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-   -   a nice alien chest burster statue (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2848)

agoniste 01-05-2004 11:53 AM

a nice alien chest burster statue
yesterday i bought this thing

and i love it!
i recommand this to any alien fans.
for those wo don't know what it is,it'S the chest burster from alien.the statue is well done ;) .
it's limited to 3000

i also bought those dvds

VampRocker 01-05-2004 12:00 PM

Ugh, that statue looks sick!

And you bought "The Howling?" Good choice -- I love "The Howling!"

agoniste 01-05-2004 12:03 PM


Originally posted by VampRocker
Ugh, that statue looks sick!

And you bought "The Howling?" Good choice -- I love "The Howling!"

it needs to be sick!

Aasiyan 01-05-2004 12:06 PM

Where did you find that statue?

agoniste 01-05-2004 12:09 PM


Originally posted by Aasiyan
Where did you find that statue?
in a comic books store who sells many statues and many other things..
the statue was made by palisade toys..
they did other aliens and predators

Aasiyan 01-05-2004 12:15 PM

That is really cool. I wish they had stuff like that arond here.

agoniste 01-05-2004 12:23 PM


Originally posted by Aasiyan
That is really cool. I wish they had stuff like that arond here.
you can always order one via internet

mudsliptones 01-05-2004 12:36 PM

if one day you would wake up and find out your statue is missing, well, you will know i took i, cause it rules!!!!!

agoniste 01-05-2004 12:40 PM


Originally posted by mudsliptones
it rules!!!!!
so does this?

go on www.palisadestoys.com for more answers.
it may be www.palisadetoys.com

mudsliptones 01-05-2004 12:53 PM

also cool, but the burster is waaaaaay cooler

Bub 01-05-2004 01:20 PM

i just have to get me one of these, thanks for the info :)


agoniste 01-05-2004 01:31 PM

i suggest u to get the h.r giger alien special edition bust;)

McDonnyDude666 01-05-2004 01:33 PM

Why is a chestburster bursting out a rock?

Bub 01-05-2004 01:37 PM

I'm still picking my alien ;) the one I showed is $54 and here in the UK we are getting $1.8 per UK pound :) and rising, lol.

From this site : models

and they also do these :)

12 inches tall $40

12 + 14 inches tall and $85

EDIT : agoniste, do you have a link for the one you are talking about m8?
Not really my thing but the Alien ones are, I always loved the whole alien thing :)

agoniste 01-05-2004 01:38 PM

they also did a alien vs predator statues.
if u got both alien and predator statues u can connect tem so they will look like they are fighting.
and's it Pretty big

bloodygurl02 01-05-2004 06:02 PM

good choice w/ the movies. i like them both. the statue is really kool but if its the burster then y is it coming out of a rock and not a body?????

agoniste 01-05-2004 06:32 PM

it's coming out of a chest.
it looks like a rock there but it's a chest;)

bloodygurl02 01-05-2004 06:45 PM

ok now i see it. but it looks more like a rock. either way it still kool looking

ds_spoon 01-06-2004 06:49 AM

that things awsome and "the howling" is a great film:D

Ghost child 07-07-2004 08:23 AM

here i will post some pics of my alein toys

Ghost child 07-07-2004 08:37 AM

heres an alien toy i got

Ghost child 07-07-2004 08:43 AM

i keep them in the package usally and if i open them i buy another one and dont open it.

Chainsaw Guy 07-24-2004 07:17 PM

i have to get one of those predator statues and nice choice on the dvds

shadow_13 08-23-2004 09:43 AM

That was cool. I'd like to find one of those props where the it makes the alien look as if it is bursting through the wearer's chest. I saw it somewhere.

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