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bwind22 06-24-2005 01:58 PM

George A. Romero's Land of the Dead
Well I decided that since it's officially here... Land of the Dead deserved it's own thread in the Moder Horror Section now. And since I went and saw the earliest possible showing of it, I may as well be the one to do it....

CAUTION ---- LOTD discussion ahead!!! If you haven't seen it and don't want to know about it, don't continue reading!!!

So........... What did everyone think?

Personally, I went in not to high on the idea of the zombies evolving and I left sort of feeling the same way. Romero made another kickass zombie film but I didn't think it was anywhere near as groundbreaking as Night or Dawn. Of course those are very hard to match, and it was still a pretty kick ass film in it's own right. I'll have to watch a couple more times before developing anything more solid than this opinion...

It was good, but not as great as I was hoping. I'd give it a B+.

For reference, I'd give Night an A+, Dawn an A+, and Day an A-, so it was my least favorite of his Dead Series (Hey! It's not a trilogy any more!) but still definately worth seeing/renting/owning!

Something about the main zombie's (The big black bald guy) facial makeup never really quite looked right to me and that sort of bothered me too.

hollywoodgothiq 06-24-2005 03:32 PM

Well, after waiting twenty years for this film, it's hard not to be a little bit disapointed. Still, there was so much good in the film, it's worth seeing again. Only time will tell whether the problematic elements grown on you or just become more annoying.

The film went down very well with the audience I saw it with. Some people mumbled nitpicks on the way out, but lots were screaming during the actual film.

READ MORE HERE: http://hollywoodgothique.bravejournal.com/entry/12396

massacre man 06-24-2005 05:55 PM

i think Robert Joy was the best actor on Land

HappyCamper 06-24-2005 06:11 PM

SPOILER AHEAD...well sort of..
Well I just got home from seeing 'Land of the Dead' and I thought the movie was fucking awesome!

I will have to agree however that it can't compare with NOTLD, or Dawn.

Really the only thing I didn't like was the fact that the zombies have evolved, although I can see why Romero did it.

I did like the fact, that he left it open for a sequel. Romero has even said that if he is given the chance that he may do at least one more film. I for one sure hope that he is given that chance.

massacre man 06-24-2005 06:12 PM

Re: SPOILER AHEAD...well sort of..

Originally posted by HappyCamper
Well I just got home from seeing 'Land of the Dead' and I thought the movie was fucking awesome!

I will have to agree however that it can't compare with NOTLD, or Dawn.

Really the only thing I didn't like was the fact that the zombies have evolved, although I can see why Romero did it.

I did like the fact, that he left it open for a sequel. Romero has even said that if he is given the chance that he may do at least one more film. I for one sure hope that he is given that chance.

he said he would make Land of the Dead into another trilogy about the same characters

HappyCamper 06-24-2005 06:29 PM

Re: Re: SPOILER AHEAD...well sort of..

Originally posted by massacre man
he said he would make Land of the Dead into another trilogy about the same characters
Yeah you're right he did say that. And I sure as hell hope that he is given the chance too.

I fucking love zombie movies!

BH14 06-24-2005 07:50 PM

Is it better than the re-make of Dawn of the Dead and 28 Days Later?? If its up there with those movies, then its worth a look.

MoonLit Meadow 06-24-2005 08:56 PM

I just got back too...I thought it was entertaining, but definately not "Romero's Masterpiece" as some critics were calling it. It had its moments, but it wasn't truly scary or over the top gory in my opinion. Decent acting...decent makeup....it was decent ;)

HappyCamper 06-24-2005 09:26 PM

I will still purchase this movie when it comes out on dvd. It's definitely entertaining, but Dawn and NOTLD are better.

barbra 06-24-2005 10:08 PM

im lazy

Originally posted by barbra
land of the dead

I was hoping for more exploding heads and gore. I liked the movie but Im still not sure how I feel about it. I think I need to go see it again.

The_Return 06-25-2005 07:06 AM

Going tonight, and Im damn psyched:D

I havnt read any of this thread yet...so here are my predictions:

1) It will be the best horror movie Ive ever seen in theatres [Wont take much, all Ive seen in theatres is Boogeyman and the new Amittyville:rolleyes: ]

2) I will prefer it to both versions of Dawn of the Dead, but it wont be as good as Night or Day.

3) The gore will be good, but not as gory as it could be.

4) "Big Daddy" will be the worst character in the whole series.

Theres my bets:D

HappyCamper 06-25-2005 07:26 AM

how can you prefer it over the original Dawn of the Dead? I can understand prefering it over the remake, but the original? I think you need to think again.

alkytrio666 06-25-2005 07:49 AM

Really wasn't all that great at all, if you ask me. Didn't even feel like Romero. There was probably only 20 minutes total of zombies eating guts, flesh, etc. and the rest was explosions.

The Amityville remake was better, in my humble opinion.

P.S. Didn't even touch the original 'Dawn'.


Originally posted by The_Return
Going tonight, and Im damn psyched:D

I havnt read any of this thread yet...so here are my predictions:

1) It will be the best horror movie Ive ever seen in theatres [Wont take much, all Ive seen in theatres is Boogeyman and the new Amittyville:rolleyes: ]

BH14 06-25-2005 08:37 AM

So we have a couple people who thought it was awesome and others that thought it was decent and someone who preferred "The New Amityville" over this movie..... Kinda mixed reviews on this movie......

Is it better than the Dawn of the Dead re-make??

alkytrio666 06-25-2005 08:39 AM


Originally posted by BH14
So we have a couple people who thought it was awesome and others that thought it was decent and someone who preferred "The New Amityville" over this movie..... Kinda mixed reviews on this movie......

Is it better than the Dawn of the Dead re-make??


Only 'cause it's got a fresh, new, original feel to it.

massacre man 06-25-2005 08:55 AM

Re: Re: Re: SPOILER AHEAD...well sort of..

Originally posted by HappyCamper
Yeah you're right he did say that. And I sure as hell hope that he is given the chance too.

I fucking love zombie movies!

yeah hopefully Asia Argento and Robert Joy do come back for both of the next films

bwind22 06-25-2005 09:29 AM

The best gore/kill scene was when the dude holding a gernade got his arm cut off and then fell on it. lmao. That was classic!

To whoever was asking for a comparison to the Dawn remake, just go see Land. It's good for a modern day zombie movie but it's just nowhere near as groundbreaking or monumental as Night or Dawn. Some of the zombies in Land have been roaming the Earth since Dawn (Literally! Anyone catch Tom Savini's cameo? He was playing the same character as he did in Dawn. That was cool to keep that continuity there!)

massacre man 06-25-2005 09:34 AM


Originally posted by bwind22
The best gore/kill scene was when the dude holding a gernade got his arm cut off and then fell on it. lmao. That was classic!

To whoever was asking for a comparison to the Dawn remake, just go see Land. It's good for a modern day zombie movie but it's just nowhere near as groundbreaking or monumental as Night or Dawn. Some of the zombies in Land have been roaming the Earth since Dawn (Literally! Anyone catch Tom Savini's cameo? He was playing the same character as he did in Dawn. That was cool to keep that continuity there!)

i thought it was awesome when he sliced the guy's face off

bwind22 06-25-2005 09:42 AM

I also really liked the mass feeding scenes. Those were pretty cool.

BH14 06-25-2005 09:57 AM

I read some harsh reviews from users at the database site... Some loved it and some really hated it.... I will probably wait for it to hit DVD to see it before I spend 30-40 bucks to see it at the movies. Seems like people didnt care for the acting and the characters.

barbra 06-25-2005 10:56 AM

you know, now that Im awake and sober, I wasn;t even scared of the zombies and they freak me out. I didn't have one fo my usual zombie dreams or anything. And I wasnt really sure what was going on when the zombies just left the city. Now they have to co-exisit... weird. I understand WHERE it came from Im just not sure why it went that way.

understand what Im getting at cause I think Im confusing myself.

MoonLit Meadow 06-25-2005 10:59 AM


Originally posted by barbra
you know, now that Im awake and sober, I wasn;t even scared of the zombies and they freak me out. I didn't have one fo my usual zombie dreams or anything. And I wasnt really sure what was going on when the zombies just left the city. Now they have to co-exisit... weird. I understand WHERE it came from Im just not sure why it went that way.

understand what Im getting at cause I think Im confusing myself.

I know what you're getting at...but I'm thinking that...maybe the zombies and the humans finally realized it was better to co-exist than to continue fighting? ;) I don't know...maybe Romero was trying to incinuate we should stop the war in Iraq and all just get along ;) AHAHAH. But he probably just wanted to leave it open for a sequel..

Shade 06-25-2005 02:30 PM

Just got back from seeing this ^-^. Not quite as good as the remake of of Dawn of the Dead but it was decent and had some excellent gore...plus I have a thing for John Leguisamo (sp?)...and hey, someone else payed my way in. Can't beat that.

alkytrio666 06-25-2005 03:22 PM


Originally posted by MoonLit Meadow
I know what you're getting at...but I'm thinking that...maybe the zombies and the humans finally realized it was better to co-exist than to continue fighting? ;) I don't know...maybe Romero was trying to incinuate we should stop the war in Iraq and all just get along ;) AHAHAH. But he probably just wanted to leave it open for a sequel..
Oh, God, I hope not. Not another Alien Vs. Predator fate. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm thinking he just wanted to leave some sequal options open...at least that's what I hope...

alkytrio666 06-25-2005 03:43 PM


Originally posted by bwind22
I also really liked the mass feeding scenes. Those were pretty cool.
I liked when they walk in the dark room with a flashlight and they shine it over the zombie with it's hand down that chick's throat, pulling out her intestines. (That part's actually in the unrated trailer)

The part that made me cringe, though, was when that lady zombie broke alll of her nails off scratching at the Dead whatever vehicle thing. Oooo, blach. That really got me. The noise!

Deposable 06-25-2005 08:40 PM

This movie was a master piece! It should go down with all his other great movies.

I love 28 days later and I like the remake of Dawn of the dead. But this movie is far better than all those fakes.

There was more death and gore in this horror movie, than has been for 20 fucking years! Some people will bitch about anything.

The whole message for "Land of the dead" was perfect for todays youth. Classism is more blatant today, than it has been since the midevil ages. The actors weren't bad at all.. Dennis Hopper was amazing

But all people care about is if its scary or how people die:rolleyes:

What movie is scary for a horror fan? we seen it all. I hope someone got something out of this movie besides how cool the zombies look.

alkytrio666 06-25-2005 08:45 PM


Originally posted by Deposable
This movie was a master piece! It should go down with all his other great movies.

I love 28 days later and I like the remake of Dawn of the dead. But this movie is far better than all those fakes.

There was more death and gore in this horror movie, than has been for 20 fucking years! Some people will bitch about anything.

The whole message for "Land of the dead" was perfect for todays youth. Classism is more blatant today, than it has been since the midevil ages. The actors weren't bad at all.. Dennis Hopper was amazing

But all people care about is if its scary or how people die:rolleyes:

What movie is scary for a horror fan? we seen it all. I hope someone got something out of this movie besides how cool the zombies look.

I'm not bitching about the acting, or the way the zombies look. I'm bitching because this just wasn't Romero. There was too much explosions, missles, etc. and the whole "Hi, I'm Dennis Hopper, I'm a rebel bad ass and I'm going to save everyone all by myself" action movie thing kinda pissed me off.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the movie. 7/10. It just didn't scream "romero" like I hoped it did.

Deposable 06-25-2005 08:54 PM


Originally posted by alkytrio666
"Hi, I'm Dennis Hopper, I'm a rebel bad ass and I'm going to save everyone all by myself" action movie thing kinda pissed me off.

I never really got that feeling from the movie. He was more like a real life president.

The only thing that pissed me off was the black zombie growling all the time.

The_Return 06-26-2005 08:10 AM


Originally posted by HappyCamper
how can you prefer it over the original Dawn of the Dead? I can understand prefering it over the remake, but the original? I think you need to think again.
I know my opinions on the original Dawn arent echoed by many, but I saw it as a definate low point of the series. It was still a good movie...but compared to Night and Day, and even Land, it didnt hold up. For me, at least. The acting was bad [not that acting should be expected in a zombie movie], the plot was totally wasted [The mall was a damn great idea...put to waste], and it had very few memorable moments. It did have the Raiders though...the movie definatly picked up part way through. Also, and this could get me some strange looks, I thought the exploding heads were WAY overused. Sure it was a cool effect...but it went the same way as the solar weapons in Blade...cool, buy way,way overused. =The main thing it had going for it was that it set major info for Day and Land [that the zombies have some grasp on their past lives]

Anyway, enoigh ranting about Dawn...the thread's about

Heres a recap of my predictions for Land:


Originally posted by The_Return

1) It will be the best horror movie Ive ever seen in theatres [Wont take much, all Ive seen in theatres is Boogeyman and the new Amittyville:rolleyes: ]

2) I will prefer it to both versions of Dawn of the Dead, but it wont be as good as Night or Day.

3) The gore will be good, but not as gory as it could be.

4) "Big Daddy" will be the worst character in the whole series.

1) It definatly was. Not that Im surprised that it was better than shit like Boogeyman and Amittyville:rolleyes:

2) Ding ding. Once again, my prediction was corect! Id rank the Night, Day, Land, Dawn, with Night and Day being very close.

3) I was semi wrong here. Although it wasnt as gory as it could have been, I was completly satufied with the gore.

4) He wasnt nearly as horrible a character as I was expecting him to be. His groans whenever one of "his" zombies got killed got annoying, but it was certainly interesting that he was so advanced he could teach the others.

Overall, I give Land 8/10. For the record, I gave the others:

Night 9.5/10
Day 9/10

alkytrio666 06-26-2005 08:17 AM


Originally posted by The_Return
I know my opinions on the original Dawn arent echoed by many, but I saw it as a definate low point of the series. It was still a good movie...but compared to Night and Day, and even Land, it didnt hold up. For me, at least. The acting was bad [not that acting should be expected in a zombie movie], the plot was totally wasted [The mall was a damn great idea...put to waste], and it had very few memorable moments. It did have the Raiders though...the movie definatly picked up part way through. Also, and this could get me some strange looks, I thought the exploding heads were WAY overused. Sure it was a cool effect...but it went the same way as the solar weapons in Blade...cool, buy way,way overused. =The main thing it had going for it was that it set major info for Day and Land [that the zombies have some grasp on their past lives]
ARGHH!!! Haha, I loved the original 'Dawn', it was probably my favorite. The clowny music playing while the zombies rip open the humans, I LOVE that scene. I have that goofy ass song on my computer.

The_Return 06-26-2005 08:30 AM


Originally posted by alkytrio666
ARGHH!!! Haha, I loved the original 'Dawn', it was probably my favorite. The clowny music playing while the zombies rip open the humans, I LOVE that scene. I have that goofy ass song on my computer.
That ws another thing I didnt like about Dawn. Although I did enjoy the less serious parts of the rest of the series, Dawn seemed to go totaly over the top [Pie fighting, anyone?]

Still, Im not saying that Dawn was a bad film. Just what I consider the low point of a great series. I did give it a 7/10, as you see in my other post:)

alkytrio666 06-26-2005 08:37 AM


Originally posted by The_Return
That ws another thing I didnt like about Dawn. Although I did enjoy the less serious parts of the rest of the series, Dawn seemed to go totaly over the top [Pie fighting, anyone?]

Still, Im not saying that Dawn was a bad film. Just what I consider the low point of a great series. I did give it a 7/10, as you see in my other post:)

To me, that was a good thing...it eased off the way series stuff and gave us a huge blend of humor, gore, etc.

It just makes it so fun to watch.

The_Return 06-26-2005 08:53 AM


Originally posted by alkytrio666
To me, that was a good thing...it eased off the way series stuff and gave us a huge blend of humor, gore, etc.

It just makes it so fun to watch.

True, but I definatly prefer the seriousness of Night and Day.

I think I need to see Dawn again...

bwind22 06-26-2005 08:56 AM


Originally posted by The_Return
I think I need to see Dawn again...
Either that or just stop talking about it! You are really lowering my opinion of you every time you open your mouth and say Land was better than Dawn. (Not that my opinion should matter to you or anything.)

P.S. I'm just joking. But seriously, how can you think Dawn was the worst? That's absurd!

The_Return 06-26-2005 09:06 AM


Originally posted by bwind22
Either that or just stop talking about it! You are really lowering my opinion of you every time you open your mouth and say Land was better than Dawn. (Not that my opinion should matter to you or anything.)

P.S. I'm just joking. But seriously, how can you think Dawn was the worst? That's absurd!

Just because I think it was the worst, doesnt mean I thought it was bad. Just personal preference, I guess. I enjoyed Land more than Dawn. It's not like Im telling you that you're an idiot for prefering Dawn, Im just stating my opinion.:)

BH14 06-26-2005 09:45 AM

Dawn of the Dead took some of the seriousness in fighting zombies when one can run in between buncha zombies with much ease and even kick them in the ankles...... I didnt care for that too much and I didnt find it funny enough that i would consider it as a horror/comedy. I still liked it but I prefer the serious horror zombie movies.

Luis Serra 06-26-2005 09:57 AM

1. Dawn
2. Land
3. Day
4. Night

The_Return 06-26-2005 01:49 PM

I hope that once Land gets released on DVD, we get a region 1 boxset of the series. I own Night [of course], but I dont know weather I should shell out $40 or so to get the other 2, or wait for a set...Ill probably wait until Christmas, in which case Ill have the money to buy either....

filmmaker2 06-26-2005 05:48 PM

Since everyone who wanted to see it badly has probably seen it and formed their own opinions, I thought I would rate this film. This is a studio-backed film, and seems to be a little off, not pure Romero. I would give it a 6 out of 10. It wasn't boring, but it didn't seem to "want" to be very scary either; it seemed mild overall, even though there was lots of onscreen violence, much more than I expected. More fun than scary.

I was always happy, though, with the previous three films, thought of them as the "trilogy," and never really thought this would get made, so it's really icing on a cake that was baked and done a long time ago, as far as I'm concerned. I'm looking forward to the DVD release, and happy to have contributed to Romero's opening weekend. Here's to ya, George!

phantomstranger 06-26-2005 06:18 PM

I liked it! Fun, gory,good acting and a good story. 7 out of 10

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