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mike32 12-14-2006 02:58 PM

anyone remember this one?
Hello- I remember a movie I saw as a kid but can't remember its name; can anyone help?

It was one of those three or four horror stories in one package deals, but I only remember two:

In one, some country kid loses his dog down a pit, his father ends up going down the hole on a rope and comes back up all insane due to the horrible thing he saw down there. End of story.

The other: one of two elderly sisters dies, the other steals a ring from the dead body, dead body comes back to life and goes after ring-thief.

A good movie? Probably not. It was in color, maybe made sometime in the sixties or early seventies. I saw it on tv a couple of times as a child; it scared me then and I'd get a kick out of seeing it again. Thanks for reading this.

VampiricClown 12-14-2006 05:58 PM

Hmmmm...Not sure what it was, but it's pretty interesting sounding.

crabapple 12-14-2006 09:10 PM

Encounter with the Unknown?

mike32 12-14-2006 10:38 PM

Holy Crap!! How did you know that? Amazing . . .

The old lady story isn't there, according to IMDB, but the description of the Pit Story is spot on, and the comments from the users on IMDB confirms it. That's really the story I want to see . . .

Not that I've spent an enormous amount of time thinking about it, but I've thought about it scores of times over the last 30 years or so. Thanks for helping me!! Any suggestions on where I could find a copy? Does the ring story sound familiar at all? I thought it was the same movie, but I was wrong . . .

Anyhoo, thanks a million!!!

neverending 12-14-2006 10:54 PM


crabapple 12-14-2006 11:27 PM

Well, the ring story sounds like it is from another movie, "Black Sabbath." That was an anthology film (directed by Mario Bava) and the first story featured a witch whose ghost came after a lady who had stolen a ring from her finger. When I was a kid, this was one of the scariest freaking things I ever saw. The witch was played by an actress wearing a prosthetic mask (possibly made by Carlo Rambaldi?) with a horrifying facial expression. Very frightening image! Does that ring a bell?

mike32 12-16-2006 09:59 PM

Sounds familiar, Crabapple. I remember two shots: 1:) a shot of the ring being taken off the finger, it bleeds, and a fly lands on it, and 2) the avenging corpse comking after the offender. It sort of glides across the floor, but not so much in a spooky-floating way, but in a cheesy-on-a-dolly way. Still, it scared the bejesus out of me. Thanks for your help in finding "Encounter with the Unknown": I'll keep an eye out for "Black Sabbath".

crabapple 12-17-2006 03:08 PM

Yep, sounds like that was Black Sabbath. Expensive movie to get nowadays because it's out of print...even cheap VHS tapes of the English version can run you 30 or 40 bucks. At one point I thought that the old woman was played strictly by a mannequin, but after watching that segment very carefully I saw that it is really an actress--on a dolly, at one point--moving very smoothly. The mask gives itself away a little bit because it is larger in proportion to the rest of the actress's body...but when I was eight years old? Holy bejeepers, it was so scary I practically ran out of the room! I still remember that.

novakru 12-17-2006 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by crabapple (Post 522851)
Holy bejeepers

:) :) :)
You wordsmith you:)

crabapple 12-17-2006 05:10 PM

Oh, you little........hoochie poochie!

PhilnEdee 12-18-2006 07:15 PM

Holy bejeepers

is that the tag line for Jeepers Creepers 3?

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