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The Flayed One 06-30-2006 08:20 PM

The Official HDC Top 100.
Okay. Let me be the first to say, I can't be guaranteed that you'll all be happy with the results. However, if you didn't vote, that's not my concern. If the blurbs aren't in for these yet, I'll post them anyway and add them when I get them. That is all. ENJOY!

The Flayed One 06-30-2006 08:31 PM

100. Perfect Blue (1996)
Surreal little anime movie. If you like a mind-fuck, you're going to dig this. Beautifully animated story about a retired pop singer with an obsessed fan. I was blown away the first time I saw it. If you're a fan of horror or anime, do yourself a favor. Watch it. - The Flayed One

99. Opera (Dario Argentos Opera)
An overlooked giallo styled reworking of Phantom of the Opera from one of the genre’s hugely influential auteurs Dario Argento.
This flick is quite possibly Argentos finest work because it’s more coherent than a lot of his previous films while still retaining his trademark staged murder scenes.
This time round Argento ups the savagery of his previous vehicles and throws the viewer into a deeply unsettling experience that leaves many indelible images of helplessness and terror.
Needles taped to eyelids leaving no option for the young starlet protagonist but to witness the butchery dealt out to the victims by the hand of the “Phantom”. A truly villainous headfuck by one of the genre’s most sadistic protagonists. Stabbed hands, ex-wives prying eyes blown away, scissor driven interrogation and disembowelment sound tracked by Italian thrash metal legends Steel Grave all add to an effectively disturbing atmosphere.
This flick is gold and is a fantastic reinvention of old subject matter (including Argentos) that spews intensity. - Elvis_Christ

98. The Serpent and the Rainbow
One of Craven's most effective films, The Serpent and the Rainbow touches on many issues that few horror films have: life in Haiti under the regime of "Baby Doc" Duvalier, ruthless drug companies, and of course, voodoo. Bill Pullman does some of his best work in this film as the scientist sent to investigate the "zombie powder." The mood of the film has a strange fairy-tale quality that slowly and nearly imperceptibly shifts to horror and outright madness. An underappreciated gem that every horror fan owes to themself to see at least once. - noctuary

97. Silver Bullet
Ahh, a Stephen King great. One of his best, in my humble opinion. A crippled boy, who has the unfortunate luck of having Gary Busey as an uncle, gets the gift of a wheelchair named 'The Silver Bullet'. Blending comedy with horror, Silver Bullet gave a much needed boost to the werewolf genre at the time. It offered comedy, decent acting, good F/X and a creepy scene or two into a time when the franchise slasher villain ruled the world. - The Flayed One

96. Scanners
One of the better b-horror movies..people with extraordinary psychic powers ..Cronenberg at his best - slasherman

The Flayed One 06-30-2006 09:04 PM

95. The Blob (1988)
Ah, The Blob. I peeked at this movie when my parents were watching it, right when the blob was attacking Meg's date at the hospital. Nightmare city. The original blob was frightening because of what you DIDN'T see, but the remake let you have it full in the face, and that was just as bad. This movie pulls no punches, wasting adults, children, rats and waitresses alike....
The horror of something slowly eating you while you LIVED, that was the true scare. Awesome movie. - Miss Olivia

94. The Beyond
The Beyond is a brilliant supernatural move; the kind only an Italian master like Fulci could deliver. So the F/X look cheap these days. So what?! Eh, kids. You really have to search hard to find this kind of atmospheric horror any more. Beyond (no pun intended) its time, The Beyond is a creepy movie that should by all means enthuse audiences of all generations. - The Flayed One

93. Maniac
If you watch one splatter film in your life then it should be this one(in my opinion).In addition to a solid lead in the form of Joe Spinell it features some of Tom Savini's best and bloodiest work,in a word.....intense. - mothermold

92. The Last House on the Left
Not your conventional horror of invincible masked men, creatures and demons. Instead Craven gives a raw look at the effects of real violence. Through a couple girls looking for a good time, a group of sadistic escape cons, and vengeful parents, are some of the most disturbingly brutal scenes certainly for it's time and still today. - AUSTIN316416808

91. Saw II
Saw II was an amazing sequel to a movie that revamped the Horror genre. This stylish and gritty horror flick went far and beyond pasted its predessor and paved the way for another sequel to hit theatres. Saw II is bloody, disgusting, exciting, and will keep you guessing. - Gorephobia

The Flayed One 06-30-2006 09:37 PM

90. Manhunter
Considered by many the first film by Michael Mann to demonstrate his unique visual sensibilities, Manhunter is also the often neglected first film version of Thomas Harris's notorious cannibal psychiatrist, Hannibal Lecter. Adapted from Harris's Red Dragon, Mann's film marks a major visual and aesthetic departure from the traditionally gothic vision of the serial killer. While the plot generally follows that of Harris's novel - an FBI profiler is coaxed out of retirement to track down the murderous 'Tooth Fairy' before he strikes again - the film's real success is in using its distinctive visual style to create a sense of the character's interior points of view. Shot with gleaming, postmodern architectural sets and deep color filters, Manhunter presents a visual puzzle that works more at an aesthetic than logical level. Added to this unique directorial vision are some outstanding performances by William Petersen (as profiler Will Graham), Brian Cox (Hannibal Lecter), Tom Noonan (the 'Tooth Fairy') and Joan Allen as the woman who unknowing begins a relationship with the killer. - zero

89. Haute Tension (aka High Tension) (2003)
This brutal and frustrating film co-directed by Alexander Aja and Gregory Levasseur provides an interesting French take on the American slasher films. Cleverly recycling any number of slasher cliches, High Tension benefits from blistering pacing and an exquisite lack of sentimentality (a young child is unceremoniously shot in the back). Drawing on the almost mythic case of the Papin sisters (in 1933 these two sisters, working as maids and rumored to be lesbian lovers, mysteriously murdered their two female employers), High Tension mixes savagery with sexuality. While the film achieves some great frights and provides plenty of gore, the twist ending left many viewers frustrated and feeling unnecessarily cheated. - zero

88. Creepshow
The movie made by two of the most legendary masters of horror, Stephen King and George A. Romero. This is a film of several short stories that are chilling as-well as fun. A movie that should be seen by any fan of horror, and ignored only by people ignorant to the horror genre.
It takes elements from the TV show's such as Tales From The Crypt and The Twilight Zone and molds them together into a rather odd wrap-around story that all makes up for a worthwhile experience. - VampiricClown

87. The House on Haunted Hill (1999)
I'm not in favor of remakes in many cases, but I flat out loved the House on Haunted Hill the second time around. My friends and I went to see it two days before Halloween, and I actually yelled out loud within the first 5 minutes of the movie, during the pencil-through-the-neck scene. The scares were original(the scene with the girl and the video camera was terrifying to me)and the twists were pretty entertaining. I still watch it every year around Halloween. - Miss Olivia

86. Kwaidan
Classic old-style filmmaking. If Akira Kurosawa made a horror movie, it would be something like this. Some of the stories may be a bit predictable, but it's still creepy and atmospheric at all the right times. And it's just flat-out great to look at. - the STE

The Flayed One 06-30-2006 10:07 PM

85. Dawn of the Dead (2004)
The DotD remake has some wonderful qualities. It's not Romero's classic, but it's also a long shot from most of the shit remakes that have came out in the new millenium. I like to look at it as a tribute; not in the comical way that 'Return of the Living Dead' was a tribute to 'Night', but a loving homage none-the-less. Great actors, good gore & an awesome lounge version of Disturbed's 'The Sickness' from the delightful Richard Cheese. How can you go wrong? - The Flayed One

84. Dagon
Based upon HP Lovecraft short stories Dagon and Shadow over Innsmouth, two American tourists are stranded in a deserted Spanish fishing village during a violent storm. As night descends, the deformed and malevolent villagers appear and the truth of their existance is revealed.
Ive got one word for this film, atmosphere. There is bucket loads of the stuff, it looks fantastic with very real, ominous overtones. Not to everyones taste but if you like you horrors a shade away from the conventional you must have this in your collection. - scouse mac

83. Jacob's Ladder (1990)
A psychedelic horror war movie...overlooked by many...see it unrated - slasherman

82. Halloween II
It's October 31, 1978 - Halloween - and Haddonfield is awakening to the horror that Michael Myers (who escaped from a mental institution) has returned to the sleepy little town, murdered three teenage students and attempted to murder student, Laurie Strode before being shot by Dr. Loomis only to walk away (events from "Halloween"). Laurie is taken to the Haddonfield Clinic to get her injuries doctored and to rest from the shock but she starts to question about why is Michael after her? She also starts to fall in love with Jimmy, a driver at the clinic. Meanwhile, Dr. Loomis and the Haddonfield police search the town looking for Michael who, upon hearing that Laurie is still alive, makes his way to the clinic and starts to murder the small clinic's staff in an attempt to get to Laurie. Nurse Marion arrives and gives Loomis the key answer to Michael's madness but is also there to order him back to Smith's Grove (to stop the officials looking bad.) Can Loomis find Michael and stop him from succeeding in his plans by killing Laurie? - Dante's Inferno

81. The House on Haunted Hill (1959)
HoHH is, without a doubt, a truly remarkable film! Sure, what might've scared people back then (such as the dead lady that actually slides her way across the room or a dead person's head being found) doesn't scare anybody today, but that doesn't make the original HoHH a bad movie. It makes it a nostalgic classic! And, except for my praise for Vincent Price, there is not much else I can say about HoHH. - Yellow Jacket

The Flayed One 06-30-2006 10:28 PM

80. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
What many consider to be the original horror movie. The plot is a bit basic, although the twist at the end was probably quite shocking at the time. The real story with Caligari is the look. With all the modern horror movies being touted as having a "nightmarish" look, Caligari is one of the few movies who has a legit claim to such a look. On that alone, it holds up to today's standards. - the STE

79. Army of Darkness
There's not much that can be said about this film that hasn't been said already. Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell team up for a third time in what could quite possibly be the world's most perfect horror-comedy. This sequel to Evil Dead 2 picks up where that film left off and our cult hero, Ash, keeps the one liners and blood flowing just like this movie's predecessors. The low budget effects only add to the campy appeal of this classic film. - bwind22

78. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000)
In 1985, we were treated to an innovative japanese anime flick in which a mysterious vampire hunter of the future, known only as D, is on a quest to kill a band of notorious vampires and their powerful master. The purpose was to prevent a young and innocent girl from turning into a vampire herself, who has been bitten by the vampire master.

Now, 15 years later, D returns in an all new avatar. This movie is THE complete anime movie ever made in movie-making history. A feature length anime movie needs a strong plot and equally strong characters to drive the pace of the movie and engross the viewers. Bloodlust manages to do all that and much more, with its skilful adaptation, flawless direction and smooth anime, and a story which has everything any horror movie buff loves - vampires, monsters, blood, gore, violent action, gripping storyline and a strong central character.

For those pathetic so-called "hardcore horror fans" who havent seen this movie yet, here's the plotline. Our badass hero, Vampire Hunter D, is summoned by a wealthy and influential person in the distant future to get his beautiful daughter back. A vampire lord, much like the previous movie, has apparently kidnapped her, though D comes to know later that the girl is actually in love with the vampire lord. Moreover, the rich man tells D that he has also enlisted the services of a group of notorious vampire hunters known simply as the Marcus brothers, and now its a race between D and them to reaching the girl first.

The movie has a superb atmospheric feel throughout. The dark, gothic nature of the sequences grips the viewer and never lets go, till the end. The soundtrack is perfect and moody according to the scenes, and the direction is excellent. The most strong point of the movie is its unique characterisation. Each of the vampire hunters having their unique characteristic, and the enemies prove to be really tough SOBs when it comes to overcome them. The script and screenplay make each character unique and different, and it also lends a lot of solid strength to the pace of the movie, which is total edge of the seat stuff till the end.

Neat and smooth, lovely tinted visuals. Crafty script, superb characterisations, kickass direction. Enough said...grab it from the shelf and watch it...NOW! - __V__

77. House of 1000 Corpses
House of 1000 Corpses is an amazing film directed by Rob Zombie. This one time musician turned his creative ways to film in 2002 to make this homage to 70's style horror films. His gritty style and dark intentions make this film a must see. Rob does and amazing job making you wonder what will happen next and love the fact that these poor kids are just being tortured. This fill packs a punch and is a must see. - GorePhobia

76. Pet Sematary
Pet Sematary exploits a parent's darkest fears with uncompromising brutality. A family moves into a lovely house that hides a dark secret in the woods behind it, and a terrible chain of events is set off with the death of a little girl's well-loved pet. Fascinating and horrifying at the same time, Pet Sematary proves beyond a shadow of a doubt......
"Sometimes, dead is better." - Miss Olivia

The Flayed One 06-30-2006 10:43 PM

75. Tenebre
An American novelist in Rome promoting his new novel learns that murders are taking place which corresponds to those in his book.
Plots are never the strong point of any Dario Argento film but here he delivers one of his most stylish, tense and violent films. Beautifully shot with a superb score, this film is genuinely creepy with scenes which reside with you long after the closing credits. For any self respecting horror fan this film is a must. - scouse mac

74. Black Christmas
It's Christmas at the Sorority House, and as the girls make last minute holiday preparations, a prank caller begins phoning them. At first the calls seem just obscene, but when the calls don't stop and bodies start turning up, the girls realize that anyone could be the killer.
Way ahead of its time, Black Christmas was one of the first films to feature scenes from the killer's perspective and helped pave the way for the Slasher films of the 1980's. Look for performances by Margot Kidder (Superman) and Olivia Hussey (Romeo and Juliet). - Papillon Noir

73. The Sixth Sense (1999)
In the final years of the 20th Century, American horror was dominated by slick, self-conscious and semi-humorous imitations of Wes Craven's seemingly endless Scream trilogy. Into the midst of these tongue-in-cheek teens in danger films, M. Night Shyamalan ushered in the return of thoughtful and haunting gothic horror. The Sixth Sense plays out as a traditional haunting film in which a young boy, Cole Seer (Haley Joel Osment), is visited by the spirits of the dead and eventually is aided by child psychologist Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis). The film's slow and deliberate pacing, intricate cinematography and delightful twist ending made it an enormous hit worldwide and established Shyamalan as a important new director. - zero

72. Candyman
Helen (Virginia Madsen) is writing her thesis on the urban legends of Chicago. Her research uncovers a figure that can be summoned by repeating his name, "Candyman" into the mirror five times. As a joke Helen and a friend summon the Candyman, but as her research takes her into the projects eeriness overcomes her. Initially, Helen doesn't believe there is a connection, but something has the locals spooked. When she ignores their warnings and begins investigating the places that he was rumored to appear, a series of horrible murders begins. Slowly Helen's sanity deteriorates as the legend of the Candyman becomes true. With writing credits from Clive Barker and a chilling soundtrack by Phillip Glass, Candyman stands out as one of the better horror films of the 1990's. - tarcher80

71. Bubba Ho-tep
Bruce Campbell does the unthinkable in creating a character that actually outshines his portrayal of Ash in this brilliant piece of inspired lunacy from Phantasm director Don Coscarelli. Campbell plays “The King” himself as a crumbling senior citizen in a Texas rest home who, aided by a black JFK (wonderfully portrayed by Ossie Davis), must do battle with a soul-sucking Mummy. Sound ridiculous? It could have been, but the level of dignity and pathos bestowed upon the roles by Campbell and Davis elevate this from b-movie fun to an absolute must-see. As the King says, “Don’t make me use my stuff on ya!” - Roderick Usher

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 04:01 AM

70. Angel Heart
Very good devil movie...one of the greatest twists in cinema hsitory - slasherman

69. Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Ten years after A Nightmare on Elm Street became known as one of the scariest movies of all time, director Wes Craven is having nightmares and is using them to write a script for a seventh Elm Street film. He turns to Heather Langenkamp to ask if she will return to the screen one last time as Nancy. Heather turns the role down as she is happily married and has a son. Lately she has been recieving strange phone calls from someone that she believes to be Elm Street character Freddy Krueger(Englund). When her son Dylan starts acting strange and her husband is killed in a car crash she begins to realize that Freddy is real and is trying to get her and Dylan. Shes scared but she will do anything to protect her son, even if that means battle a razor fingered muderer who appears only in her dreams. - Dante'sInferno

68. I Spit on Your Grave
This is probably the only movie that I love, but I doubt I'll ever watch again! And I mean that in a good way! Yes, Grave is a classic revenge movie, but it's also very graphic in the rape department (which is right next to the dog food department at Wal-Mart). I didn't think, going into my viewing of I Spit on your Grave, that I would walk out feeling so dirty and as if I was just in a terrible car accident! For the rest of the day (I watched this at noon), I had people coming up to me asking what was wrong. When I told my friend that it was a movie that was bothering me, he thought I was talking about Son of the Mask. But, he was wrong (Son of the Mask just pissed me off beyond reason)! It was I Spit on Your Grave that bothered me, in a surprisingly good way. Not only was I bothered, and yes, even repulsed, after watching Grave, but I was also in love with the movie. First off, no movie has ever had this kind of effect on me (until I watched Feed, but that's a different story)! But, though this was a tremoundously bad, but also good, feeling, I coudln't help but find other great happenings in Grave. Which brongs me to my next point: the revenge! I'll be a lying piece of trailer-park trash if I said that the scene where the guy gets his dick cut off make me cringe and quese. Hell, I swore off going into the kitchen if somebody was cutting up onions or any sort of food. And I have Meir Zarchi (the writer and director of I Spit on your Grave) to thank for this! Thank you! Finally, Grave had one of the best well-acted cast to ever grace a screen. Camille Keaton moved me as Jennifer. Where is she now? And Eron Tabor, Richard Pace, Anthony Nichols, and Gunter Kleemann made the four rapists my most hated villains in cinematic history! I'm going to wrap up my brief review by saying that I Spit on your Grave is a classic piece of cinema and should not be passed up! - Yellow Jacket

67. Battle Royale
A masterpiece. This is the most original film, Asian or otherwise, to come along in quite a while. The plot is extremely hardcore and the gore is abundant. If you're turned off by sub-titles then that might be a detractor for you, but aside from that this film should quench just about anyone's appetite for violent cinema. - bwind22

66. Pit and the Pendulum
I'm very glad to see this film on the list, as I think it deserves much more recognition. The story, set in the 1600's, tells about a man investigating his sister's mysterious death. It's a complex story that would be easily spoiled, so I will leave it at that. Vincent Price gives what I would consider the greatest performance of his long and distinguished career. The expression in his amazing voice, the look in his eyes, the sudden reversal of character near the end of the film...only a true genius such as Price could pull it off. Roger Corman does an equally amazing job behind the camera, capturing the essence of the cursed castle perfectly. Rarely will you see atmosphere created so flawlessly, however atmosphere is Corman's gift and he uses it to it's full advantage here. He spins a yarn of deceit, murder, insanity and death into one of the few perfect horror films. - The_Return

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 04:17 AM

65. Phantasm
This has been my favourite horror/fantasy film since the day I first saw it. I love the dream-state atmosphere, the earnest performances, the crazy origional plot, the blend of sci-fi and horror, the score ...everything. It has a raw, almost amateurish feel to it which only adds to the charm and believability of the characters. On the other hand there are some nicely done and imaginative effects work that are as good as in many larger budget films of that time.
Not much can be said about this film in advance that won't constitute as a spoiler so I'll just say : It's not for everyone's tastes .. it is truly a classic example of 'Style over Substance' ... but I ate it up happily. - urgeok

64. Session 9
A group of asbestos workers are hired to clean up an abandoned mental asylum, and soon encounter strange occurrences. On paper, it seems like a pretty basic, typical, seen-it-all-before plot, but the truth is that Session 9 is one of the most original and scariest films I've ever seen. The way the plot evolves from its basic premise is enthralling, and leads up to an ending full of questions that will leave you thinking for days. Session 9's biggest asset though is the location. Filmed at a real abandoned asylum, the atmosphere is incredible from beginning to end. Despite being made fairly recently, this is defiantly deserves its place on the Top 100. - The_Return

63. The Birds
Following up an undisputed horror masterpiece like "Psycho" would have been a very hard bargain for almost every other director, but Alfred Hitchcock certainly wasn't "every other director." He successfully did so with ''The Birds".
It can't be denied that "The Birds" is still, even after 43 years,one of the greatest horror movies ever. The secret behind its unbelievable effectiveness is quite simple. When filmmakers are shooting horror flicks they usually scare audience by using psychopaths, aliens, dinosaurs, sharks, snakes...all sort of devilish creatures, horrible monsters or notorious animals people already find frightening. It's rather easy, unsurprising and tedious. Alfred Hitchcock's bright idea was totally opposite from this principle. He took the most innocent and harmless creatures we can possibly think of(ordinary birds)and turned 'em into dreadful monsters with no reason what so ever.
When a serial killer or a bloodthirsty beast strikes it's not a big surprise to anyone - that's what they're supposed to do. But when the birds turn out to be cruel and dangerous manhunters something's suddenly wrong. It's so simple and still so damn ingenious. - AUSTIN316426808

62. The Howling
The Howling was such a great movie, a little shocking, a little taste of black humor, and a good bit of dreamy terror....the segment where the lead female character is confronted by the mystery in a seedy porn theater had blatant tinges of a psychological rape, and was heightened by the erotic images playing in the background....definitely one of the werewolf-genre keystones, and unfailingly entertaining.... - Miss Olivia

61. The Devil's Backbone
A classic ghost story! Great storytelling, solid acting and Del Toro's dazzling use of color all amount to what I consider his finest work to date. - mothermold

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 04:29 AM

60. Shaun of the Dead
Shaun is having many problems in life. His long-time girlfriend has dumped him due to their almost-daily expedition to Shaun's favorite bar, the Winchester. His temporary management job isn't going well at Foree Electronics, with his subordinates not even giving him the time of day. His deadbeat flatmates, Pete and Ed, are at each others' throats. And, oh yeah, London is overrun with multitudes of zombies. In the midst of this, he must save himself, Ed, his ex, his mom, and his precious record collection. There is a time when a hero must rise...from his couch. - Dante'sInferno

59. The Eye (Jian gui)
I personally see The Eye as a Chinese ghost film shot with Japanese sensibilities. Far more subtle and effective than the average Chinese horror movie this one sticks to one genre (no Kung-fu, no gangsters, no comedy relief, no hopping vampires) and delivers some effective - very creepy moments. There is one particular moment in in an elevator that had the hairs on the back of my neck rising. Before films like the Ring and Ju-on - you would'nt see anything this in a Chinese horror film ... someone was paying attention. The Eye is about a young blind woman who is offered the chance of sight VIA a cornea transplant. As her vision developes she begins to see things that she accepts as real at first - but becomes increasingly aware that not everything she is seeing is shared by those around her - and not all is right in the world.
The film soon moves into detective story mode (as many of the japanese horror thrillers do) in a quest for answers concerning the cornea doner and how he/she relates to the ghost sightings. One of the top contenders for the best commercial asian horror films in the last few years. - urgeok

58. Carrie
Classic horror movie...a must see..girl with telekinetic powers get out of control...great from start to finish - slasherman

57. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
This film is a lot of fun. It forgoes the gritty realism of the first film for over-the-top gore and comedy, with crazy characters and bizarre situations aplenty. The end result is more like some sort of nightmarish comic book come to life than a slasher flick. Lots of great gore, tons of crazy characters, and a plot that would make most slaher films turn green with envy...or disgust, either way. The story centers around Lefty Enright, the uncle of Sally and Franklin from the first film. He has become obsessed with finding their murders, and now with the help of a radio DJ, the final chase is on. Put simply, it's brutal, it's insane, and it's a lot of fun. - The_Return

56. Cemetary Man (Dellamorte Dellamore)
One of the most entertaining zombie films ever made. This one has it all, comedy, gore and the big bare man-made boobs of Anna Falchi.
Francesco Dellamorte (the brilliantly cast Rupert Everett) works in the town cemetery. His main job is dispatching the newly dead who just happen to rise from grave like clockwork in this one particular cemetery soon after they are first buried - aided only by his trusty man-child man-servant Gnaghi. (Gnaghi steals the movie several times - especially with his 'love for TV' wink-wink) There is a bizarre love ...(triangle...rectangle ..?) subplot featuring the sexy Anna Falchi like only the Italians could pull off - but the film really takes wing when an accident between a school bus full of boy scouts and a biker gang fill the cemetery in one fell swoop. Francesco's pain is our gain .. not to be missed! - urgeok

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 04:41 AM

55. The Fly (1986)
One of the most brilliant and compelling movies made by Cronenberg, The Fly is essentially a remake of the 1958 classic. It plays on the human psyche of establishing oneself as the most superior species, and the whole tendency of experiments gone awry. Cronenberg himself says that the Fly is basically based on mortality: human tendencies coupled with human ego is not beyond the ultimate truth of human life.
The plot is about an eccentric scientist who invites a female reporter to watch his latest successful experiment, involving the teleportation of objects from one place to another, using the technique of breaking it down to molecules and then re-assembling it on the other end. In-between testing objects and baboons and several failed attempts, the scientist and the reporter fall in love. This is succeeded by the first successful teleportation of a live baboon, which makes the scientist excited about carrying out the experiment on himself. He goes through with it, not noticing a fly which creeps into his teleportation pod. The teleportation is successful, and the scientist feels certain effects such as feeling stronger, clearer mind and thoughts, and high sex urges. Also some time passes on, the reporter notices certain odd behaviours in the scientist, which culminates in the slow transformation of the scientist into a hideous beast...Brundlefly.
This movie has been hailed by moviegoers and critics alike as the best Cronenberg movie. It does have some really sweet effects and badass gore at the end, and the characterisation is done to perfection by the leads (Jeff Goldblum & Geena Davis). The whole atmosphere of the movie is creepy, and as the scientist starts to transform, it slowly gets more surreal and darker, and the pace quickens towards an explosively-charged climax. A must-see, if not already seen. - __V__

54. The Changeling
Bar none, The Changeling is George C. Scott's finest performance. From the very first frame, the viewer is nearly smothered in an overwhelming mood of gloom and despair. This combined with a few truly creepy scenes creates one of the most powerful haunted house films ever made, all without showing us even one actual ghost. A throwback to the "quiet horror" of such films as The Haunting, The Changeling was somewhat anachronistic even when it was first released. I, for one, wish that a few more filmmakers would learn a lesson from this film. The Changeling proves to us that you don't have to show rampaging spirits and buckets of gore to scare the bejesus out of the audience. - noctuary

53. The Ring (2002)
When her niece spontaneously dies of fright one week to the day she watched a video, Rachel Keller, a cynical journalist played by Naomi Watts, journeys up the Pacific Coast to find the answer. What she finds is a remote cabin and the video tape. Rachel hesitantly puts the tape in the machine. What she views is mostly static, but is able to make out a few disturbing images. As she digs deeper into the tape's history her belief in the legend grows. All Rachel can do now is follow her leads and hope that she can uncover truth b/f her time runs out. The Hollywood remake of Hideo Nakata's, Ringu (1998); director Gore Verbinski makes his version just as frightening and appealing. - tarcher80

52. Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer
Brutal from the word go. This movie follows a cold blooded sociopath through his day to day life. Violent, bloody, dark and gritty, this is not your typical popcorn flick, but it is sure one hell of a great piece of filmmaking! - bwind22

51. The Wicker Man
Unfortunately when the polling for this list was taking place, I hadn't seen this wonderful film. If I had, it certainly would have been on my list.
Edward Woodward and Christopher Lee both give fantastic performances here, especially in the final scenes. In fact, most of the film's strength lies in the ending. I wont spoil it in case there are those who've yet to see it, but suffice to say everything comes together perfectly with some shocking twists.
A sense of dread builds right from the start, and by the ending it is near unbearable. Easily one of the greatest horror films of all time. - The_Return

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 05:03 AM

50. The Haunting (1963)
The pioneer of movies based on the haunted house premise, The Haunting is regarded as a classic in the genre today. Dishing out genuinely creepy thrills and chills, with plenty of scares and suspense-charged sequences, this movie broke new grounds in the 60s with its strong script and brilliant presentation of it.
The buildup of the atmosphere of the movie is excellent. The house itself is presented with a chilling emptiness, with its closed doors and deep, dark, unknown passageways. The viewers will feel fidgety and unnerved as the characters themselves are driven towards uneasiness, gripping all of them with a tense foreboding of evil. The movie grabs the viewers in a vice-like grip and doesnt relent, till the end.
The plotline is simple - a scientist comes across a house named Hill House, which is said to have been unlucky and haunted ever since it was built. He is determined to spend some time in the house, so that he could prove his theory about a house being really haunted. For his adventure, he invites a group of people who have had some experience with the unknown before, but only a handful of those decide to accompany him. And once night falls, the scares start, and its a long way till morning comes...
The characters are introduced with unique personalities each, which adds further to the tense atmosphere of the movie. The strong point of the movie is the apparent lack of any real visual scares, yet it excels in inspiring sheer horror in the audiences. The script is driven by the solid premise of the fear of the unknown, which is maintained from the beginning of the movie till the end. Its darn near impossible to sit through this movie and not feel even one moment of genuine fear, but the constant suspense of the eventual solution or a possible explanation makes this an edge-of-the-seat ride. Also there are twists in the plot which add subplots to the pace of the flick and make it more unpredictable, yet they add to the psyche of the movie, and fill it with total surrealness and gripping tension.
Excellent direction, a very strong script, and great performances create a masterful horror-filled atmosphere throughout this classic. The editing, soundtrack and cinematography are awesome, and make The Haunting a milestone in the horror genre...often repeated, but never bettered. Comes with a high recommendation. __V__

49. The Blair Witch Project
Aided by a phenomenal advertising campaign, The Blair Witch Project managed to gross many multiples of its low budget in the opening weekend alone. By convincing many that it was the actual tape of the last days of a film crew, Blair Witch is widely toted as the scariest film made in years, and deservedly so. Though many may complain that the plot moves too slowly, the incredible tension that is set up in the final half hour or so makes it worthwhile. - The_Return

48. The Amityville Horror (1979)
The haunted house has been an icon for horror since God-knows-when. Rarely, however, is it taken seriously. In fact, the haunted house is used in most Halloween-time children’s programs. The Amityville Horror, however, is the exception. The Amityville Horror shocks me over and over again with its ability to horrify, even keying in the fact that not a single person dies in the flick. - alkytrio666

47. Night of the Living Dead (1990)
THIS is what a remake should be – In remaking Romero’s classic Night of the Living Dead, Tom Savini (who, of course, is a frequent collaborator and friend of Romero’s) stayed incredibly true and faithful to the source material, while still updating it for modern society and adding enough twists, turns and sly references to keep even the most die hard fans of the original on their toes to the very end.
The main change is this version is the character of Barbara. In the original she is weak, scared and – in all honesty – annoying beyond reason. Savini revamps her completely, turning her into a strong willed, thick-skinned warrior woman by the end of the film. My other favourite update has to do with the ending, but I won’t spoil that for you, in case there’s still some poor should reading this that hasn’t watched either version. Suffice to say, it’s a wonderful little twist on the classic ending of the original. Not quite as powerful of course, but still pretty stunning.
This movie has it all. Social commentary, great acting (Tony Todd is at his best, and Tom Towles chews the scenery like a pro), twists, turns, and plenty of gore. Does it live up to the original? God no, nothing ever has or ever will. That doesn’t change the fact that this is hands down one of the best zombie movies of modern times, and easily among the all-time greatest remakes. - The_Return

46. Demons (Demoni)
Ever since I saw this Argento classic, I fell in love with it. This movie has some really sweet gore scenes and a very interesting plot. The effects have been done really well and the director needs to be commended on the way he handles the plot and the characters with apparent smoothness.
The story concerns two female friends who get tickets to a re-opened theater. The girls decide to pay a visit to the theater where they come across other people who have got similar tickets. One of them, a prostitute gets her cheek cut by a prop mask kept in the lobby. She shrugs it off and like others, starts to watch the movie which is about demons. The movie includes scenes from "real life", and the prostitute runs into the bathroom to see her cut growing larger and within no time, she turns into a demon. Her scratches turn others into demons and so on, and suddenly there's complete mayhem at the theater. The ones who are normal, band together to stay alive and get out of that theater.
A major part of the movie centres on the gore, which I must say, is excellently done. The transformation of the humans into demons is shown quite nicely, with all the blood and pus involved. Also the demons move around in packs, which makes the atmosphere really charged up everytime a pack of demons set their eyes on the human survivors. The demons themselves look freaky, and there's a lot of cheesiness involved, especially from the sword welding hero who kicks the demons' butts in the end.
The characterisation is really good. The major characters are the two girls and two guys whom they meet, but several smaller characters play their roles to perfection. Bava handles all of it with perfectly timed ease, which keeps the pace of the movie real smooth and edgy from start to finish.
A majorly entertaining flick. Apparently one of the best demon movies of all time. Great effects, and fantastic gore. - __V__

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 05:21 AM

45. Aliens
Considered by some to be better than the first, Aliens picks up where Alien left off. Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) is thrown right back into the thick of things as she is talked into investigating a colonized planet after communication is severed. Accompanied by a rough and ready group of soldiers and stoic droid, Bishop (Lance Henriksen) Ripley comes to find the colony has been wiped out by the very thing she tried so desperately to flee in the 1st installment. Guns fire, explosions go off, acid blood flows as Ripley and her team fights off the pursing aliens. Weaver turns in an even better performance as Ripley. And Director, James Cameron does the Ridley Scott film justice in a sequel that keeps you gripping the arms on you chair. - tarcher80

44. 28 Days Later
Danny Boyle has been a favorite director of mine ever since I saw Shallow Grave nearly ten years ago so when I learned he had a horror movie coming out, I was stoked! And in my opinion, Boyle doesn't disappoint here in this artistic infection/zombie thriller. It's a bit slowmoving in the start, but the artistry of some of the scenes should keep your mind off of that until the action starts rolling. The gore is kept fairly minimal but that does not stop this film from being an entertaining and fresh take on a genre that's been overdone to death. - bwind22

43. Re-animator
This must be the first film I saw with endless gore all the way through the film in the 80's, and man did I love it.
Right from the opening titles with the very cheesily done eyelid effect on the anatomical drawing you can just tell the film is going to be good, and you are not disappointed. After the opening sequence of Herbert's experiments going slightly wrong in Germany, we follow him to the States where he only has one thing on his mind, perfecting his day-glow green reanimation serum, and no-one is going to get in his way. Herbert West is played expertly well by Jeffrey Combs in his best role ever. His arch rival, Dr Hill is also played well by David Gale, the rest of the cast can be a bit wooden at times but not enough to detract from the film. The effects are well executed and fit the comedy of the film perfectly. There are some points where the film nearly slips a bit too far into bad taste, especially the scene with Dr Hill and Meg in the morgue, but it's reined it at the right time so just adds to the whole humour of the film.
If you haven't seen this yet, WTF, go get it now. - Yeti.13

42. Event Horizon
Nothing highbrow here, Event Horizon is a simple, but very effective "haunted house in space" film. Taking the basic premise of Alien and other such movies and giving it an occult twist, Event Horizon shows us one of the most disturbing visions of hell seen in film. Unfortunately, director Paul W.S. Anderson was forced to compromise his film in order to obtain an R rating, and thus the torture/hell scenes are somewhat watered down. However, this does not seriously detract from the film. It's still great fun and quite spooky. Event Horizon has great performances all around (especially from Neill and Fishburne) and beautiful space effects shots. A very underrated film. - noctuary

41. Ju-On

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 05:36 AM

40. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
Director Don Siegel's tale of paranoia follows the plight of Dr. Miles Bennell (Kevin McCarthy) as he returns to his hometown to find strange behavior among the residents. Aliens, we learn, have begun taking over the townspeople via large slimy seed pods and have hatched a cold and logical plan to replace the human race with these plant-like doppelgangers. Steeped in McCarthy era paranoia and the dangers of both invasion and conformity, Invasion helped to solidify the sci-fi horror film and its compelling storyline was intelligently revisited by Philip Kaufman in 1978. The film is only slightly marred by a tacked-on studio contrived 'happy-ending' (in which Dr. Bennell's apparently insane ravings are suddenly validated by the Highway Patrol) and some bad B-Movie acting, Siegel's Invasion is the quintessential film of American paranoia and fear of the other (something as timely today as it was in the mid-50s). - zero

39. Pumpkinhead
This just goes to show you that there's something to be said for a great, original creature design. To boot, it's also a tale of witchcraft, suffering & vengeance gone wrong. Still, the creature himself is this movies biggest claim to fame. - The Flayed One

38. The Devil's Rejects
Rob Zombie's 2nd film is a gory delight that follows a murderous family on a killing spree. The subject matter is as dark as it gets and the bloody violence is abundant. It's well acted and well directed and when you throw that in with a compelling story, you've got yourself one bad ass movie! - bwind22

37. Ringu
After the death of her cousin Tomoko (Yuko Takeuchi), reporter Reiko (Nanako Matsushima) comes across the urban legend of a videotape that kills everyone who sees it exactly one week after viewing. She coyly rights this off, but when she learns that Tomoko's friend (who watched the video with her) died at exactly the same time, she begins to investigate. After viewing the tape herself, strange events befall her. Slowly she is convinced that this is no joke and teams up with her ex-husband, hoping to prevent her fate. This is a GRIPING thriller directed by Asia's answer to Hitchock, Nanako Matsushima that became so popular Hollywood had to put their own spin on it. The Ring which was released in 2002 (directed by Gore Verbinski) was a spitting image of Matsushima�s film; also managing to scare the pants off of audiences. However, Matsushimaï's version holds up as the original and best. - tarcher80

36. Silence of the Lambs
The second Thomas Harris's Hannibal Lector novel to be adapted for the big screen (the first being Manhunter), Silence of the Lambs is one of the best psychological chillers of all time. Anthony Hopkins turns in the most memorable performance of his entire career, and Jodie Foster binds the movie with her performance as the new FBI recruit, Clarice Starling, who has to track down a serial killer of women by using the "expertise" of Dr.Lector, another notorious serial killer in FBI custody.
The movie won all 5 major Academy Awards for Best Movie, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Screenplay, and is a powerful depiction of the psyche of a deranged and eccentric genius who uses his talents for all the wrong purposes, and the deep-rooted fear of the young rookie who has no choice but to endure her deepest secrets and terrors being fed into her naked mind, in exchange of which she hopes to get any sort of clues as to what makes the elusive killer's mind tick.
Superbly crafted, and brilliantly directed by Jonathan Demme. Mesmerising performances by the entire supporting cast, and dominated by Hopkins. A must-watch of modern times cinema - __V__

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 05:52 AM

35. Return of the Living Dead
This movie shouldn't work ... it has all the earmarks of a cheap throwaway 80's horror film,
but it does work. Extremely well. The success comes largely from the excellent casting of the mature characters played by Clu Gulager, James Karen, and Don Calfa. They provided a much needed balance for the younger miss-matched cast and not only save the film but propel it into a cult classic. This film positions itself as a follow-up to Night of the Living Dead ..'which really did happen - and became a government cover-up'.
Again I cannot stress the importance of the older characters. They share some great dialogue (courtesy of Dan O'Bannon) and steal every scene. (with the exception of Linnea Quigley's graveyard striptease) The one thing that always bothered me with this film was the strange mix of kids ..a gang of punks, new romantics, jocks, and regular kids - normally a group that wouldn't associate with each other in the 80's - all hanging out as a pack. But the good far outweighs the bad in this film ... right to the very last frame. - urgeok

34. Rosemary's Baby
I'm not much of a Stephen King fan, but he really gets this movie good in his book Danse Macabre.

basically, he talks about how Rosemary's Baby is much more of a political movie than a horror movie. and I hafta say, given the time this flick was made, he makes a lot of sense.
like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, this movie preyed on its audience's fear of communists and the idea that "they are among us and you don't know who may be one." in short, the paranoia of the McCarthy era.
I also like it because it's slow. I prefer character-based films over action/reaction-based ones, and this one would probly be considered slow to most modern horror fans, but that's part of why I love it. to me, the best horror movies are ones that, if you took out all the horror elements, it would still be a good movie. there's a lot going on in this movie besides a skinny chick getting knocked up by the debbil. check it out, if you haven't already, and if you have, give it another chance. - knife_fight

33. Zombie (aka zombi 2)
And who doesn't recall the famous "eye" scene, to this day I still turn away! This film is a Fulci classic and delivers the goods in terms of story, F/X and blood....lots of it! - mothermold

32. Ginger Snaps
When I first viewed Ginger Snaps at the SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival) it blew me away. Not only was it the best werewolf film I had seen in what seemed like ages, it was also a charming black comedy. It wonderfully intermingles the tragedy of becoming a werewolf with the fact of puberty, at points using one as a metaphor for the other. - The Flayed One

31. Frankenstein (1931)
The horror movie that, in my opinion, started it all! And not only is it a horror movie, but it's also, in a way, a love story. Honestly, nobody can tell me that, when viewing Frankenstein, that they didn't feel for the monster. All he was trying to do was adapt to this new life and world of his, but didn't quite full understand what life is. Such as the seen where he's throwing flowers into the pond with the little girl. Sure, everybody was scared shitless when they seen the monster throw her into the pond (which was originally cut from the release, which made the monster look more sadistic than ever when he carried the little girl out of the water), but he didn't know that when he was done with the flowers, that he was done for good. So maybe I'm getting a little too sentimental (and seeming both gay and like a necrophiliac), but that's what the movie Frankenstein truly was to me. A scary and loving horror movie at the same time! - Yellow Jacket

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 06:10 AM

30. Friday the 13th
well, this is obviously it. the one that started it all. that is reason enough for this to be required viewing, and maybe ownership, by anyone proclaiming to be a horror fan.
like lots of movies, I like the way this one looks because it doesn't look like anything being made today. maybe I have been duped into believing that anything old is automatically better, but it doesn't matter because for one reason or another, I think this movie is awesome. from the poster art (the outline of the killer with the kids walking through the woods), to the costumes, to the murder methods.... it's all good.
I don't want to spoil anything, but the mystery involved in this is like in Psycho... everyone knows the end (it's embedded in pop culture, unfortunately) but somehow it is still surprising. - knife_fight

29. Saw
What a movie! Never have I been so mind-boggled before! Saw may not be a movie that you watch over and over again (I've still only watched it once), but damn is it excellent! There was not a minute that passed by that I was questioning who the serial killer (though, since he never killed anybody, he can't be convicted of this) was. And, when the killer was revealed (don't worry, Im not giving away the ending), I never even thought of that person to be the prime suspect. And, I have to hand it to Cary Elwes for his terrific performance (even if tons of people disagree with me on that)! Saw is, in my opinion, one of the few excellent horror movies of the '00s! - Yellow Jacket

28. Kairo (Pulse)
Possibly the best of the modern horror movies, certainly one of the best horror movies period. Kurosawa has a talent for direction that nigh lives up to his namesake. The use of light and the layering of the screen from foreground to background is staggaring, especially when compared to the generic 'suddenly there's a monster right in front of the camera' style of horror filmmaking. - the STE

27. In the Mouth of Madness
Insurance investigator Sam Neill is asked to find a missing top-selling horror author who appears to be driving his fans to insanity with his writings.
Its difficult to fully explain whats going on in this film, its much easier to watch and enjoy, and enjoy you certainly will! Sam Neill is excellent and Jurgen Prochnow provides ample support in this deranged but wonderfully unique film. - scouse mac

26. Dead Alive aka Braindead
Before there was the multi-billion dollar juggernaut that is the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the man whom they call 'Peter Jackson' directed this horror favorite. So over-the-top in the gore category it just has to be seen to be believed, Dead Alive has earned a place in the heart of horror fans old and young alike. - The Flayed One

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 06:22 AM

25. Dog Soldiers
A group of british squaddies are sent to the Scottish Highlands for a training exercise, unknowingly used as bait for a special ops unit to capture a werewolf.
This is what the modern British horror is all about. A pacy plot, solid script with plenty of humour and stand up performances. A special note goes to Sean Pertwee for his excellent delivery of the Devil's tattoo story. This really is a top quality film, proving that low budget doesn't necessarily mean cheap. A must see! - scouse mac

24. Scream
Ah Scream, where to begin? This movie has it all: Blood, jumps, suspense, good music, great acting all around, funny and interesting characters, and to top it all off, the movie is laced with an uncopyable humor found only in Scream itself. An instant classic in my book, this film won me over by how it made fun of itself, and the genre, in a way that other horror films could not... It made the movie better! With everything mentioned above, some great cameos from Linda Blair and Craven himself... and Neve Campbell, i'd say you wasted a good 2 minutes reading when you could be into the infamous opening scene! - Posher778

23. Jaws
Roy Scheider plays NYC cop, Martin Brody who enters his first summer as Chief of Police on Amity Island. Everything is going 'swimmingly' until the remains of girl washes up on shore. Brody battles the town's mayor to label it a shark attack and in the mean time the body count rises. Enter - Matt Hoper (Richard Dreyfuss) and Quint (Robert Shaw), joining Brody in a 'motley crew' of a fishing carter, given the task of hunting down and killing the 'rogue' shark. With great performances from the three actors and ambitious directing from a 26-year old Steven Spielberg, Jaws is an entertaining thriller from start to finish. - tarcher80

22. American Psycho
This movie was a random find for me, and I had no prior expectations before watching it. It blew me away with the superb acting job by Christian Bale in the role that I will forever remember him for. Before he was Batman, he was Bateman, and it was the most believable acting job I have ever seen. With a combination of 80's pop music and naked chainsaw hooker murdering, this movie rejuvenated my love of the horror genre. - orangestar

21. Audition
Not just a horror film, but a study of gender relations in modern Japan, Audition is Takashi Miike's crowning achievement. The tension slowly and surely builds to the incredibly shocking ending. Throughout the film, Miike subtly indicates that something is not right about Asami, but nothing can prepare the viewer for just how wrong things become. Asami is, in fact, one of the most terrifying figures of modern cinema, a seemingly perfect lover who is slowly revealed to be a monster of pure hatred and pain. Audition is a brilliant film, one of the few true masterpieces of modern Asian filmmaking. - noctuary

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 06:38 AM

20. Nosferatu (1922)
This is my personal favourite 'Dracula' film and I personally feel Max Schrek's portrayal of the role is the best in cinema history. It is hugely atmospheric and has some stunning visuals. The scene towards the end of the film where 'Count Orlock' approaches Ellen's bedroom, where you just see his elongated shadow on the wall has to be one of the most iconic scenes in horror history. Considering the age of this film, about 80 years old, I find it remarkable it still works a good horror film. Ok it's black and white and silent but that shouldn't put you of, just give it a try and see how influential it has been on films since. Ok some of the acting is hammy but what do you expect from the 1920's? If you want to see a creepy vampire film you can't go wrong with this, and just think what horror film from recent years will still be talked about in 80 year's time? None that I can think of. - Yeti.13

19. Hellraiser
Hellraiser is one of those films you absolutely need to view twice. Why? Because the first time it is seen, you will be so shocked and out of sync that you will not be able to truly see its beauty. Led by Pinhead, the Cenobites are perhaps the most frightening things to ever come out of horror. This film is not for the faint-hearted, as it is extremely dark and very twisted. And that’s why, through a few silly 80s claymation scenes and bizarre soundtrack, we treasure this one close in our rotting little horror hearts. - alkytrio666

18. Suspiria
The first time I watched Suspiria, I wasn't sure what I was seeing at first, but the more I watched, the more intrigued I became. The garish lighting and that strange, unrelenting tune that holds throughout the movie made me feel progressively more uncomfortable until finally, I was sitting on the edge of the couch. I think this is Dario Argento's finest work, a beautiful and terrible thing to watch. - Miss Olivia

17. Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn
I first saw this back in the late 80s, and it is one of the few films that I never get bored of.
In my opinion this is the best horror comedies of all time. Gore, violence, slapstick comedy, amazing effects, tons of blood, laughing furniture, straight forward story line great acting and of course Bruce Campbell! What the hell else could you ask for?
The original Evil Dead was good but this has to be my favourite.
It has a very simple plot, so no thinking is required but it is not your usual cheap crappy horror film. The camera work is fantastic especially for it's time and the budget of the film, but the main thing that makes this a great film has to be Mr Campbell. His hammy acting is out of this world, who else can pull off beating yourself up with so much style? He just fits the film perfectly, be it talking to himself, laughing with the rest of the house or cutting off his hand with a chainsaw.
The Deadites are all fantastic and all talk in just the right eerie way, all the make-up F/X are all handled brilliantly and still look good today. Also the on going one-upmanship between Sam Raimi and Wes Craven is still evident with Freddy glove being hung above the door in the tool shed.
If you haven't seen this film you'd better have a bloody good excuse!!
To put it in one word 'Groovy!' - Yeti.13

16. Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead is the third installment in the Romero Zombie Trilogy. This film is darker and eviler then the two previous films because it deals with a corrupt underground government and the people who try to over turn it to survive. I liked this one alot because it dealt with zombies becoming more advanced and it makes it creepier to think that could actually happen in the film. Zombies running around using guns? That is just crazy! - GorePhobia

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 07:14 AM

15. Dracula (1931)

14. Se7en
After a long time, this was the movie which re-defined the horror/slasher genre. The uniqueness, the brilliant plot and the masterful direction made Se7en one of the best movies in Hollywood history. Impressionable viewers were shocked and disgusted (especially by the climax) and the movie left a deep and disturbing effect on the grey cells.
The plot concerns two homicide detectives who are investigating a case of randomly bizarre murders which have an apparent link to the Seven Deadly Sins as given in the Bible. Once the pattern is established, the detectives try to gauge the identity of the next victim and thus find out who the mad killer is. The movie has a novel, fresh feel to it, which is added by the fact that the story in itself is unique and different than the tired and old predictable slashers of the 80s and 90s.
Some of the picturised deaths were gruesome and really revolting. The way in which Fincher handles his cast (Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kevin Spacey) is really commendable. The chemistry between the young, energetic cop and his tiring, close-to-retirement partner, and how they get involved in the killer's lunatic pattern, is racy edge-of-the-seat stuff. It keeps the viewer spellbound from start to finish, and by the time the climax comes in, audiences will be shocked, severly jolted and left praying that they didnt see what they just did. The most interesting aspect of all this, is that the killer, John Doe, is never shown killing his victims in the movie, which makes the deaths all the more horrifying.
For its creativity, uniqueness and racy spellbinding pacing, I give this movie 10/10. Definitely THE topper of all my favorite movies in the Horror/Slasher genre. If you havent seen this yet, I pity you. - __V__

13. The Omen
A creepy, goosebump-inducing film that literally had me on the edge of my seat! Shadowed as cheesy horror fare, The Omen has been skipped upon viewings by so many people. But, I'm here to say that The Omen is one of the few movies to ever scare me (and fear a name). It sent chills up and down my spine, and didn't give up until the credits rolled. - Yellow Jacket

12. An American Werewolf in London
One of the best, if not the best black comedy I have seen. Yet another film I saw when I was a kid and I was blown away. The film has a fantastic flow to it with not one boring bit in the whole film. All the characters are excellent from the main cast to the background folk. Honourable mention has to go to Brian Glover, he was always fantastic. The effects, by Rick Baker, are fantastic and it was one of the first times you saw a full transformation from man to wolf without to many cut a ways. All the victims are equally grisly especially Jack, with that nice waggly bit of skin on his neck. The music it also fantastic and fits the film perfectly, especially Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Bad Moon Rising."
The story is basically your run of the mill werewolf story but with the dark comedy this is one werewolf film you don't want to miss. And I can't not mention Jenny Agutter, if you're as old as me and male you'll know what I mean, if you are younger, ask your dad!
If you haven't seen it yet check it out and "Beware the Moon" - Yeti.13

11. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
In many ways Tobe Hooper's low-budget shocker is the most amazing and influential film in the history of American horror. This simple tale of a quintet of young people drifting through south Texas and their encounter with a cannibal family helped to set the stage for the hugely popular slasher films of the 1980s. But, beyond the film's capacity to horrify (something it achieves through intensity and an unflinching camera's eye rather than graphic effects) and the controversies that erupted surrounding its release in the US and UK, Chainsaw is a highly intelligent look at the brutality of American capitalism and the twisted distortions of the American family in the midst of the economic stagnation of the mid-1970s. Sadly, while Hooper's debut filmed picks up the mantle put forward by Romero's Night of the Living Dead in terms of brutality and intelligence, Hooper himself was unable to follow up on his first film's promise. - zero

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 07:28 AM

10. The Shining (1980)
The Shining is one of those movies that will never go out of style. It's a mix of psychological thriller and haunted house horror that builds tension so masterfully that many times you feel it in the muscles of your shoulders before your brain is aware of it. The breakdown of the family unit is like a train wreck, and you watch helplessly as the father (Jack Nicholson, in a master performance) slowly descends into madness aided by the darkness that lives in the hotel. There are scenes that haunt me until this day, and I've never been in a hotel corridor since that didn't have me looking over my shoulder. The musical score is perfect for building the tension, and when the hotel truly wakes up, the movie becomes one nightmare of a ride. A must-see for any horror fan. - Miss Olivia

9. A Nightmare on Elm Street
A Nightmare on Elm Street was a dark and gritty horror film. It was one of the first that "started it all" in the terms of Slasher films. Wes Craven directed this horror film and in no time this film was an instant success. I loved it alot and I believe that Robert Englund, the man behind the make-up is a great actor and did a magnificent job scaring the hell out of people. - GorePhobia

8. The Evil Dead (1982)
To me, horror movies are about two things: Getting scared, and having a great time in the process. The Evil Dead pins these two objectives right in the heart, and leaves you to bleed. Not only is it creepy, it’s over the top, it’s disgusting, it’s provocative, and it’s hysterical. With the help of Bruce Campbell and the rest of Raimi’s cast, this movie is everything you need for a fun, scary night. - alkytrio666

7. Alien
For as long as I can remember, Alien has been a part of my subconcious mind. The first time I watched it, I was physically shaking by the time it was over, and slept with a light on for the next 4 years.I dream about H.R. Giger's creature now on a regular basis. The dirt, the grime, the claustrophobia, and the sheer frenzy that comes from being enclosed with a terrible THING and having nowhere to go.....all those make, for me, an enduring impression, like teethmarks in bone. Alien is one of those rare movies that stands the test of time even 25 years later. A true horror classic in every sense of the word. - Miss Olivia

6. Psycho (1960)
I guess lots of people think you're supposed to like Psycho. and I also guess that it's a combo of it being in black and white and done by Hitchcock.
but whatever the reason, even if it's just my idiotic brain that has been trained to think that black & white equals aesthetically pleasing, this film looks great. it is, of course, because of Hitchcock's direction.
there are plenty of tv shows and books about why this movie is great, or at least why you should think it is great, but I figured I'd give you one of my reasons. I like it because it reminds me of vacation.
at Universal Studios in Florida they useta have a show about Hitchcock where they recreated the Shower Scene verbatim. they showed exactly how Hitchcock shot that scene on a soundstage in front of a semi-small audience. it was amazing. it really made me appreciate that scene and, in turn, the entire movie.
they got rid of that show, unfortunately, along with a bunch of other really cool shit (like the Kong ride), but I still remember that, at one time, Universal Studios Florida had something special and meaningful, and not just lowest-common-denominator shit. or run-on sentences. - knife_fight

The Flayed One 07-01-2006 07:34 AM

5. The Exorcist
Oddly enough, the only place this movie fails, in my opinion, is scariness. Other than the fact that the movie is not altogether scary (though it does have its moments), it's a brilliantly acted and directed movie, without anything in the way of bad spots in it (referring only to the original version). - the STE

4. The Thing (1982)
I hate using the word "perfect" to describe anything, but this Carpenter masterpiece is the rare exception. Top notch acting, production design, music, editing and F/X makes this gem one of the finest films ever produced by the genre. - mothermold

3. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Night of the Living Dead is considered by some to be the ultimate in terror. And for good reason. It was new, refreshing, and shocking. It practically busted the doors to modern horror straight off of their hinges. Sure, American film seekers had seen zombies before, but never like this. Never had such an apocalyptic and horrifying race of creatures scared us so badly. There have, and will be, many great zombie movies since. But this will always remain the granddaddy of them all. The Sultan of Shock. The Master of Macabre. The King of Carnage. Night of the Living Dead. - alkytrio666

2. Halloween (1978)
On a cold Halloween night in Haddonfield, Illinois in 1963, six year old Michael Myers brutally murdered his teenage sister after she had sex with her boyfriend. Michael is then locked inside Smith's Grove Warren County Sanitarium where he is placed under the care of Dr. Sam Loomis who is the only one who sees the pure evil within the soul of Michael. In October 1978, Michael escapes from the sanitarium. After witnessing the escape, Dr. Loomis heads back to Haddonfield where he knows Michael will kill again on Halloween night. Michael begins stalking three teenagers, Laurie Strode and her friends Annie and Lynda. With the help of the town sheriff, Loomis hunts for Michael and hopes to put an end to his grisly murder spree. - Dante'sInferno

1. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
I dont really think any sort of plot synopsis is required here. What is there to say about the best horror film ever made that already has not been said countless times?
We could go on about the reflection on society which shows us all to be zombies of modern consumerism. Or we could state how the film shows mankind rising above adversity whilst at the same time being our own worse enemy.
I like to see this film much simpler than that. Its got a quirky, fast paced plot with plenty of tension, threat and, of course, zombie style gore.
They say imitation is the highest form of flattery and in this regard Dawn of the Dead has no equal, being the inspiration behind an entire genre of horror flicks. Many try to manipulate the Romero stlye or copy the Savini FX but to little avail. If anyone anywhere enquires about a definitive horror movie, one that influenced all that came after it, I think this is the one. - scouse mac

Zero 08-14-2006 12:48 PM

can't one of our mods 'sticky' this? its a great list and should be available for all newcomers to read!

stygianwitch 08-14-2006 01:27 PM


Originally posted by Zero
can't one of our mods 'sticky' this? its a great list and should be available for all newcomers to read!
I'll second that, it's hard to find otherwise

PR3SSUR3 08-14-2006 05:24 PM

I see Pulse at 28, and if we're talking about the same Japanese original I find it unfathomable to rate this film as good in any shape or form whatsoever.

Never have I felt such solid boredom while watching a movie - the characters, the acting, the pacing, the editing, the length, the direction, the premise... almost everything about Pulse is utterly terrible.

Perhaps I am overly negative since I for one have had my fill of Asian horror for the time being (let's face it - just about all of it is scary-faces-hidden-behind-hair-while-walking-funny anyway), but this one really nailed the lid on the coffin.

The STE 08-14-2006 05:29 PM

speaking of which, the title should actually be Kaïro

Elvis_Christ 08-14-2006 05:29 PM


Originally posted by PR3SSUR3
Perhaps I am overly negative since I for one have had my fill of Asian horror for the time being (let's face it - just about all of it is scary-faces-hidden-behind-hair-while-walking-funny anyway), but this one really nailed the lid on the coffin.
Yeh I feel the same way. It was Dark Water that killed it for me.

AUSTIN316426808 08-14-2006 05:31 PM


Originally posted by PR3SSUR3
(let's face it - just about all of it is scary-faces-hidden-behind-hair-while-walking-funny anyway),

I'll agree with ya there, it is starting to wear off. The walking used to creep me out but after you see it 30 40 times the effectiveness is gone.

The STE 08-14-2006 05:33 PM

so the Ringu backlash has finally started, eh?

AUSTIN316426808 08-14-2006 05:39 PM


Originally posted by The STE
so the Ringu backlash has finally started, eh?

They're still making good films imo that I still enjoy, they just don't have the same creepiness to 'em anymore.

The STE 08-14-2006 05:41 PM

I'll admit that far too many Asian horror movies were trying to be Ringu (much in the same way that far too many American horror movies around the same time were trying to be Scream), but outside the Creepy Longhair Girl subgenre there've been some great Asian Horror movies. Of course I've got Kaïro at #34 on my top 100, so what do I know?

PR3SSUR3 08-14-2006 06:08 PM

I actually liked Dark Water, or at least towards the end when the horrible girl was revealed in the lift (haven't seen the American remake).

I think the stark fact is that Westerners cannot engage with Asian characters as much as they would like to, whether viewers pretend to or not. The acting is difficult to grade too because of the language barrier. And sometimes you simply can't be arsed to read - the constant lowering of the eyes away from the action onscreen can make subtitled films a bit of a chore.

The Japs can do 'scary' very well, mind - but the renaissance of their classic films through the worldwide DVD revolution together with their latest rather tired stuff is wearing a bit thin, and I'm not sure if more creepy-haired girls and ghostly kids can save it.

The STE 08-14-2006 06:16 PM

Tadanobu Asano can

urgeok 08-15-2006 11:29 AM


Originally posted by PR3SSUR3
I actually liked Dark Water, or at least towards the end when the horrible girl was revealed in the lift (haven't seen the American remake).

what i really liked about the film was the growing sense of helplessness and frustration the mother was dealing with .. trying to be a mother, a provider, balancing the job and her independence - and screwing up (being late for school)

it effectively set her up for everything else that was happening at the apartment ..

i have to say i was completely engaged in this case ... japanese or not ..

Zero 08-15-2006 03:40 PM

now - to be truly bossy - i'd recommend the chit chat over the last few pages be removed and the thread locked (except, perhaps, to allow a few more blurbs to fill out the few films that are not discussed) - then i'll be truly happy

VampiricClown 08-15-2006 04:11 PM


PR3SSUR3 08-15-2006 04:49 PM

Chit chat?

We were briefly discussing the rise and imminent fall of Asian horror cinema in the West.

'Top Film Charts' are always going to generate discussion about their content.

But yes, lock the thread before it degenerates into the usual anal-sex discourse.


VampiricClown 08-15-2006 04:53 PM


The Flayed One 08-16-2006 07:23 AM

Whether or not you participated, I'd still like imput on the list. I think it turned out to be a great compilation by a group of people very knowledgable about horror. I know there are some blurbs missing (one of the mods has kindly agreed to attatch the blurbs for me now that it's stickied) but I'm still extremely pleased as it stands. I think there were a total of 28 participants. I know some of you have asked about writing missing blurbs. I'm now that we're stickied & ready to go, just send me your requests and I'll tell you if someone is already on it or not.

Elvis_Christ 08-16-2006 05:19 PM

I'll do Opera and I Spit on Your Grave :cool:

Should I PM them to you or something?

ZombieChick13 08-16-2006 06:35 PM

Great list. I've only seen about half the movies, though I've heard about all of them, heh.

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