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rlaugh0095 08-10-2013 11:53 PM

Things you are tired of in the horror genre.
#1 on my list is every movie by the paranormal activity guys. Every movie is about a family that get's hunted by demons.
*spoiler alert.

Anthropophagus 08-11-2013 01:43 AM

I am tired of seeing young sexy teens.Horror is more than looking at hot bodies,if i want that sort of thing i will watch a porno.

MichaelMyers 08-11-2013 01:59 AM


Angra 08-11-2013 03:21 AM


But most of all..

FREAKIN' HAND-HELD CAMERAS!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

The Villain 08-11-2013 03:54 AM

Every horror movie trying to force comedy into a movie that would be fine without it.

Kandarian Demon 08-11-2013 04:22 AM

Found footage
Torture porn

MichaelMyers 08-11-2013 04:31 AM


Giganticface 08-11-2013 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by MichaelMyers (Post 954697)

Yes. This. ^^

Ruins everything.

Ferox13 08-11-2013 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Giganticface (Post 954718)
Yes. This. ^^

Ruins everything.

I thought it was well used in LOTR series and District 9 (among others).
I agree over use of CGI or BAdly done CGI is pretty tiresome unless the title of the movie has some combination of shark/octopus/crocodile in the title.

Giganticface 08-12-2013 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Ferox13 (Post 954773)
I thought it was well used in LOTR series and District 9 (among others).
I agree over use of CGI or BAdly done CGI is pretty tiresome unless the title of the movie has some combination of shark/octopus/crocodile in the title.

Good point about District 9. The CGI in that movie was amazing. It was also pretty good in The Host.

Yeah, I don't have too much problem with CGI in fun fantasies (not GoT or Black Death style, raw fantasies), and super hero movies, although I'm not huge fans of those types of movies anyway. In horror movies, it almost always just makes it less scary, for me at least.

_____V_____ 08-12-2013 03:29 AM

That's because there's a lot more budget to be played with, for a studio-backed mega-blockbuster, than there is for a horror film.

Most contemporary horror films are independently funded, unlike a chosen few such as Prometheus which get plenty of studio-backing (and studio-honchos intrusion, but that's a separate topic). They are then selected/bought by a studio to release it.

Usually the makers have to do with the budget they have in hand, that's why modern CGI isn't that effective as it should be. Call me nostalgic but I still prefer props/make-up over CGI, any day.

Noodlefox 08-13-2013 09:38 PM

I appreciate CGI when it's used to its best effect, but far to often it's just thrown in because they can and it's the newest toy and it really doesn't help anything... If you can't do it right I would rather it just not be used at all.

The only other problem I have with CGI is there are times it looks to... pretty... Even when they're trying to create something horrifying the very nature of CGI, I guess, makes it look far to appealing and "cool" and the whole point of what was being created in the first place gets lost.

Practical effects may not be state of the art, but they're so unreal looking that they do a far better job. Some of the most terrifying imagery I've ever seen in horror films have been done with claymation.

The only other thing that really annoys me in horror is the over sexualization of female victims where it doesn't belong (if sex is part of the point of what's happening it's fine, but if we're showing ten minutes of boobs before a woman is stabbed because... boobs then it's just grating).

And finally the overuse of gore to try and distract from the fact that nothing else is going on. I enjoy a dismembered body as much as the next person, but if that is literally all your movie has going for it then there's a serious problem, and far to often I feel like it's believed if you throw buckets of blood around that's all you need to make the film scary.

Ferox13 08-14-2013 12:37 AM

^What do you think of Brain Dead?

hammerfan 08-14-2013 04:37 AM

Gratuitous sex and nudity. Don't need it, just get on with the story already!

Angra 08-14-2013 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 954947)
Gratuitous sex and nudity. Don't need it, just get on with the story already!

Couldn't agree more.

And that goes for all genres. Except porn, of course.

Noodlefox 08-14-2013 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Ferox13 (Post 954936)
^What do you think of Brain Dead?

Asking me? Give me two hours and I'll let you know (never seen it, watching it now).

Okay so I realized there are two movies to which you could be referring; a 1990 film about a neurosurgeon going off his rocker and a 1992...3? New Zealand film about zombies neither of which I had seen before. So I watched the 1990 film since it was readily available on Netflix, sounded awesome and I wasn't disappointed. That was a piece of art as far as I'm concerned. Just wow.

As far as the zombie film goes I'll pick that one up tomorrow from the video rental place next to my work.

Ferox13 08-15-2013 12:57 AM

I am talking about the Peter Jackson Movie film - as it really defines a film with an 'overuse of gore', yet it is a fantastic movie. I think you have to judge things on a film to film basis.

The nudity in Re-Animator and more so in tons of Troma Movies and exploitation classics are Blood Sucking Freaking is totally gratuitous yet I really enjoy them.
The very nature of the Exploitation Genre revolves around Sex and Violence (ok sex and violence long with giant afros, kung fu and nazi uniforms).

I guess I'm not explicitly talking about the horror genre but when it comes to horror/exploitation the lines blur.

CaraBloodyCara 08-15-2013 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by hammerfan (Post 954947)
Gratuitous sex and nudity. Don't need it, just get on with the story already!

This used to not bother me as much as it does now. The nudity is a movie-to-movie basis kind of thing, but if there's just tons of graphic sex scenes that have no actual importance pertaining to the story, I get pretty annoyed. I'm no prude but sex (mostly) isn't scary.

And in the same vein...less graphic, long, intense rape scenes would be cool. I'm a little disconcerted by how many I've seen in recent history.

StoneGhost 08-16-2013 05:48 AM

The 'they-think-it's-safe' trope that gets tagged onto the end of every single film now. You know, where you think the monster/lunatic/ghost/whatever has been bested and in the last few seconds of the film...or, more likely, halfway through the ending credits, you get some little teaser that whatever it is isn't defeated (big gasp! not.) In some instances, it follows...like the close-up of the car's grill moving at the end of 'Christine'. THAT makes sense and is gratifying - in a film about a demonic car that repairs itself, you EXPECT it to do that at the end!

But FFS, does it have to be every film?

The Villain 08-16-2013 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by StoneGhost (Post 955119)
The 'they-think-it's-safe' trope that gets tagged onto the end of every single film now. You know, where you think the monster/lunatic/ghost/whatever has been bested and in the last few seconds of the film...or, more likely, halfway through the ending credits, you get some little teaser that whatever it is isn't defeated (big gasp! not.) In some instances, it follows...like the close-up of the car's grill moving at the end of 'Christine'. THAT makes sense and is gratifying - in a film about a demonic car that repairs itself, you EXPECT it to do that at the end!

But FFS, does it have to be every film?

A running theme in horror is evil never dies but yeah they've exhausted the hell out of that trick

AlexSivier 08-18-2013 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Noodlefox (Post 954918)
I appreciate CGI when it's used to its best effect, but far to often it's just thrown in because they can and it's the newest toy and it really doesn't help anything... If you can't do it right I would rather it just not be used at all.

CGI is not the problem. The problem is that it gives filmmakers too much power to SHOW the horro. A hidden monster is far scarier than one in plain sight no matter how grotesque it is. That's why the original alien is a classic, and the newer ones are just crap

HorrorJ 08-22-2013 12:11 PM

Torture porn
Excessive nudity/sex
"Dumb" victims
Movies that have too many sequels

Gustav Weil 08-23-2013 05:43 AM

I'm tired of cardboard, identikit actors in leading roles in horror movies.
Where is the next Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, etc??

shiningm 08-26-2013 10:40 AM

How do you all feel about horror moving away from one of it's biggest tropes which is that in horror, amongst other genres, the main character(s) never die(s). With a lot of recent horror films we're beginning to see that happen more often.

TokyoTenshi 08-29-2013 09:37 AM

There are a few things that I'm tired of in horror genre.

1. Overused CGI. CGI can be a big help or a big flaw in movie. I'm fine with CGI that helps a movie but sometimes it's way overused to the point of being ridiculous. Sometimes it's too obvious and done so bad that it ruins the movie for me.

2. Remakes. Many remakes are very disappointing and shouldn't even be made but there are some that I think are quite good.

3. Neverending sequels or reviving well known franchise just for the sake of reviving it or leeching off its fame. For example - Hellraiser Revelations and Children of the Corn remake. Oh I was also HIGHLY disappointed with Evil Dead remake!

4. Cliche. Like cliche characters - dumb blond, jock, the snobby popular kids that dies, the nerd, typical stoners etc. Cliche scenario.

5. Excessive nudity or unnecessary sex and scenes that have absolutely nothing to do with the film.

6. Film color correction. Urgh this annoys me to no end. I know that 'darkness' is associated with horror but come on! How come you don't turn on the lights like... ever in a movie? That's why I love classic movies, because they don't have the color correction therefore it looks natural and I think it's scarier that way.. but color correcting it until it's too dark that you can't even see a damn thing? They just rely on jumpscares and sound effect.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

Bob Gray 08-29-2013 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by TokyoTenshi (Post 955892)
There are a few things that I'm tired of in horror genre.

1. Overused CGI. CGI can be a big help or a big flaw in movie. I'm fine with CGI that helps a movie but sometimes it's way overused to the point of being ridiculous. Sometimes it's too obvious and done so bad that it ruins the movie for me.

2. Remakes. Many remakes are very disappointing and shouldn't even be made but there are some that I think are quite good.

3. Neverending sequels or reviving well known franchise just for the sake of reviving it or leeching off its fame. For example - Hellraiser Revelations and Children of the Corn remake. Oh I was also HIGHLY disappointed with Evil Dead remake!

4. Cliche. Like cliche characters - dumb blond, jock, the snobby popular kids that dies, the nerd, typical stoners etc. Cliche scenario.

5. Excessive nudity or unnecessary sex and scenes that have absolutely nothing to do with the film.

6. Film color correction. Urgh this annoys me to no end. I know that 'darkness' is associated with horror but come on! How come you don't turn on the lights like... ever in a movie? That's why I love classic movies, because they don't have the color correction therefore it looks natural and I think it's scarier that way.. but color correcting it until it's too dark that you can't even see a damn thing? They just rely on jumpscares and sound effect.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

I agree with most of these points except I really enjoyed the new take on Evil Dead. Cliche characters are probably my biggest beef with horror movies these days, I want to see the stoner who is actually intelligent (like many stoners are) and maybe he/she doesn't save the day (because I'm not a huge fan of happy endings) but they at least hold their own for awhile.

CreedNoir 08-29-2013 03:58 PM

Shock and cheap thrills.

I'm looking for something that is truly dreadful, but at the same rate tells a good story.

TokyoTenshi 09-01-2013 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Gray (Post 955898)
I agree with most of these points except I really enjoyed the new take on Evil Dead. Cliche characters are probably my biggest beef with horror movies these days, I want to see the stoner who is actually intelligent (like many stoners are) and maybe he/she doesn't save the day (because I'm not a huge fan of happy endings) but they at least hold their own for awhile.

Evil Dead remake to me was just pure gore with no character development. It felt like a drag.

I think I've seen a few movies with not-so-dumb-and-annoying stoner but all I can remember are Detention of the Dead (I think Justin Chon did a great job as a stoner!) and Idle Hands.

I've also seen like a couple of movies where the nobody save the day but darn it can't remember any. Only horror movies with depressing ending that I could think of are 2007's The Mist and Cabin in the Woods.

Bob Gray 09-02-2013 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by TokyoTenshi (Post 956043)
Evil Dead remake to me was just pure gore with no character development. It felt like a drag.

I think I've seen a few movies with not-so-dumb-and-annoying stoner but all I can remember are Detention of the Dead (I think Justin Chon did a great job as a stoner!) and Idle Hands.

I've also seen like a couple of movies where the nobody save the day but darn it can't remember any. Only horror movies with depressing ending that I could think of are 2007's The Mist and Cabin in the Woods.

You are certainly welcomed to feel that way about the Evil Dead remake, personally though, I never felt that the original had any character development and neither was a drag for me. I thoroughly enjoy both versions.

Never saw Detention of the Dead, have to check that one out. I can't remember anything about Idle Hands other than it had Devon Sawa, Seth Green, and that dude from The Mighty.

A lot of people hated the ending of The Mist but I liked it way better than the original story's ending, I've seen Cabin in the Woods once and can't remember a damn thing about it.

Haifisch 09-02-2013 04:05 PM

There have been a lot of good points raised here. I can agree that there is too much CGI in horror films today. I might have been more invested in Strangers, for example, if the flea market version of Slenderman didn't look like something out of a video game.
My main issue is with cheap, lazy sequels. I had really high hopes for the newest Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and when I saw the film it was obvious that the director did not care about the material. Then you've got sequels where they'll try to make it darker, or funnier, or add some supernatural twist to the story where it doesn't belong. Rest Stop 2 is a perfect example of the latter, where they make a sequel to this realistic and disturbing horror film, only this time it's about ghosts.

Haifisch 09-03-2013 09:24 AM

I just realized, when I said "Strangers" I meant Intruders.
Which is another thing I'm getting tired of - generic titles that all sound the same. Particularly those with titles that have already been taken. I recently saw The Cottage, and when I recommend it to people I need to specify that it's a British slasher film and not the Arquette thriller. And then there's the fact that Disney just stole the title from Frozen. I wish people who make these movies could think of more creative titles that will catch people's attention, names like The Rats in the Walls or John Dies at the End.

Regansvomit 09-13-2013 03:31 PM

Seeing beautiful people regardless of their age. I want to see normal looking people that I can relate to. I want them to come across as intelligent.

Films are too predictable and too filtered now. I want the religious and political world to be in an uproar when a new film is released.

We need less music. When there is silence aside from the ambience of the seen, the viewer can use their own imagination better.

LongingLoner 10-03-2013 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Regansvomit (Post 956712)
Seeing beautiful people regardless of their age. I want to see normal looking people that I can relate to. I want them to come across as intelligent.

Films are too predictable and too filtered now. I want the religious and political world to be in an uproar when a new film is released.

We need less music. When there is silence aside from the ambience of the seen, the viewer can use their own imagination better.

I will second this. Put an average looking middle-class family in a film say surrounding a house, building, or even the forest, and use scores lightly ! Add more silence to the suspense scenes .

Ferox13 10-04-2013 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Regansvomit (Post 956712)
Seeing beautiful people regardless of their age. I want to see normal looking people that I can relate to. I want them to come across as intelligent.

You need to hang out with better looking people.

Ice Pik 10-05-2013 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by HorrorJ (Post 955537)
Torture porn
Excessive nudity/sex
"Dumb" victims
Movies that have too many sequels

Kinda hit the nail on the head.

Rob Zombie's films are like that. I like the story on the Halloween remake but half way through the movie I was sitting there going another nude scene.
I think like 90% of my favorite horror films have no nudity.

but i guess if there wasn't dumb victims there would be no horror films.
horror film - holy shit there's a monster in that room, let me get a better look
Real life - Holy shit there's a monster in that room, I'm getting the hell out of here!

ImmortalSlasher 10-05-2013 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by MichaelMyers (Post 954683)

Yeah, 99% of them aren't good at all.

Ferox13 10-05-2013 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ice Pik (Post 957908)
Kinda hit the nail on the head.

Rob Zombie's films are like that. I like the story on the Halloween remake but half way through the movie I was sitting there going another nude scene.
I think like 90% of my favorite horror films have no nudity.

but i guess if there wasn't dumb victims there would be no horror films.
horror film - holy shit there's a monster in that room, let me get a better look
Real life - Holy shit there's a monster in that room, I'm getting the hell out of here!

Ok. first off what is 'Torture porn' ? Do you mean insex or some other BDSM stuff? Is this bad?

I can't see how you can't think RZ's first 2 film are outstanding. He created a bunch of amazing characters and dialogue that we will be quoting for years.
I do think his films have faults but with regard to the 2 I mention they their weak points are neglect able to the over all product.

Kandarian Demon 10-05-2013 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Ice Pik (Post 957908)
but i guess if there wasn't dumb victims there would be no horror films.
horror film - holy shit there's a monster in that room, let me get a better look
Real life - Holy shit there's a monster in that room, I'm getting the hell out of here!

Actually, I can tell you from personal experience that that's not true :D

Maaany years ago, when I was a teenager, I was heading for the bathroom... and when I began to open the door, I heard a loud growl . My mother heard it too... her reaction was to grab a huge kitchen knife and open the bathroom door...

Of course, there were no monsters in there... it was a piece of plastic stuck under the door that was scraping against the stone floor :D :D :D

Your house/home is something you need to protect... it's where you sleep, where you're supposed to be safe. It's where all your possessions are. You probably have a job nearby. You can't just leave it all behind. In the case of "haunted house" movies, I think it's a natural instinct to say "there's something on my house, I need to protect it!".

Ice Pik 10-05-2013 04:11 PM

I think House of a 1,000 corpse was good, Devils rejects was ehhh, The first Halloween was good if it wasn't for all of the nude and just pointless scenes, the second one was kinda like ummm...wtf happened? and Lords of Salem was a waste of time.

Ehhh idk. his movies start good and grab you but half way through it seems like it's just fillers. He can build the suspense and bring the plot to life just can't execute it.

American Haunting (which I watched earlier) made me think of the my comment after I posted. Little girl appears out of no where and grabs the soccer ball and the other girl runs after her as she vanishing and reappearing.

Also I was in my house one time when I was like 13 by myself and all of a sudden dresser handles started chingling and a door shut, I grabbed a knife and ran to the front door and stood in the door way. If a monster comes out at me, I want a back up plan...lol.
You're right though, I go investigate every noise I hear now even in times when I'm like if there was someone with a knife I would of died coming around that corner.

MichaelMyers 10-05-2013 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Ice Pik (Post 957944)
Also I was in my house one time when I was like 13 by myself and all of a sudden dresser handles started chingling and a door shut, I grabbed a knife and ran to the front door and stood in the door way. If a monster comes out at me, I want a back up plan...lol.
You're right though, I go investigate every noise I hear now even in times when I'm like if there was someone with a knife I would of died coming around that corner.

Well what about this: you are sitting in a room and hear a strange noise coming from directly OUTside your house. Do you investigate.

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