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cheebacheeba 09-10-2011 10:40 PM

Two of the "New 52" titles from DC.
Not sure how I feel about this apparent retconning of the entire DC line, considering some of the titles were at really great points before they've gone ahead and done this - though, I have to say thus far what I've seen holds the interest well enough.
I've thus far read the new DETECTIVE and ACTION #1s.
What they're doing is kind of reminiscent of Marvels "Ultimate" line, but probably more parallel to the "Heroes Reborn' titles of the 90's.
Not too sure if they'll just keep things this way or re-establish everything and kind of work it into the standing continuity...quite strange that DC seems to be doing this with every title.
Action sees a very different side of Superman, whereas DETECTIVE has maybe the best first issue I've seen in some time (if you get one of the two, my reco is this) I don't think fans of the series would be disappointed by either.

Also read the latest "Sweet tooth" which I think has fallen rather flat for a while now.

The_Return 09-27-2011 10:21 AM

I also just read those 2 from New 52...wasn't too impressed with either, but wasn't exactly disappointed either.

I don't really bother to keep up with current comics so I can't say if they're any better/worse than anything else that's been going on lately - I prefer catching up on all the classics I've missed - but they both just seemed really empty to me. The stories were solid enough, and both had endings that'll make me want to read the next issue - especially Detective Comics. That last panel asks some questions...not sure where they're going, but it could either be really cool, or utter shit. But neither of them really seemed to tread any new ground...maybe I was just expecting too much from the first issue, but I would have liked to see at least something out of the ordinary.

And I was really expecting more from Grant Morrison on Action Comics. He's such a great Superman writer - All-Star Superman totally changed my opinion of the character, brilliant stuff - but this just seemed really generic, especially for someone as crazy and talented as Morrison. Not bad of course, but he's capable of way better.

I'll can't really see myself getting into much of this new stuff, but I'll probably check out a few more for curiosity's sake.

By the way, have you read the new Catwoman yet? I haven't checked it out personally, but everything I've heard makes it sound like a total shitshow...

hueyisme 09-28-2011 05:44 PM

Ive got some old Donald Duck and Nancy and Sluggo comics from about 1950, but one I remember from that era was one called Adventures Into The Unknown. A really graphic, scary comic before they started the comic code in the early 50's and tamed the comics down. After that there wasnt much to them.

Ritualistic 10-02-2011 11:57 AM

Ive started reading `68. its a zombie comic

newb 10-21-2011 07:30 PM

haven't read a comic in years.

lovelybones 10-25-2011 07:13 PM

I'm a huge fan of the Lenore comics, JTHM and bear - anything that has the same kind of dark humor. I've tried to read superhero comics and even though I love the artwork, I just can't get into them.

I've been trying to find a new series I might like - Does anyone have any reccomendations???

kyl3thund3r 10-27-2011 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by lovelybones (Post 908048)
I'm a huge fan of the Lenore comics, JTHM and bear - anything that has the same kind of dark humor. I've tried to read superhero comics and even though I love the artwork, I just can't get into them.

I've been trying to find a new series I might like - Does anyone have any reccomendations???

If you like comics, but not the superhero genre, have a shot of the walking dead. The story differs from the show so you're not re-reading stuff you may have already seen, if you have been watching that. The writing and artwork are spectacular. It's probably my favourite line of comics out just now.

To respond to the topic of the thread, I'm currently reading through the walking dead (I was a late starter) and Blackest Night as well.

Frogbros_soldier 11-09-2011 06:04 PM

Right now I just recently got The Lost Boys, Reign of Frogs Trade paper-back and must say I love it : ) and think it is great for Lost Boys fans

Weapon X 11-13-2011 09:32 PM

Alan Moore's The Courtyard.


Weapon X 11-23-2011 02:16 AM

Gotham By Gaslight

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