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Gojira 01-18-2005 11:48 AM

Godzilla 1954-2014
Greetings everyone this thread is about Godzilla and the 3 diffrent Godzilla movie series that have been made in the last 50 years by Toho studios in Japan. The 1st Series consicts of 15 Godzilla movies made from 1954-1975 It is called the Showa series. The 2nd series was made from 1984-1995 the series has 7 movies and is called the Heisei series. The 3rd series was made from 1999-2004 and is called the Millennium series. Here are the movie titled of each series. There are 28 movie titles in all.
Showa series
1 Godzilla1954
2 Godzilla Raids Again 1955
3 KingKong vs. Godzilla 1962
4 Mothra vs. Godzilla 1964
5 Ghidora the 3 Headedmonster 1964
6 Godzilla vs. MonsterZero 1965
7 Godzilla vs. Eibra 1966
8 Son of Godzilla 1967
9 Destroy All Monsters 1968
10 Godzillas Revenge 1969
11 Godzilla vs. Hedora 1971
12 Godzilla vs. Gigan 1972
13 Godzilla vs. Megalon 1973
14 Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla 1974
15 Terror of MechaGodzilla 1975
Heisei series
16 Godzilla Returns 1984
17 Godzilla vs. Biollante
18 Godzilla vs. KingGhidora 1991
19 Godzilla vs. Mothra 1992
20 Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla 1993
21 Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla 1994
22 Godzilla vs. Destroyer 1995
Millennium series
23 Godzilla2000 1999
24 Godzilla x Megagirus 2000
25 Godzilla Mothra KingGhidora 2001
26 Godzilla x MechaGodzilla 2002
27 Godzilla x Mothra x MechaGodzilla SOS 2003
28 Godzilla Final Wars 2004 50th Anniversary movie
The 1992 and 1993 movies are remakes and Tristars 1998 movie is not listed as it is not part of the series. The Godzilla movie series is the longest running movie series in movie history where all the movies are made by 1 movie studio. The James Bond series is 2nd with 20 movies made by Pinewood studios. I would like to know which Godzilla movie series is your fave. I like the Heisei series the most over all.

Moribund 01-18-2005 06:47 PM

I never knew anything about dividing the Godzilla movies up like that, but from what I see I like the Showa series best.

Gojira 01-18-2005 07:27 PM

Hi Moribund I grew up watching the Showa series movies 1954-1975 and when the Heisei series came along the series blew me away. The Heisei series in 5 of its 7 movies has Godzilla being twice his original hight and twice as powerful. The first 2 Heisei movies in 84-89 Godzilla is bigger then he was in 54-75 but by only 30 meters. Toho studios when making its 2nd and 3rd series made them so each series begins with the 1st movie in 1954. The Heisei series is 84-95 but the 84 movie is a direct sequel to the 1954 movie 30 years later Godzilla returns in 84. All the Heisei movies link up to each other to tell one story like Starwars movies. The Millennium series movies 1999 -2004 6 movies so far again Godzilla 2000 is a sequel to 54 and each of the Millennium movies are direct sequels to the original 1954 movie except Godzilla x Mothra x MechaGodzilla in 2003 as it is the sequel to the 2002 movie Godzilla x MechaGodzilla. It is intersting to note Godzillas hight is diffrent in each series. From 54-75 Godzilla was 50 meters tall and from 84-95 Godzilla was 80 meters and 100 meters tall then from 1999-2000 he is 55 meters in 2001 60 meters in 2002-203 55 meters in 2004 100 meters tall. I think the Heisei and Millennium movies are much much better than the old Showa series better made better special effects etc. Its a shame that the only Heisei movie that was released in the USA was the 1984 movie that was seen here in 1985. The other 6 movies came out on video not in theatres. The same thing happened with the Millennium series Godzilla2000 in 1999 came to theatres in the USA in 2000. The other movies did not come to the USA except for last years Godzilla Final Wars but thats because its world premier was in Hollywood november 29th 2004.

nine9 01-18-2005 07:37 PM

I have to admit that I liked the movie with Matthew Broderick. So sorry..........:( lol..............but I thought itwas pretty good.

I am generally not a fan of these movies. Thought they were just funny at best. Very, very bad effects. I'll have to admit they are classics though.:)

Gojira 01-18-2005 08:22 PM

Hi nine9 as big of a Godzilla fan I am I have to say I really hate the 1970s Godzilla movies with a passion. The 70s Godzilla movies were being made to be like the Gamera movie. The Gamera movies were aimed for kids. Toho wanted kids to see Godzilla movies so in the 70s they began making Godzilla kiddie like movies where Godzilla is out to save the world rather than destroy it. Thsts the reason Toho quit making Godzilla movies in the 70s. They were losing money older people were not watching them so the series ended. I think Tristars so called Godzilla movie in 1998 is a good giant monster movie. However it is not a movie about Godzilla. Let me explain back in 1995 Toho made Godzilla vs. Destroyer it was supose to be the last Godzilla movie and Tristar wanted to buy the rights of Godzilla from Toho so they could make in American Godzilla movie. This was in 1996. Toho said NO so Tristar asked Toho if they could Lease the name Godzilla so they could title their movie Godzilla. Toho said ok but pay us 10Million dollars. Tristar agreed paid the 10 Mil. The monster could not look like Godzilla or have Godzillas trademark Atomic Ray. This was a rule Toho insisted upon. Tristar made a movie not about a mutated Dinosaur as Godzilla was and is but the Tristar monster was a mutated Igunana he was just a Lizard. Mathew Brodrick in the Tristar movie names the giant Igunana Igunanasarus. Not Godzilla. The movie was titled Godzilla and people thought they were really going to see a movie about Godzilla when there was no Godzilla in the movie. Fans were jipped imo. Toho studios has never and will never remake Godzilla just like they will never remake the 7 Samurai. Because the Tristar 98 movie was titled Godzilla as a means to sell tickets to lure fans to see the movie many fans were tricked into thinking they saw a Godzilla movie when infact they didnt. On a side note the director and producer of the 1998 so called Godzilla movie were fired. The 98 movie is probley the best and worst thing that happened. Its the worst in that that 98 movie almost killed the fandom here in the USA. Its the best thing in that after it was made. Toho Studios resurected the Godzilla and contracted to make a 3rd Godzilla series in 1999 starting with Godzilla2000. If I were you Nine9 I would try and watch the Heisei series or Millennium series as they rock and are not anything like the old Showa series of the 70s.

nine9 01-18-2005 08:30 PM

Holy Fucking SHIT! Do you ever know alot about this!

Well I will check that out. I have never known anyone into this so much since my friend in grade five.

You sure know your zilla! :p :D

Gojira 01-19-2005 06:00 AM

Hi nine9 you might find it intersting to know that there are 2 other movies that makes reffrence to Tristars 98 so called Godzilla monster. In 2001 Toho made the movie titled Godzilla mothra KingGhidora GMK for short. In the movie near the start of it there is a scene where about 100 people are listening to this one guy make a speach about how giant monsters have attacked including a monster that attacked NYC in the late twentith century. Then it shows one Jap asking his friend Was that Godzilla? His friend says No but they thought it was in America . But here in Japan we knew it wasnt. I love that scene in GMK as it proves that the 98 monster was never Godzilla. The other movie that takes it a step further is Godzilla Final Wars last years Godzilla movie. In the movie it has the 98 Tristar monster and Godzilla fight each other. As not to confuse fans the 98 monster is simply called Zilla and yes he is still a CGI monster. Anyway Godzilla and Zilla fight Godzilla kills Zilla in a minute. Well as they say in the Highlander movies There can only be just one. Your right I do know alot about Godzilla movies then again I have been watching them since 1966. And I try to make it each year to G-Fest a Godzilla convention held in Chicago.

nine9 01-19-2005 06:32 AM

Cool. My friend that was into these was from Eastern Europe. I think she was Chech. She never missed them if they were on TV. I think they were particularily popular there.


Gojira 01-19-2005 07:30 AM

Hi nine9 I can believe that Godzilla is pretty popular in Eurpoe there was even a website called EuroGoji. The name was changed to GojiWorld. Its still the same place just their name was changed. Goji is short for Gojira and Gojira is what Godzilla is called in Japan. In english Gojira is Godzilla.

Gojira 01-24-2005 12:12 AM

Many people dont really know what inspired the movie Godzilla to be made back in 1954. Well the movie was based on a real life event that took place back in march 1st 1954. The USA was conducting h-bomb tests at bikini island and had asked that all fishing boats stay a safe distance away as to not get effected by the blast. There was one fishing boat a Japanese troller named the Lucky Dragon #5. The boat was 87 miles away but the blast was bigger than what the USA thought it was going to be anyway the Lucky Dragon was stuck by a Radiation blast. Everyone on board the boat was nuked and riscue boats were sent out. around the same time a movie studio executive was on his way back from a trip where he was unsuccessful in securing visas for actors in the studios next movie. the young executive picked up his news paper and started to read it on the front page it said JAPANS 2nd ATOMIC BOMBING the article was about the incedent that took place when the Lucky Dragon boat was nuked and how both the USA and Japanese blamed each other for the incedent. After reading the write up the executive wrote down some words on some paper Atomic Bomb Dragon Rescue boat. When the Executive arrived in Tokyo he pitched an idea to his bosses about a movie where a radioactive monster comes out of the sea and attacks Tokyo. his boess loved the idea. The idea became Godzilla and the young executive who had the idea produced the movie Godzilla opened in november 3rd 1954. Godzilla was so sucessful the Producer made 21 more Godzilla movies from 1954-1995 22 in all his name was Tomoyuki Tanaka. Godzilla was a dinosaur who was awaken and was mutated by an H-Bomb and had absorbed the bomb radiation and became as powerful as an H-bomb. In the move Godzilla destroys all of Tokyo and is able to emit a beam or ray of radiation that can destroy anything. Aftet Tanakas death in 1996 a 3rd Godzilla series was made that started in 1999 and continues to this day.

Gojira 01-24-2005 08:59 AM

In Japan the very 1st giant monster movie that was made and used man in suit a.k.a. suitmation was not Godzilla as many might think so. As a matter of fact the 1st man in suit monster movie was Kingkong Appears on Edo made in 1938. Actor Sanshiro Sagra wore the Kong suit. Then 16 years later Toho made Godzilla in 1954 and that was the 2nd man in suit giant monster movie. The man who designed the Godzilla suit was Teizo Toshimoto he also helped make the Kong suit in 1938. Suitactor Harou Nakajima wore the 200lb Godzilla suit. Nakajima was Godzilla from 1954-1972 the 1st 12 Godzilla movies. Nakajima said when making Godzilla back in 1954 they could only film 5 minutes at a time because the suit was so hot inside he was sweating buckets of water. Harou Nakajima played other giant monsters in his career in 1956 he was Rodan and in 1957 Varan in 58 He was the giant Robot Mogera in the movie the Mysterians and he was the monster Baragon in Frankenstien conquers the World 1965 and he was Gaira the green Gargantua in War of the Gargantuas 1966. Later Nakajima was Gezora the giant Squid in Yog monster from outer space 1970. After 1972 acter who wore the Godzilla suit in 1973 1974 1975 were Shinji Takai in 73 Isao Zushi in 74 and Tohru Kawai in 75. From 1984-1995 Ken Satsuma was Godzilla in the next 7 movies. And suit actor Tsutomu Kitagawa wore the Godzilla suit from 1999-2004 . Of course the Godzilla suit was far more advanced in the 80s & 90s and very very expeisive costing up to $80.000 to make the suit. An averge suit cost about $60.000 to make while a promtional suit is $20.000 to $30.000. The suits today are very high tech and are more than just a suit its almost something you opperate from the inside.

The_Return 01-24-2005 09:02 AM

Who wore the suit in the 98 American "Fakezilla"? I wanna meet that dude!;)

Gojira 01-24-2005 09:14 AM

LOL trust me return the guy who wore the suit in Tristars fakezilla98 movie was a nobody LOL LOL. However the guy who wore the Godzilla suit in Godzilla Final Wars suitactor Tsutomu Kitagawa did kick Fakezillas butt when Fakezilla98 and Godzilla battled each other in Godzilla Final Wars. CGI monster vs. Suitmation monster intersting scene and yes Godzilla killed fakezilla98 in a minute.

The_Return 01-24-2005 09:35 AM


Originally posted by Gojira
LOL trust me return the guy who wore the suit in Tristars fakezilla98 movie was a nobody LOL LOL. However the guy who wore the Godzilla suit in Godzilla Final Wars suitactor Tsutomu Kitagawa did kick Fakezillas butt when Fakezilla98 and Godzilla battled each other in Godzilla Final Wars. CGI monster vs. Suitmation monster intersting scene and yes Godzilla killed fakezilla98 in a minute.
That would be something to see...considering I [shamefully] actually enjoyed "Fakezilla" [as we are now calling it:P]

Gojira 01-24-2005 06:26 PM

Hi Return I enjoyed watching the Fakezilla98 movie as far as a giant monster movie it was ok not bad but as far it being called a Godzilla movie it sucked bigtime. I think and many other giant monster movie fans think it was more like the Beast from 20.000 Fathoms remake combined with a Varan remake. The monster was also able to go under ground like Baragon. Varan is a 1957 movie the name Varan comes from the name Varanus meaning Monitor Lizard or komodo Dragon. Baragon was a monster who has been in 3 movies he burrows underground. The Beast from 20.000 Fathoms was a 1953 movie about a giant dinosarur called the Rhedosaur who attacked NYC. The 98 Tristar monster seems to be a mix of all 3 monsters.

Gojira 01-25-2005 07:20 AM

Here is a small list of unmade Godzilla movie projects that Toho studios never made for one reason or another.
1 Godzilla vs. the SmogMonster sequel in 1972 idea was shot down
2 Godzilla vs. the Gargantua one of the Gargantuas or another Gargantua fights Godzilla
3 Godzilla vs. the Devil in this movie Satan would appear in diffrent forms and fight Godzilla
4 Godzilla vs. Bagan this idea should have been made no doubt about it.
5 unmade remakes KingKong vs. Godzilla Ted Turner owned the rights to Kong and wanted to much money from Toho so this movie was not made.
The 1995 Godzilla vs. Destroyer movie seems to be 2 unmade movie ideas mixed to make 1 monster. Destroyer seems to be like the Devil and Bagan ideas put together
The idea of a remake of Destroy All Monsters and the idea of a Godzilla vs. Godzilla 98 movie seem to have merged into Godzilla Final Wars. Godzilla does battle Fakezilla98 in Godzilla Final Wars and like Destroy All Monsters over 10 monsters attck countrys around the world.. There are tons of unmade Godzilla movie ideas and some will never be made like a Godzilla vs. Gamera which fans would love to see.

Gojira 01-25-2005 08:14 AM

Ok here is what Godzillas fanbase is and like Godzilla its big
according to Toho the fanbase for Godzilla has grown in 50 years to 1 billion fans world wide. This figure seems about right if you go by the number of ticket sales over the 50 years and 28 movies keeping in mind that these movies are seen all over the world.
You have to undestand back in 1954 the movie Godzilla was an international success and it made millions of dollars about 10 times of what it cost to make. Godzilla hit his peak in the 60s where there was so much demand to see his movies 8 movies were made in that one decade alone. Godzilla movies have been seen in Japan Thailand Australia Mexico Brazil Canada America France Germany Poland Italy Spain Turkey England Belgium Holland Argentine Sweden Colombia Czechoslovia Taiwan Egypt
Cuba Yogoslavia. Well these are the countrys I can remember there might be more. On a side not in 50 years in Japan the number of people there match the number of fans that exist now. In 50 years in Japan 1billion people have sen Godzilla movies which matches the number of current fans world wide present day. Imo Godzilla is like any other well liked movie monster like Frankenstien Dracula Wolfman Mummy. They may have been around longer than Godzilla and seem to maintain a fanbase. Any movie monster who can maintain a fanbase for 50 years and longer cant be that bad. Any movie goer fan or not must ask themself what is it about these monsters that keep fans watching their movies decade after decade.

The_Return 01-25-2005 11:55 AM

Just wondering...

Gojira, have you played the Godzilla : Destroy All Monsters Melee video game? Im not sure what ststems itz for, but I own it for Gamecube. Itz awesome, you can chose from alot of different monsters [Im best with Rodan:cool:], including Orga from Godzilla 2000, and 2 versions of Big G, 3 if you count Mechagodzilla [Fakezilla is not involved]

Gojira 01-25-2005 01:50 PM

Hi Return no I have not played the Destroy All Monsters video game or any of the Godzilla video games. I am glad they make them but I am not much of a gamer. Back in the 70s my family owned a few arcades and I know how addicting gaming can be and when I was in my late teens games were of no interst to me. but I do play the slots at Vegas every Xmas at least you have a chance of winning money lol. There are alot of Godzilla fans my age and yonger who really enjoy the video games. I am excited about this new Godzilla Chess Set that came out I do love playing Chess.

Every year at G-fest this Godzilla convention held in Chicago they have a major gaming contest on this giant 12 ft long 7 ft wide game board people will play for hours at a time. I think these people are nuts. I am hoping to go to this years G-Fest in July and pick up a movie poster or 2 and watch a Japanese monster movie with english subtitles. I have a neice and nephew who like video games and Godzilla I was thinking about getting them one of these new Godzilla video games. Last thing I bought my neice was one of the original Godzilla movie posters from Japan.

Moribund 01-25-2005 04:09 PM

The original Godzilla movie is playing at the Fine Arts museum here on friday. Naturally, im going. :D

Gojira 01-25-2005 07:06 PM

Damn you lucky Bastard Moribund !! I wish I could go see it with you. I also heard the 1954 Godzilla movie will be playing at a convention in Boston I think. I first saw Gojira a.k.a. Godzilla back in 2001 at G-Fest at a near by theatre. The basic diffrence between the original Japanese 1954 Godzilla movie and the USA 1956 movie Godzilla King of the Monsters is that the 54 movie is 97 minutes long and is a much darker movie. Godzilla King of the Monsters is about 79 minutes long and has actor Raymond burr in the movie. In the 1954 movie they say H-Bomb while the USA version is waterd down some and the term atomic bomb is used instead.

What you find out in the 1954 Gojira movies is that Dr. Serizawa is being funded by the Nazis for his research work. Later serizawa invents the Oxygen bomb which is just as powerful as a nuclear bomb. In the USA version Serizawa is portryed as a guy who went to college with Raymond Burr and both are good friends. The movie itself was inspired by a real life event that happened a few months before where a Japanese fishing boat had been nuked by an h-bomb at bikini island. The name of the boat was the Lucky Dragon. Let me know what you think of the movie. I dont think you should have trouble reading the subtitles.

Last year Rialto Pictures was showing the movie in theatres across the country as one film cretic put it Godzilla 1954 is the Citizen Kane of Giant Monster movies.

The_Return 01-26-2005 04:03 PM

They had the original [Or possibly the 1st USA one] set to play on TV last weekend, but at the last minute, they changed it to Godzilla vs Mothra, which I own [And dont like much]. I was all psyched, but then the annoncer called out the movie, it sucked:(

Gojira 01-26-2005 04:43 PM

Hi Return a couple of tidbits about the 1964 mothra vs. Godzilla movie. In the original movie there is no Fronteer Missles that fire on Godzilla. However in the USA version there are and the USA version is a minute longer. Most Godzilla movies its the original Jap version thats better but in this case some fans think the USA version is better because of the fronteer missles I say they are about the same. If you compare Mothra vs. Godzilla 1964 to Godzilla vs. Mothra 1992 remake the 1992 movie is much better and makes the 1964 movie seem like its a peice of shit lol. I like the idea of Mothra having an evil twin in the remake also in the remake Mothra and her twin Battra have lasers and the Mothra twins the 2 little girls called the twin farries are called the Cosmos in the 1992 movie.

The_Return 01-26-2005 04:50 PM

I dont need to see the remake to think itz a piece of shit:)

Gojira 01-26-2005 05:38 PM

The remake of Godzilla vs. Mothra in 1992 is awesome. I never much cared for Mothra vs. Godzilla 1964 but the remake in 1992 wow great movie indeed and I hate Mothra. Another movie I dont care for is the 1974 movie Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla. I am glad it was remade in 1993 when I saw the remake I was blown away. MechaGodzilla in the 1993 remake was 70 meters taller than he was in the 74&75 movies. He stood at 120 meters and Godzilla was 100 meters tall twice his original hight. A new Rodan and a new version of Godzillas son called babyGodzilla. This whole movie was awesome from start to finish. BabyGodzilla was in 2 other Godzilla movies but bigger in size in 94 he was called LittleGodzilla at 30 meters then he was 41 meters in his 3rd movie being called Godzilla Jr.

Gojira 01-27-2005 08:52 PM

Here is a list of Godzilla movies their titles and release dates
1Gojira -Godzilla November 3rd 1954
2Gojira No Gyakushu-Godzillas Raids Again April 24th 1955
3 KinguKongu Tai Gojira-KingKong vs. Godzilla August 11th 1962
4Mosura Tai Gojira-Mothra vs. Godzilla April 29th 1964
5San Daikaiju Chikyu Saidai No Kessen-Ghidora the 3 HeadedMonster December 20th 1964
6Kaiju Daisenso-Godzilla vs. MonsterZero December 19th 1965
7Gojira Ebira Mosura Nankai No Dai Ketto-Godzilla vs. the Seamonster December 17th 1966
8Kaijuto No Kessen Gojira No Musuko-Son of Godzilla December 16th 1967
9Kaiju Soshiingeki-Destroy All Monsters August 1st 1968
10Gojira Minira Gabora: All Kaiju Daishingeki-Godzillas Revenge December 20th 1969
11Gojira Tai Hedora-Godzilla vs. Hedorah July 21st 1971
12Gojira Tai Gaigan -Godzilla vs. Gigan March 12th 1972
13Gojira Tai Megaro-Godzilla vs. Megalon March 17th 1973
14GojiraTai MekaGojira-Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla March 21st 1974
15MekaGojira No Gyakushu-Terror of MechaGodzilla March 15th 1975
16Gojira-Godzilla December 15th 1984
17Gojira Tai Biorante-Godzilla vs. Biollante December 16th 1989
18Gojira Tai KinguGidora-Godzilla vs. KingGhidora December 14th 1991
19Gojira Tai Mosura-Godzilla vs. Mothra December December 12th 1992
20Gojira Tai MekaGojira-Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla December 11th 1993
21Gojira Tai SupesuGojira-Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla December 11th 1994
22Gojira Tai Desutoria-Godzilla vs. Destroyer December 9th 1995
23Gojira 2000Mireniamu-Godzilla2000Millennium December 15th 1999
24Gojira x Megagirusu-Godzilla x Megagirus December 18th 2000
25GojiraMosuraKingGidora-Godzilla Mothra KingGhidora December 15th 2001
26Gojirax MekaGojira-Godzilla x MechaGodzilla December 14th 2002
27Gojirax Mosura x MekaGojira-Godzilla x Mothra x MechaGodzilla December 13th 2003
28Gojira Fainaru Uozu-Godzilla Final Wars December 4th 2004
24Gojira x Megagiruasu-Godzilla x Megagirus December
These are the release dates in Japanese and English

Gojira 01-28-2005 11:30 AM

The Directors of the Godzilla movies are listed and the movies they directed
Ishiro Honda directed
1 Godzilla 1954
2 KingKong vs. Godzilla 1962
3 Mothra vs. Godzilla 1964
4 Ghidora the 3 HeadedMonster 1964
5 Godzilla vs. MonsterZero 1965
6 Destroy All Monsters 1968
7Godzillas Revenge 1969
8Terror of MechaGodzilla 1975
Motoyoshi Oda directed
1Godzilla Raids Again 1955
Jun Fukuda Directed
1 Godzilla vs Eibra 1966
2Son of Godzilla 1967
3 Godzilla vs. Gigan 1972
4Godzilla vs. Megalon 1973
5Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla 1974
Yoshimitsu Banno directed
1Godzilla vs. Hedora 1971
Kohji Hashimoto directed
1Godzilla 1984
Kazuki Omori directed
1Godzilla vs. Biollante 1989
2Godzilla vs. KingGhidora 1991
Takao Okawara directed
1Godzilla vs. Mothra 1992
2Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla 1993
3Godzilla vs. Destroyer 1995
4Godzilla2000 Millennium 1999
Masaaki Tezuka directed
1Godzilla x Megagirus 2000
2Godzilla x MechaGodzilla 2002
3Godzilla x Mothra x MechaGodzilla 2003
Shusuke Kaneko directed
1Godzilla Mothra KingGhidora 2001
Ryuhei Kitamura directed
1Godzilla Final Wars 2004
The break down is
Ishiro Honda 8 movies
Motoyoshi Oda 1 movie
Jun Fukuda 5 movies
Yoshimitsu Banno 1 movie
Kohji Hashimoto 1 movie
Kazuki Omori 2 movies
Takao Okawara 4 movies
Tezuka 3 movies
Shusuke Kaneko 1 movie
Ryuhei Kitamura 1 movie
10 Directors 28 movie in 50 years

MrShape 01-28-2005 08:40 PM


Originally posted by nine9
I have to admit that I liked the movie with Matthew Broderick. So sorry..........:( lol..............but I thought itwas pretty good.

I am generally not a fan of these movies. Thought they were just funny at best. Very, very bad effects. I'll have to admit they are classics though.:)

Well, you're not alone. I did find myself enjoying it. The problem was, it wasn't Godzilla. I wouldn't have minded changes being made. For better of for worse, any American Godzilla should be different from Toho's version or all you've done is transplanted him. But this wasn't an American Godzilla, this was a whole new mosnter entirely. Either they should have made him more like the original, or given the creature a different name and let it stand on its own. It's actually a well designed monster on its own.

Gojira 01-28-2005 09:09 PM

Hi Mr Shape in Tristars 1998 so called Godzilla movie the monster was given a name and Mathew Brodrick said the species of this giant mutated Igunana was Igunanasarus. Igunanasarus is what it was named in the movie. There are 2 other Godzilla movies that were made in later years that prove that Tristars Igunanasarus is not Godzilla. In 2001 Toho made the movie Godzilla Mothra KingGhidora in this movie there is a discussion about giant monsters who have attacked citys around the world. One monster was said to have attacked NYC in the late 20th century and the USA thought it was Godzilla but they were mistaken it was just another monster. Thats what is said in GMK. The other Godzilla movie that proves the Tristar 98 monster was not Godzilla was last years Godzilla Final Wars in 2004 where Godzilla and the Tristar 98 monster meet and fight Godzilla kills the USA 98 monster in a minute. As they say in the Highlander movies There can only be just one.

ClassicHorror 01-29-2005 01:56 PM

Who cares, Godzilla is a fictional character, they said that was Godzilla then its Godzilla. Plain and simple. By the way its a completely different story so it might have been some other monster.

Gojira 01-29-2005 02:29 PM

Hi Classic your right Godzilla is a fictional movie monster but keep in mind the idea or inspiration for Godzilla was based on a real life event that took place March of 1954. Thats when a japanese fishing boat named the Lucky Dragon was nuked by an h-bomb by accident. Rescue ships were sent to save those on board the Dragon. A movie executive had read about the incident and came up with the idea of a giant monster that was mutated by radiation and that attacked Tokyo. As far as Tristars 1998 so called Godzilla movie that movie is a diffrent type of creature than Godzilla was or is. The creature in the 98 movie is an Igunanasarus which is said in the movie. There are 2 other movies that say the 98 monster is not Godzilla and infact Godzilla himself fights the 98 Tristar monster in Godzilla Final Wars and kills it in 1 minute.

ClassicHorror 01-29-2005 03:54 PM

All in all, Tristar screwed up the system from the inside.

ClassicHorror 01-29-2005 03:55 PM

by the waydoes anyone inhere have any Godzilla memorabilia, I have this big toy of him, pretty cool.

Gojira 01-29-2005 08:10 PM

Hi Classic I agree that Tristar conned alot of people into thinking that their 1998 monster was Godzilla. What happened was that Tristar leased the name Godzilla from Toho to title their movie. Mind you Tristar did not buy the rights to Godzilla they just leased the name not the character. The 1998 Tristar movie was both the worst thing that could happen to Godzilla and the best thing that could have happened to Godzilla.

Let me explain back in 1995 Toho studios made what was to be their very last Godzilla movie titled Godzilla vs. Destroyer. After the movie was made Tristar leased the Godzilla name from Toho in 1996. Tristar opened their movie in 1998. Most who saw the movie felt cheated and ripped off many fans and regular movie goers thought they were going to see a movie about Godzilla and they didnt. This just about Killed the Godzilla fandom in America.

What happened next was that the Tristar movie was being shown all over the world and when it was seen in Japan the Japanese movie goers also hated the movie. Toho studios did not want the world to remember Godzilla as what the Tristar monster was so Toho resurected the Godzilla series in 1999.

In 1999 Toho contracted to make 3 new Godzilla movies starting off with Godzilla2000Millennium and then Godzilla x Megagirus in 2000and in 2001 Godzilla Mothra KingGhidora.. Had it not been for the 1998 Tristar movie Toho may have never brought Godzilla back. There have been another 3 Godzilla movies that have been made after Godzilla Mothra KingGhidora. The last one was Godzillas 50th Anniversary movie in 2004 Godzilla Final Wars.

Classic I collect alot of Godzilla movie memorabilia what do you have?

EXTR3MIST 01-30-2005 08:08 AM

Gojira, you the man about big lizard movies -

But get off this "Hi.." tip with every post, brother.

It's getting on my bloody tits.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

urgeok 01-30-2005 08:12 AM


Originally posted by EXTR3MIST
Gojira, you the man about big lizard movies -

But get off this "Hi.." tip with every post, brother.

It's getting on my bloody tits.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

cut him some slack, at least he's using paragraphs now :)

EXTR3MIST 01-30-2005 08:51 AM

So I see - but a few commas would't go amiss.

I'll lend you some of mine if you want, Goj.

Here, take these---------------> ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Gojira 01-30-2005 09:44 AM

Bloody Tits kinky and commas oh boy yahoo!! LOL By the way guys in all my postings I have only mentioned one giant lizard movie. That would be Tristars 1998 movie that has the giant mutated Igunana called Igunanasarus. Now I have posted alot about a certain mutated dinosaur that being Godzilla. But giant lizard movies are Varan 1957 The giant gila monster 1959. LOL next thing I will see is someone claiming Rodan is a movie about a giant bird. Remember Rodan is a giant prehistoric flying retile a giant Pteranadon. The Giant Claw on the other hand is a movie about a giant monster bird. The name Varan itself comes from the name Varanus meaning Monitor Lizard or Komodo Dragon.

EXTR3MIST 01-30-2005 09:54 AM

I stand corrected - you old fruit, you.

Gojira 01-30-2005 10:24 AM

Well good for you Extr3mist its nice to know that your standing correct. Nothing more important than good posture. Just look at Quasimodo he didnt have good posture and he delopted a hunched back. Now back to the thread on Godzilla many people have asked how many direct sequels are there to the original 1954 Godzilla movie. Well here are the direct sequels
Godzilla Raids Again 1955 was a direct sequel to Godzilla 1954 and Godzilla Returns 1984 was the 2nd direct sequel to the 1954 classic. The 3rd direct sequel was Godzilla 2000 and the 4th direct sequel was Godzilla x Megagirus then Godzilla Mothra KingGhidora was another direct sequel. The next 2 direct sequels were Godzilla x MechaGodzilla in 2002 and Godzilla Final Wars in 2004. All but 1 of the movies in the Shinsei Godzilla series were direct sequels except the 2003 movie Godzilla x Mothra x MechaGodzilla. So lets recap 1955 1984 then 5 of 6 Shinsei movies from 1999-2004 were direct sequels to the 1954 movie. That means there are 7 direct sequels. Now movies that were follow up movies to the direct sequels are Kingkong vs. Godzilla in 1962 was a direct follow up movie to Godzilla Raids Again in 1955. The next follow up movie was Godzilla vs. Biollante in 1989. The 1989 movie was a followup to Godzilla Returns in 1984. The 3rd and last direct follow up movie is Godzilla x Mothra x MechaGodzilla in 2003 as it is the follow up to Godzilla x MechaGodzilla in 2002.

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