Omen-This is another film I saw in my pre-teen days. i remember that it was around the time where a lot of people where playing with ouija boards. I remember at a full school meeting at my primary school that the teachers were telling everyone not use them and if they were caught they would be confiscated. Anyway the film scared the hell out of me and still affects me today

fortunato 03-23-2012 07:52 PM

I liked this thread a lot, too. So I'll give it a reboot.

Let's go waaaay back with an early genre touchstone:

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?

3 - How was the viewing experience?

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?

newb 03-24-2012 06:49 PM

Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?---at home when I was a kid with my dad.

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?---no..I was pretty young

3 - How was the viewing experience?--must have been good....because I remember watching it

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?...not enough...and I have it on DVD in the boxed "Legacy Collection"

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?...like I said...I was pretty young...but damn-it...it's only 11:45 on a Saturday night....wife just went to bed....guess what I'm about to watch

fortunato 03-24-2012 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by newb (Post 921962)
but damn-it...it's only 11:45 on a Saturday night....wife just went to bed....guess what I'm about to watch

Haha, nice! Actually, I have a similar history with this movie:

1 - My dad had a bunch of Universal horror movies on VHS when I was a kid. I remember him showing me this one around Hallowe'en. I loved it and was definitely one of the first horror movies I can remember sparking my love of the genre.

2 - No, I was too young.

3 - I thought it was so great. Like I said, it was probably the first film I can remember that gave me the taste for horror films.

4 - A lot. I usually watch it at least once a year in October.

5 - Nothing really other than watching it with my dad when I was really young.

Elvis_Christ 03-25-2012 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by newb (Post 921962)
but damn-it...it's only 11:45 on a Saturday night....wife just went to bed....guess what I'm about to watch

Something off redtube? ;)


1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?

Watched this one on DVD.

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?

Heard it was one of the great classics and better than the original

3 - How was the viewing experience?

Enjoyed it a lot. This and the original have kinda melded into one film for me though because I watched them round the same time. I've got the Legacy edition and have been meaning to watch them again along with the other sequels.

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?


5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?

It just reminds me some of the first DVDs I picked up.

Fearonsarms 03-27-2012 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by fortunato (Post 921917)
I liked this thread a lot, too. So I'll give it a reboot.

Let's go waaaay back with an early genre touchstone:

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?

3 - How was the viewing experience?

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?

What film is this?I'm not getting any photo of a film?

Disease 03-27-2012 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Fearonsarms (Post 922045)
What film is this?I'm not getting any photo of a film?

Lord of the cockrings...

pretty obvious when you read Newbs answers. ;)

fortunato 03-27-2012 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Fearonsarms (Post 922045)
What film is this?I'm not getting any photo of a film?

Bride of Frankenstein

Fearonsarms 03-30-2012 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by fortunato (Post 922110)
Bride of Frankenstein

Thanks I saw this on late night TV before I went to university. I remember being very pleasantly surprised by it. It wasn't what I was expecting and I enjoyed it a lot. I have a vague recollection of seeing it more recently but not sure. I have the Universal The Wolfman Legacy collection so I would like to get the Frankenstein one at some point.

fortunato 04-04-2012 03:17 PM

Anyone else care to share their memories of James Whale's classic?

Toadliquor 04-04-2012 03:19 PM

Which one?

Toadliquor 04-04-2012 03:25 PM

D'oh! nevermind! I watched Frankenstein a few weeks ago, and I have a question about this flick. In the classic horror forum, I posted that it had a terrible ending for such a great movie. But I was informed that it had multiple endings. What are the other endings? The one I watched had frankenstein convalescing in the background, while his father is drinking wine with the women servants.

_____V_____ 04-23-2012 08:27 AM

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?


2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?

Nope. Just a follow-up to Frankenstein.

3 - How was the viewing experience?

Fantastic. Liked it a bit more than the original.

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?

2-3 times.

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?

VHS was very grainy. A thin, stubborn line stayed throughout. Enjoyed it much more on DVD (Legacy Collection).

fortunato 05-04-2012 08:52 PM

Heading into the 70s with this psychedelic art-house horror masterpiece:

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?

3 - How was the viewing experience?

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?[/QUOTE]

Fearonsarms 05-21-2012 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by fortunato (Post 924292)
Heading into the 70s with this psychedelic art-house horror masterpiece:

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?
Amazingly this wasn't the first Dario Argento movie I ever saw-it was Trauma in the late 90s and then Deep Red. I actually didn't see Suspiria until 2003 after I had left uni and moved into my own place for the first time. I was getting online every day at work skiving as everyone was and there was a lot of rave reviews of it on the net at the time so luckily I saw it on late night TV (channel 4 I think).
2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?
Mainly online feedback from horror fans on a forum I used to go on.
3 - How was the viewing experience?
Amazing I was overwhelmed there was so much to take in (repeated viewings have made me love it more) I understand when people say it's a bit jarring at first but once you get past that it's amazing.
4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?
Four or five
5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?
Living on my own having my own place was a shock after university-I lived with a lot of people when I was there. I would have liked to have heard what my uni mates thought of it.


There's my bash at Suspiria :)

fortunato 05-21-2012 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by fortunato (Post 924292)
Heading into the 70s with this psychedelic art-house horror masterpiece:

1. DVD, I was probably 16 or so.
2. I had read about it in Fangoria and online.
3. I loved it. I was so taken aback by the aesthetic.
4. Five, maybe.
5. As I recall, it was my introduction to Argento, so I'll always look on it fondly. It's still one of the most gorgeous horror films I've seen, too.

roshiq 05-22-2012 02:01 AM

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?

At probably 2007 or 08, on DVD.


Bought it from e-bay:)

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?

Yup! From HDC's lists & friend's recommendation.

3 - How was the viewing experience?

Fantastic! Color contrast, set design, background scores, camera works and overall atmosphere totally blew me away. It was one of those my early films that introduced me with the golden era of Italian horror movies. Loved it.

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?

Probably 3 or 4.

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?

Nothing particular. Though at the first viewing expected a mind-fuck, freaky-bizarre ending but still loved the story & it made me a good fan of Argento. Undeniably a true classic indeed.

fortunato 05-22-2012 07:39 PM

Anyone else care to share their first Suspiria experience?

fortunato 05-30-2012 09:41 PM

Okay, let's try another film. Everyone should have a story for this one:

1 - Do you remember when you first watched it? Theater, VHS, DVD?

2 - Did you get any feedback (from friends or media) prior to watching it?

3 - How was the viewing experience?

4 - How many times have you rewatched it since?

5 - Any memories associated with it, that you wish to share?

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