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The_Return 10-25-2005 01:22 PM

Ching chang? Please tell me that isnt as racist as I think it is....

The Mothman 10-25-2005 05:22 PM

wrong forum. decent movie. a little over rated.

bwind22 10-25-2005 09:01 PM

Re: Ichi the Killer

Originally posted by davey2crazy
Looks too "ching chang" for me, but I think I still would like it.
WTF? Why would ask about an Asian film and then say something like that, you fuckin' goon?

I haven't seen Ichi yet, but it's in the next 5-10 movies I have queued on Netflix so it won't be long now...

(Netflix is cool. I'm finding all sorts of stuff I've been having trouble getting my hands on.... Ichi, Toolbox Murders, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Cannibal Ferox and more! Netflix is A-OK in my book.)

Despare 10-25-2005 09:06 PM

Ichi is freakin' great (unrated version at least) but hey, if you're going to call a movie "ching chang" then you shouldn't watch it because it's subtitled which you would probably hate. Although... I guess you could watch it dubbed, or muted for that matter. Bah, just wait for the scene where, well, let's just say it's worse than shit and it hits the wall not the fan. I agree that Nitflix is GREAT. Netflix let me see Brazil again (don't own it yet :( ), decide Undead SUCKS, and it's letting me watch all these hard to find movies that I've been debating buying for a long time.

The Mothman 10-26-2005 04:27 AM

I dont see why everyone is always talking about how nasty it is though. other than the finger-breaking backwards scene and the needle through the bottom of the chin, it wasnt that bad. still a pretty good movie, but the ending was gay as hell.

scouse mac 10-26-2005 04:34 AM

No way! You cant say the torture scene was tame or when they sliced up that prostitute? I agree the ending was the weakest point of the film but it was still quality.

The Mothman 10-26-2005 04:39 AM

ya, but i remember when i first came here i asked for the goriest movies ever, and they put ichi up there. well, expecting a whole lot of gore, i was dissapointed.

scouse mac 10-26-2005 04:50 AM

I think there is a definite difference between gory and bloody, Ichi was bloody with a bit of intestine and random body parts thrown in. Its only gory if you see the full intevening process of complete person turning into mangled fleshy mess. Ichi didnt do that apart from the one cutting in half scene, it just showed the aftermath but if it had been any different it would have completely changed the type of film it is.

Gelflingboy 10-26-2005 05:08 AM

Awesome movie! has that "Riki-Oh" meets "Scarface" feel to it, down right dirty and sleazy and violent movie i say but nice gore.

That nipple scene was very remesience of the one from Lucio Fulci's The New York Ripper, i bet Takashi Miike got that idea from that movie.

handsome rob 10-26-2005 05:15 AM

very excellent movie but I can't figure why they dubbed the japanese actors with british accents.

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