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alkytrio666 05-30-2005 07:13 AM

What's your favorite Hitchcock film? (Doesn't have to be a horror movie.)

Mine's a tie: Rear Window and Psycho

(I liked Rope a lot too, though...)

zwoti 05-30-2005 08:35 AM

north by northwest

alkytrio666 05-30-2005 09:47 AM


Originally posted by zwoti
north by northwest
Great movie...

jenna26 05-30-2005 09:49 AM

The only Hitchcock movie that I don't like is The Birds.

But my favorite is Frenzy. I also love Rope, Psycho and Vertigo (which is about as perfect a movie ever made, in my opinion).

alkytrio666 05-30-2005 10:13 AM


Originally posted by jenna26
The only Hitchcock movie that I don't like is The Birds.

But my favorite is Frenzy. I also love Rope, Psycho and Vertigo (which is about as perfect a movie ever made, in my opinion).

I don't see why everyone hates The Birds. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

phantomstranger 05-30-2005 12:35 PM

The Birds (I love this movie)
North By Northwest
The Man Who Knew Too Much (Jimmy Stewart version)
Dial M For Murder

The_Return 05-30-2005 12:42 PM

Ive only seen Psycho....damn good movie. I own The Lady Vanishes, but havnt got around to watching it

zwoti 05-30-2005 02:34 PM


Originally posted by alkytrio666
I don't see why everyone hates The Birds. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
nothing wrong with the birds

zwoti 05-30-2005 02:35 PM


Originally posted by The_Return
Ive only seen Psycho....damn good movie. I own The Lady Vanishes, but havnt got around to watching it
the lady vanishes is very enjoyable, especially as a black comedy

we'll forget about the 70's remake :mad:

alkytrio666 05-30-2005 04:18 PM


Originally posted by The_Return
Ive only seen Psycho....damn good movie. I own The Lady Vanishes, but havnt got around to watching it
The Lady Vanishes is a very good one...one of those really "fun" movies, sit down one sunday with a lot of food and just relax and watch that shit. :)

The_Return 05-30-2005 04:20 PM


Originally posted by alkytrio666
The Lady Vanishes is a very good one...one of those really "fun" movies, sit down one sunday with a lot of food and just relax and watch that shit. :)
Goin away for the weekend, Ill probably bring the good ol' portable DVD player, and watch this:)

jenna26 05-30-2005 07:42 PM


Originally posted by alkytrio666
I don't see why everyone hates The Birds. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
I didn't know everyone did. :confused: I just don't care for the storyline all that much. And I don't hate it exactly, I just don't like it. It is impossible for me to hate a Hitchcock film.

alkytrio666 05-31-2005 02:51 PM


Originally posted by jenna26
I didn't know everyone did. :confused: I just don't care for the storyline all that much. And I don't hate it exactly, I just don't like it. It is impossible for me to hate a Hitchcock film.
I just remember in The Birds remake thread everyone was saying how it wasn't very good so it was ok to remake it...I still don't believe someone could dare think of remaking a Hitchcock film. For Christ's sake, think of some original damn ideas.

alkytrio666 05-31-2005 02:52 PM


Originally posted by The_Return
Goin away for the weekend, Ill probably bring the good ol' portable DVD player, and watch this:)
Do it. Satisfaction guaranteed.

urgeok 05-31-2005 04:37 PM

the man who knew too much. (2nd version)

great joke at the end..

jenna26 05-31-2005 05:36 PM


Originally posted by alkytrio666
I just remember in The Birds remake thread everyone was saying how it wasn't very good so it was ok to remake it...I still don't believe someone could dare think of remaking a Hitchcock film. For Christ's sake, think of some original damn ideas.
Ah, I don't think I read any of that thread. Anyway, I agree. At the very least, Hitchcock's films should just be left alone. The Psycho remake was so unnecessary. And I would hate to have a complete hack come in and just completely miss the point. I can just feel a remake of one of Hitchcock's classics with a bunch of pointless gore and bad dialogue coming up.

And though there are probably no truly original ideas, I believe that there are probably some really smart scripts floating around that have at least some originality that are being pushed aside while the people that are financing these films are throwing money at a "sure thing".

urgeok 06-01-2005 06:10 AM

there is something to take into consideration -
that with each new generation - they become further and further from the origional sources.

most young people today dont know that these films are remakes until they hear it mentioned.

A remake can ge good - it can be bad ... in either case it might compell people to seek out the origionals ...

i've also said something that i'll repeat again .. remaking movies isnt new to our generation.

people have been remaking films since moving pictures were invented for the same reasons they are being done now.

nothing is untouchable ... no one is forcing anyone to see them.
if they arent any good then the pictures wont make money and the trend will stop.

if they make money then someone is doing something right - catering to the appropriate audiences.

complaining about it or being indignant about it is futile and a waste of energy ...

surfnazi 06-01-2005 10:56 AM

All this talk of remakes make me feel sad. The Psycho remake was terrible, which really surprised the hell out of me considering they had such a brilliant director helming it in Gus Van Sant(Good Will Hunting, Drugstore Cowboy). But I think that its pretty biased to assume that every remake thats going to be coming out is going to be godawful. I mean there have been many fantastic remakes, some that even surpassed the originals (The Thing, The Fly)! I can definately see that with the right writer and a good director a Hitchcock remake could be done well. It would have to be one of his less famous(but still astounding) films such as Rear Window or Vertigo, but I believe it can be done.

However I don't think any remake could ever surpass Hitchcock's work, as he is THE greatest horror filmmaker of the 20th century, aside from George A. Romero(in my opinion).

I've seen Psycho, I've seen Vertigo, I've seen Rear Window, I've seen The Birds, and even The Man Who Knew Too Much, what other Hitchcock films would you guys reccommend? I'm looking for something more along the lines of his best horror work like Psycho and The Birds, any suggestions?

zwoti 06-01-2005 12:58 PM

wouldn't call him a horror director

alkytrio666 06-01-2005 02:05 PM


Originally posted by surfnazi
All this talk of remakes make me feel sad. The Psycho remake was terrible, which really surprised the hell out of me considering they had such a brilliant director helming it in Gus Van Sant(Good Will Hunting, Drugstore Cowboy). But I think that its pretty biased to assume that every remake thats going to be coming out is going to be godawful. I mean there have been many fantastic remakes, some that even surpassed the originals (The Thing, The Fly)! I can definately see that with the right writer and a good director a Hitchcock remake could be done well. It would have to be one of his less famous(but still astounding) films such as Rear Window or Vertigo, but I believe it can be done.

However I don't think any remake could ever surpass Hitchcock's work, as he is THE greatest horror filmmaker of the 20th century, aside from George A. Romero(in my opinion).

I've seen Psycho, I've seen Vertigo, I've seen Rear Window, I've seen The Birds, and even The Man Who Knew Too Much, what other Hitchcock films would you guys reccommend? I'm looking for something more along the lines of his best horror work like Psycho and The Birds, any suggestions?

To you and Urge:

I agree with you guys, because that's not really my point. I don't always mind remakes...hell I absolutely LOVED The Amityville Horror and Dawn of the Dead remakes. What I'm saying is that hollywood ij just getting dumber, because there just isn't any creativity anymore. No fresh ideas. What the hell are they gonna remake in 20 years?! THE REMAKES?!?! It just pisses me off how they can't leave movies alone, pretty much every single movie soming out will either be remade or will have a sequel, prequel, etc...

I'm even thinking about checking Madagascar out because it's a fresh original idea...I mean, is there anyone out there besides Jenna who agrees with me on this?

surfnazi 06-01-2005 03:50 PM

I totally understand what you're saying man but thats not entirely true at all. Sure not many original HORROR films have come out in a while but there have been a ton of amazing films that were just totally original and fresh and mind blowing in the last five years. Here are some examples.

Almost Famous
A Beautiful Mind
The Motorcycle Diaries
Donnie Darko
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Garden State
Ghost World
Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2
The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou
Lost in Translation
Moulin Rouge
Punch-Drunk Love
Requiem For a Dream
Training Day
Vanilla Sky

And those are just off the top of my head. All fantastic films that came out in only the last five years.

Basically just don't see anything that's advertised on TV more than 10 times a day, because that means its a big studio production and probably completely unoriginal(not always the case). Check out indie films and Sundance films and artistic ones, those are the ones still going strong and great.

And to someone earlier, you don't have to consider Hitchcock a horror director because he is one, he came out with several horror movies but I'm not saying he's EXCLUSIVELY a horror director, you know?

urgeok 06-01-2005 04:18 PM


Originally posted by alkytrio666

I'm even thinking about checking Madagascar out because it's a fresh original idea...I mean, is there anyone out there besides Jenna who agrees with me on this?

i absolutely hated Madagascar .. so did my wife and another parent i know ...

jenna26 06-01-2005 04:29 PM


Originally posted by alkytrio666
To you and Urge:

I agree with you guys, because that's not really my point. I don't always mind remakes...hell I absolutely LOVED The Amityville Horror and Dawn of the Dead remakes. What I'm saying is that hollywood ij just getting dumber, because there just isn't any creativity anymore. No fresh ideas. What the hell are they gonna remake in 20 years?! THE REMAKES?!?! It just pisses me off how they can't leave movies alone, pretty much every single movie soming out will either be remade or will have a sequel, prequel, etc...

See that is always my point. I don't really have a problem with remakes. There are several remakes that I really like; I also loved the Dawn of the Dead remake even though it doesn't touch the original. The Fly was much better than the original in my opinion. One of my favorite movies, Freaks was technically a remake. I just believe there are way too many remakes these days. No it isn't a new thing, but there was a time when there were more original films than remakes being released. Now it doesn't seem like they even try to put anything new out there. Like you say, it feels like ever other movie released is a remake. No effort is made to put anything new out there. And usually when they do these "reimaginings", they don't pay proper respect to the material it was based upon.

And I am mainly talking about horror films here.

jenna26 06-01-2005 04:49 PM


Originally posted by surfnazi
I totally understand what you're saying man but thats not entirely true at all. Sure not many original HORROR films have come out in a while but there have been a ton of amazing films that were just totally original and fresh and mind blowing in the last five years. Here are some examples.

Vanilla Sky

Um, Vanilla Sky is a remake...LOL....sorry I couldn't resist. You really should see the original, I personally believe it is the better film. But the experience is kind of ruined if you see Vanilla Sky first.


alkytrio666 06-01-2005 05:31 PM


Originally posted by urgeok
i absolutely hated Madagascar .. so did my wife and another parent i know ...
Haha ok, nevermind. Thanks Urge, ya' saved me 7 bucks...but what should I see now?!

surfnazi 06-02-2005 05:52 AM


Originally posted by jenna26
Um, Vanilla Sky is a remake...LOL....sorry I couldn't resist. You really should see the original, I personally believe it is the better film. But the experience is kind of ruined if you see Vanilla Sky first.


lol yeah I know I just remembered after posting it. I wrote it down cause I was just going down my "My Movies" section at IMDB and adding all my favorite films from the last five years, and that was one of em. Guess I should have looked that over.

However that doesn't mean Vanilla Sky isn't a great movie cause it's one if not my all time favorite film. It's much better than the original in my opinion, and everything from Tom Cruise's performance to the music to the insane imagery just makes this an awesome movie. I guess thats what I considered original about it.

urgeok 06-02-2005 06:46 AM


Originally posted by alkytrio666
Haha ok, nevermind. Thanks Urge, ya' saved me 7 bucks...but what should I see now?!

dont take my word for it - a lot of people liked it.

the guy behind me laughed all the way through it.

goddamn idiot ..

jenna26 06-02-2005 12:16 PM


Originally posted by surfnazi

However that doesn't mean Vanilla Sky isn't a great movie cause it's one if not my all time favorite film. It's much better than the original in my opinion, and everything from Tom Cruise's performance to the music to the insane imagery just makes this an awesome movie. I guess thats what I considered original about it.

I am a huge Crowe fan, but I am not crazy about Vanilla Sky. I guess, because I had seen the original and loved it. And I just didn't buy Tom Cruise in the role. But I do think that as remakes go, it is a fairly good one. Just not a favorite of mine. I was expecting too much from it I think, because I am such a Crowe fan (Almost Famous and Say Anything....are two of my favorite non-horror films :D ) so I went in expecting to be blown away. And I just wasn't.

The_Return 06-03-2005 02:32 PM

Watched The Lady Vaoshes a couple days ago...very good movie! Check for my post in the last seen movie thread, it's more indepth.

Kubrick 06-04-2005 08:35 PM


Originally posted by zwoti
north by northwest
Same here. North By Northwest is one of my favorite films ever. I also enjoy Rear Window, Vertigo and Notorious, amoung others.

zwoti 06-05-2005 02:05 AM


Originally posted by Kubrick
Same here. North By Northwest is one of my favorite films ever. I also enjoy Rear Window, Vertigo and Notorious, amoung others.
there are so many to enjoy

jenna26 06-05-2005 10:17 PM


Originally posted by zwoti
there are so many to enjoy
There really is. I forgot to mention Spellbound, which is another of my favorites.

tom-tom 06-06-2005 12:12 AM


Originally posted by jenna26
The only Hitchcock movie that I don't like is The Birds.

But my favorite is Frenzy. I also love Rope, Psycho and Vertigo (which is about as perfect a movie ever made, in my opinion).

Yeah, The Birds - it's one of those movies where you appreciate it the more you watch.

tom-tom 06-06-2005 12:15 AM

Personally, i've loved all the Hitchcock movies i've seen so far. That includes:

Psycho (1960)

The Birds (1963)

North by Northwest (1959)

Rear Window (1954)

Vertigo (1958)

jenna26 06-06-2005 12:04 PM


Originally posted by hellboy
My favorites:

The Birds
North By Northwest
The Man Who Knew Too Much

Great list. Except for The Birds :p Just kidding. I can understand why people like that movie, I just don't. And I have watched it several times, it just bothers me....LOL....

Anyway doesn't anyone love Frenzy as much as I do? Geez.....;)

urgeok 06-06-2005 12:28 PM


Originally posted by jenna26
Great list. Except for The Birds :p Just kidding. I can understand why people like that movie, I just don't. And I have watched it several times, it just bothers me....LOL....

Anyway doesn't anyone love Frenzy as much as I do? Geez.....;)

i liked frenzy - havent seen it for years -

the strangulation scene was one of the early scenes that freaked me out as a kid ..

jenna26 06-06-2005 06:10 PM


Originally posted by urgeok
i liked frenzy - havent seen it for years -

the strangulation scene was one of the early scenes that freaked me out as a kid ..

What I love about this movie is it starts out with this character that is so unlikeable in so many ways. And then it just builds up and every single thing goes wrong for this guy. It is morbidly funny but at the same time you have to feel sorry for him.

But that scene is intense, I didn't see this movie until I was eighteen I think and it still made me uncomfortable.

Tat2 06-20-2005 06:52 PM

The Birds. Absolute favorite A.H. film. Psycho would be my 2nd. favorite.

alkytrio666 06-21-2005 08:07 AM

I just went into downtown Chicago yesterday where they're having a Hitchcock film festivel at "The Musicbox Theater". I got to see Vertigo on the big screen in 70mm. It was pretty awesome. If anyone cares...

Elvis_Christ 06-26-2005 11:53 PM

Pyscho and Vertigo.... very twisted films.

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