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Tommy Jarvis 04-08-2023 11:12 PM

My review on this documentary. There's also a documentary on [rec] coming up.

The Found Footage Phenomenon 2021 ★★★★

What I appreciated most about this movie, was the completeness of it. Personally, I only missed the Dowdle brothers and Paco Plaza. But in the who's who in the genre portrayed, this really feels like nitpicking.

This serves both as a good introduction and as a continuation. The newbies get a detailed history of the genre, while more experienced viewers are still likely to pick up titles they had not seen before.

I also liked how, in spite of the (lack of) technology, it always comes down to the same things: good characters, a good story, pushing the envelope,...

Does this mean it was perfect? No.

For one, I did not really completely agree with the stance it took on budget and recognizable actors. Thus dismissing/disrespecting Joe Keery's performance in Spree.

Also, it seemed very focused on the directors' point of view. I would also like to have seen some of the actors, like Manuela Velasco or Joe Keery for that matter, talk about how they compare this style to some of their other work.

In closing, I would like to play Devils advocate for a second and throw one more stone in the puddle. Since a lot of found footage scripts are improvised, well... Imagine Robin Williams in a FF? We know he was a master at improvising and movies like One hour photo and Insomnia proved he could be scary. Put those things together and...

How's that for a what if? :-)

Tommy Jarvis 04-08-2023 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by DeadbeatAtDawn (Post 1051198)

Looks good. It's on my (extensive) watchlist.

Tommy Jarvis 04-08-2023 11:18 PM

Tommy Jarvis 04-08-2023 11:19 PM

Dickey 04-18-2023 06:30 PM

Don't like 'em. Nobody ever holds the camera steady, and I feel like it is a way to "cheap out".

classic_horror_fan 04-24-2023 06:40 AM

Some of these are actually good. Aside from the Blair Witch and V/H/S series, some of my favorites out of this category are Demons Amoung Us, Cold Ground, The Veil, Wolf House, Zombie Epidemic: An In Depth Look At The Walking Dead, Keep Watching, to name a few.

hammerfan 04-25-2023 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by classic_horror_fan (Post 1051413)
Some of these are actually good. Aside from the Blair Witch and V/H/S series, some of my favorites out of this category are Demons Amoung Us, Cold Ground, The Veil, Wolf House, Zombie Epidemic: An In Depth Look At The Walking Dead, Keep Watching, to name a few.

Have you seen Hell House LLC? I highly recommend it.

Dickey 07-01-2023 09:10 AM

I hate FF movies...they are a way to cheap out, and if I was an epileptic, they would give me a seizure for sure.

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