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wizard of gore 08-21-2012 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by newb (Post 932379)
back in my day nobody was "bi-polar" or had "a.d.d."...they were just fucking nuts

really?i thought docters prescribed the advanced medicine of cigarettes for mental illness in those days

Dara 08-21-2012 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Love (Post 932375)
Interesting. I, too, am Bi-Polar. Although, I don't take anything for it. Hell, I don't know how anybody hasn't been able to tell. I guess because I keep myself secluded.

I work full time in a primary school...naturally, I left the bi polar bit off my cv.Although to be honest nowadays there isnt so much stigma attached to being poorly in your brain .

Dara 08-21-2012 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Atraxi (Post 932388)
You can definitely be medication free while bipolar depending on what type of bipolar disorder you have. If you're the type who ascends mania into some type of psychosis then you should definitely still be taking medications. No medication, whether it be an anti-depressant or mood stabilizer should make you feel like a zombie and if that's the case, your psychiatrist needs to work with you on finding a medication that works with you, not against you.

Knowing your triggers, patterns (if you have them), times of day/night when you're more manic or depressed, how you react to your mood fluctuations (alcohol, painting, exercise, screaming, etc), etc will help you to get a handle on your bipolar disorder while being medication free. Learning good coping skills is essential, and having a daily routine also helps. Another very important thing is to have a good safety net of friends and family who are supportive and patient; anyone who isn't those things, you should probably remove them from your life.

I honestly hope that you can do this because while medication is great for some people, it's not appropriate for everyone and being medication-free is so much less of a hassle sometimes. However, if you do need medication, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that at all and it shows a lot of strength to admit that you need help and are willing to accept it. Also, I'm not a doctor or a licensed practitioner of any sort.

Thankyou.When I ascend into mania I clean behind the oven and fridge and do all those horrid cleaning jobs etc you generally dont do on a daily basis.The manic episodes are by far outweighed by the depression so I really need to start recognising when I become low and try to get myself motivated again.
If I manage drug free, then all good.If I cant, then hey ho taking my meds is just like putting a band aid over a cut

hammerfan 08-22-2012 10:47 AM

Looks like I'm going to be in Florida when Isaac hits.....yay.....

wizard of gore 08-22-2012 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 932445)
Looks like I'm going to be in Florida when Isaac hits.....yay.....

isaac a storm or something?

just sore on the news if you by prozac on line chances are the pills will be fill of meth,just a tip for any meth addicts out there ,or anyone dumb enough to by prescription drugs online

hammerfan 08-22-2012 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by wizard of gore (Post 932447)
isaac a storm or something?

Tropical storm, could become a hurricane.

Mr-X 08-22-2012 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by wizard of gore (Post 932447)
isaac a storm or something?

just sore on the news if you by prozac on line chances are the pills will be fill of meth,just a tip for any meth addicts out there ,or anyone dumb enough to by prescription drugs online

Most drugs sold over the Internet are legal versions of meth that are like one molecule of the original meth compound. So it's not wise to do so plus if you need Prozac it's easy obtained from the doctors if you have the correct problems for it.

The Villain 08-22-2012 03:20 PM

How did The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers get vanity plates? Did he seriously go to the DMV?

newb 08-22-2012 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by The Villain (Post 932464)
How did The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers get vanity plates? Did he seriously go to the DMV?

That's actually a damn good question.

wizard of gore 08-22-2012 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Mr-X (Post 932460)
Most drugs sold over the Internet are legal versions of meth that are like one molecule of the original meth compound. So it's not wise to do so plus if you need Prozac it's easy obtained from the doctors if you have the correct problems for it.

also said codine had horse tranquliser in it

hell you dont even need the right problem for it these days ,they hand the shit out like lollies.should be you have to attend 5 weeks counciling as well or something i reckon.

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