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dw_horrorfan 08-28-2006 07:14 AM

Never really got into Herbert as well, although i've read some of his books when i was younger .. horror as well as fantasy. His plot always seem to go on a little too long. Might give the Fog another shot, if i can get my hands on a good copy :cool:

hammerfan 08-28-2006 07:17 AM

Just got my second set of study books for Veterinary Technology and am getting ready to start "Behavior".

novakru 09-01-2006 02:12 PM


Originally posted by hammerfan
Just got my second set of study books for Veterinary Technology and am getting ready to start "Behavior".
Goody,now you can explian to me why my cat is so wierd.

OH! *smacks head* Never Mind!
It's 'cause he's a CAT:D

I just got this book from a friend:

Velvet Elvis - Repainting The Christian Faith by Rob Bell

This author used to be in a Punk band and now is the founder and pastor of a church called Mars Hill.
He's not the best writer and reading this book so far is like riding a rollar coaster,it's all over the place.
So far though,if anyone is making SENSE about the whole God issue-this guy has nailed it.
I have a hard time reading for long amounts of time though, so I may finally finish this small 194 page book sometime next year:D

Miss Olivia 09-02-2006 11:01 PM

Just finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Holy shit, the next movie is gonna be rough.

Despare 09-03-2006 06:07 AM

Just finished American Psycho and am moving on to Intensity.

Miss Olivia 09-05-2006 09:26 PM

Right now I'm reading The Tommyknockers by Stephen King.

punk666 09-06-2006 02:19 AM

im reading The Body Snatcher by Robert Louis Stevenson.

urgeok 09-06-2006 05:23 AM

upstairs - i'm reading Off Season - Jack Ketchum

downstairs - i'm reading They Thirst - until i get a chance to mail it to lil ms. hammerfan.

(i have holidays next week - i promise - on my life - that it will be sent then.)

hammerfan 09-06-2006 05:35 AM


Originally posted by urgeok
downstairs - i'm reading They Thirst - until i get a chance to mail it to lil ms. hammerfan.

(i have holidays next week - i promise - on my life - that it will be sent then.)

What do you think of it? Do you think I'm completely out of my mind yet?! :D

knife_fight 09-06-2006 06:09 AM

Just finished:

Salvation on Sand Mountain. this book is awesome. it's about a reporter who infiltrates snake~handling churches in north alabama to get a story, but then ends up becoming immersed in their culture. it's a true story and is great, especially if you're into the Southern Gothic stuff.

the Shining. when I was in middle school I read all of Mr King's "classics." like this one, Carrie, It, etc. now that I have graduated with my BS in English, I now realize that he really is a hack like all my professors said. while this isn't too well written (i.e. it's very straight-forward), it's still quite entertaining. it was lying on the floor while we were moving and I picked it up and read the first page and it sank its hooks in. now I'm in for the long haul.

the Watchmen. someone on here mentioned this not long ago and it made me want to re-read my Alan Moore books. I recently finished From Hell and went even further back and am re-reading this.

Werewolves in their Youth. this is a collection of short stories by pulitzer-winning writer Michael Chabon (author of Wonder Boys and the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, both of which are great). so far, so good. a good short story is hard to beat.

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