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-   -   "Freddy vs. Jason 2"? Could Be! (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=440)

horror 10-07-2003 10:22 PM

Director Ronny Yu affirms the possibility of a supervillain sequel. [details]

Unregistered 10-08-2003 06:20 AM

chucky leporcon
i think you should make chucky vs the leporcorn that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Unregistered 10-08-2003 03:29 PM


Unregistered 10-10-2003 01:11 PM


KruegerCreep626 10-11-2003 04:49 PM

Freddy vs jason 2
I hope theres a secual cuz this 1 was good. I wanna see Krueger get in jasons dreams a lil b4 they duke it out again. I think i wanna see freddy come out alive this time or at least make jason work as his body like he did w jessie.

Then theres some shit goin around bout michael myers VS pinhead whats w dat? those 2 fighin would kick ass

Unregistered 10-15-2003 11:09 AM

bring micheal meyers in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

avenger00soul 10-16-2003 05:00 PM

We've known all along there would be a sequel. Money was made=sequel.

Unregistered 10-18-2003 02:57 PM

adding michael myers and leatherface was a good idea, but why not chucky!? seeing as how ronny yu has directed a childs play film, he would be able to add him in the film with ease. Heck, why not add all of the best horror villains ever an just make a movie where its an all-out brawl between all the best?! yet, it would be tough to:

1: get all the rights
2: keep everything in line & keep up with the film
3: actually make a plot that works, by having all these guys meet up without the movie sounding too cheesy

but hey, its not a crime to brainstorm/wish! and who knows? maybe they will make a movie like that! who WOULDNT want to see a movie where freddy, jason, chucky, mike, leatherface and other horror greats go at it!? anyone who knows the officials oughta get this idea to the producers!

jasonvor 10-29-2003 05:10 AM

jason vs freddy
[i think that if they bring in myers it will be awsome

jasonvor 10-29-2003 05:14 AM

michael would die first because he is only human

Unregistered 11-09-2003 11:07 AM

Chuckie!? What the fuck. Chuckie is stupid. Seriously. He is 16 inches. Jason is almost 7 ft. Even i could kick chuky's ass. Goodness. And Micheal Myers would be okay but like that one guy said, he is still human. Freddy will always get his ass whipped my Jason. And freddy will kill micheal. MAybe if they put leatherface(TCM). Or hellraiser. Otherwise, Jason will kill them all.

lil jay 11-12-2003 07:48 AM

I think when jason get there in the lake he is going to kick some ass. freddy is cool but jason is better anyway ja

Blah 11-22-2003 06:53 PM

He never dies

Originally posted by jasonvor
michael would die first because he is only human
Michael wouldn't die because he hasn't really died yet. Jason keeps staying dead long enough to get buried, somtimes for years but M.M. hasn't died really long enough for anyone to bury him half assed. He just keeps getting back up after a little while.
And as for Freddy all he is is Comic relief with the exception of Nightmare on Elm Street 1 and New Night Mare

mudsliptones 11-23-2003 10:34 AM

hmmmz, as said before, micheal is a pretty cool killer, but he would die in a second, he is really human, sure, he has a low pain treshhold, but he would die, jason was human till part 5 (people who argue with this don't, don't spoil part 5 for certain people lol)
and from part 6 he became superhuman, he came back to life,n demon as you can say
freddy, well he's dead, maybe someone like pinhead would do it, but then again, pinhead would love the pain of jasons weapon heheheh

Unregistered 11-27-2003 08:38 PM

Freddy vs. Jason vs. SPAWN
Alright, Ash, Leatherface, and Michael Myers may all be "okay" ideas, but come now, Spawn would be the greatest part to join the couple. Spawn is currently in a swifty thing while they work on Spawn 2, and so the franchise is owned somewhere inbetween Sony and New Line, making the character easily usable. I'd love to see Spawn tear Freddy and Jason a new one in Hell.

cheebacheeba 11-27-2003 09:18 PM

That reminds me....oh, how much better the Spawn movie couldv'e been...anyways, interesting post guys...so, has Yu as yet CONFIRMED that Ash will be included in the F vs J sequel?
I know that at this point he's allegedly confirmed there WILL be a sequel, and that the MOST LIKELY additional character would be Ash, if ANY...Has anyone heard or seen anything more solid than this?
Also, if you're interested in a very cool idea for the potential Freddy vs Jason (vs Ash?) sequel, please have a look at my upcoming thread, titled F vs J vs A MADNESS , should have it done a few minutes from now...you guys should really check it out...cya:cool:

Unregistered 11-29-2003 10:45 AM

i think that u r all stupid cuz freddie & jason SUCK. I think that the director needs 2 get a life instead of makin scary films that aren't even scary. I THINK THAT ALL U PPL WHO LIKE THESE GAY FILMS NEED 2 GET A LIFE!

cheebacheeba 11-29-2003 04:18 PM

Hey, is it just me, or is this dipshit who posted above me trippin'?
First of all, I don't thing I've seen ANYONE post that they went to F vs J to be "scared"...sure, maybe some of the younger horror fans might've went to get a chill, but us (more seasoned) horror fans I think mainly went to see F VS J out of nostalgia, to see two characters that HAVE scared us in the past get together and massacre some annoying stereotypical teens, and then go one on one.....NOT to be scared....As for Yu getting a life, well, I'd say he's probably got that one down already with the profits he's made from this, and his last couple of films...Anyways, for anyone reading interested in the possibility of F vs j part 2, PLEASE go have a look at my thread, entitled F vs J 2 possibilities. CYA!

Unregistered 11-30-2003 12:45 AM

Hi, my names Robert England,im afraid im not taking part in another roll in Freddy vs Jason2.Ive spoken to Kane Hodder himselve and belive it,or not ive canceled it at all the cinemas.

cheebacheeba 11-30-2003 03:57 PM

You idiot...
First of all, the name's wrong, unless Mr Englund has forgotten how to spell it...Secondly if he wasn't going to be involved with the sequel, then the production wouldn't be at the stage where it was ready to go to the cinemas, or, if it WAS at the point that it WAS ready to be released at a cinema, and R.E decided THEN that he didn't want anything to do with it, it wouldn't be up to him to pull it outta the cinemas, that would be a choice made between the director and the production company. Lastly, why would Kane Hodder have been spoken to about a sequel in the first place? Not that he isn't the "original" Jason, not that some may argue he was a better Jason.....but he WASN'T in Freddy vs Jason...so why all of a sudden would he be in the sequel? You're a fucking retard, man.....go post on a "little bitches inc." page.:rolleyes:

avenger00soul 12-03-2003 08:17 AM


Originally posted by Unregistered
Hi, my names Robert England,im afraid im not taking part in another roll in Freddy vs Jason2.Ive spoken to Kane Hodder himselve and belive it,or not ive canceled it at all the cinemas.

cheebacheeba 12-03-2003 06:31 PM

yeah avenger....first thing I said too...

avenger00soul 12-04-2003 06:01 AM


Originally posted by cheebacheeba
yeah avenger....first thing I said too...
At least he could have spelled the name right. Geez.

brianandjr 12-23-2003 08:33 AM

great idea
This movie will be a great idea , you could reunite freddy with nancy, jason with tina from friday 13th part 7 , and michael myers with his niece Jamie played by danielle harris. Also you could included leatherface or chucky but this time he's badder than ever , if you guys want to comment on this e-mail me at [email protected]

Unregistered 12-23-2003 05:09 PM

What r u people talking about? Myers Would kill jason no problem. And who said michael is human is full of crap. What r u smoking, he has been shot, burned, and fell from like a 4 story building. And u say he is human. Wow! U wish. Myers is #1

brianandjr 12-24-2003 09:46 AM

you guys are sort of right, michael I think could kill jason even freddy but they are all eternal , and adding chucky might be good because they could included his son which tiffinay gave birth to the 4th movie . And together they could cause alot .

FunnyJoey 01-09-2004 04:22 AM

Freddy Rulez
i think, that in the second movie they will have freddy vs jason AGAIN, but also i think Pinhead will be there, along with M.M. like the others sed MM will die freddy will keep running away and there will be a big fight between pinhead and jason but jason will win he does have the edge, then it will go back to Freddy vs jason. i do hope freddy wins, he is so much cooler than jason

coolice6903 01-12-2004 07:09 PM

Freddy....jason....michael....i got the story line
alright alright ......check this out.....the movie starts off in hell..where a devil sits there with 3 doors in front of him where freddy comes in one door and gives one of his one liners.....then jason comes through the middle door and stares freddy down for a couple of sec.s then just as he pulls his Machete out and raises it to freddy the third door opens and michael walks through carrying his knife backwards and freddy gives his one liner like who the hell is the white bitch........then the devil looks at them all and starts to laugh and then continues on to say that he has a proposition for the three of them.....who ever can kill the most ppl in the time period givin they will become the devils right hand man they can use any tatics possiable including fighting eachother......then he sends them back to earth.......then the fun begins........if u want to email me for a reply...its [email protected]

cheebacheeba 01-12-2004 09:56 PM

You guys....Myers, Pinhead, Chucky....as potentially cool as that would be, realistically, I don't think any of 'em are going to happen.....why?
The rights to those characters belong to different production companies - too much bullshit to make it happen, that, and competing companies are unlikely to either;
a: make another company look like they have a "must see" film by putting their character in it, hence making money off that character, and even royalties probably wouldn't be considered enough to let the abovementioned slide.
or b: most likely, put another character from a different production company in their film....unless of course, they were gonna just let said character get totally asskicked by their own golden boy/s...which of course, would NOT be agreed to by the "other" production company....
The only way anybody's gonna put pinhead, myers or any of those characters belonging to other production companies is to buy the rights to the character....and I'm willing to bet the price on those guys is gonna be more than certain people are going to pay...especially when they have a film to make, and a budget to stick to....
See what I mean by too much bullshit?
Maybe, in future, there could be a slight possibility of a "swap" or something of the like, but the kind of negotiations probably required for such a thing would no doubt take at least a year or two....
I think you guys are more likely to see Ash in the next film, like it or not.

bigbluedave 01-14-2004 04:10 PM

Re: Freddy....jason....michael....i got the story line

Originally posted by coolice6903
..who ever can kill the most ppl in the time period givin they will become the devils right hand man they can use any tatics possiable including fighting eachother......then he sends them back to earth.......then the fun begins

This sounds like it could be a fun film gore from start to finish.

Vandaliser 06-12-2004 10:45 AM

Hehe Michael Myers? C'mon get real !

I mean .....

Lets have the following senario :

Freddy is having a BIG ego problem after he got wasted with his own arm by jason and wants his Revenge......

So he searches the depths of hell(again) and finds MM to ally with him to kill Jason...

Following happens ... Freddy and micheal search for jason they end up at Crystal lake once again (freddy regenerated his body again in a dream of either will or Lori since they know and fear him)

Freddy sends Michael after Jason ..... Michael sneaks up on jason and stabs him with his butter knife , Jason looks at MM pulls out the knife and since MM is also so stupid to stand still jason lifts his machette AND SLICES MM IN TWO wich he does with such force his upper torso flies out of the window just as nice as Kia flew in F VS J 1 .

Result MM is dead very dead and he doesnt stand up like jason does and walks further :P


bloodrayne 06-17-2004 05:43 AM

I'll watch it either way

jay o2 waster 06-19-2004 10:26 PM

Mw too

Threl kaar 06-20-2004 08:03 PM

Man i loved the first but they should quit while they're ahead.

Freddy Krueger. 06-21-2004 09:51 PM

They should keep it as what it says: "Freddy VS. Jason". Anyone else added in the battle would just be weak and stupid.

KRUGERKID13 06-27-2004 11:37 PM

i really hope they leave it be

kpropain 06-28-2004 12:15 AM


Originally posted by Freddy Krueger.
They should keep it as what it says: "Freddy VS. Jason". Anyone else added in the battle would just be weak and stupid.

KRUGERKID13 06-29-2004 10:04 PM


Originally posted by kpropain
i second that

scaryminda15 05-31-2006 01:37 PM

the movie would be great but u know what i think is that they should put micael myers jason V. and freddy all in one. well they are great well thanks for reading bye.

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