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mikel1021 10-07-2006 11:03 AM

Ju-On again...sorry
so no real "main idea" on this thread, I was just curious to see how people were reacting to the Grudge series compared to the original TV aired Ju-On series, the second Grudge coming out on the 13th seems to follow closely to Ju-On 2 and I bet will also focus on the backstory of the woman and child.

as for the thread header, i'm sure this has been discussed before I only went back so far before I decided to just bring it up again.

if you do have an old link with any replies feel free to send it this way.

Angra 10-07-2006 12:53 PM

I personally loved them all. Also the american remake.:)

But Ju-on is the scariest.

mikel1021 10-08-2006 08:50 AM

the other thing I enjoyed about the ju-on series was the continuation in multiple story lines and how they are all brought together.

I LOVED the apt story where every night at a certain time there was banging on her one wall, and when you find out what is going on its just mind blowing

Angra 10-08-2006 09:10 AM


Originally posted by mikel1021

I LOVED the apt story where every night at a certain time there was banging on her one wall, and when you find out what is going on its just mind blowing

I loved that part as well. Simply brilliant.

Windowlicker 10-29-2006 11:15 AM

any1 seen the secoud jap verison Ju-on?
was thinkin of buyin it, just wonderin what its like.

Angra 10-29-2006 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Windowlicker (Post 498193)
any1 seen the secoud jap verison Ju-on?
was thinkin of buyin it, just wonderin what its like.

Well..... It´s kind of a cheat.

The first 30 minutes of Ju-on 2 is the same as the last 30 minutes of Ju-on 1.

So you get around 40-50 minutes of new material and ideas. But if you can live with that i say go for it. Just make sure to get it cheap.

Windowlicker 10-29-2006 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Angra (Post 498198)
Well..... Itīs kind of a cheat.

The first 30 minutes of Ju-on 2 is the same as the last 30 minutes of Ju-on 1.

So you get around 40-50 minutes of new material and ideas. But if you can live with that i say go for it. Just make sure to get it cheap.

oh ok, bit wierd.
il look 4 it cheap off the net then, as its like 15 qwid in all the shops iv seen it in so far.

Angra 10-29-2006 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Windowlicker (Post 498210)
oh ok, bit wierd.
il look 4 it cheap off the net then, as its like 15 qwid in all the shops iv seen it in so far.

Yeah, i would say itīs worth around 6..

SleezeQueen 11-01-2006 08:16 PM

I just saw both Ju On 2 and the Grudge 2. The gruge 2 of course had really good effects and a good stroy line but I think overall it was lame in the way most american movies are lol I LUVED Ju On 2 I thought it was great and the ending really did it for me :p I dont see tons of connects with the two of them personally.


Angra 11-02-2006 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by SleezeQueen (Post 501045)
I just saw both Ju On 2 and the Grudge 2. The gruge 2 of course had really good effects and a good stroy line but I think overall it was lame in the way most american movies are lol I LUVED Ju On 2 I thought it was great and the ending really did it for me :p I dont see tons of connects with the two of them personally.


You know that the japanese series goes like this, right?:

Ju-on 2
Ju-on - the grudge
ju-on - the grudge 2
And soon Ju-on - the grudge 3

So which japanese ju-on did you actually watch?

SleezeQueen 11-02-2006 09:36 AM

Ive seen them all xcept of course the third Ju On or/and Grudge.

Angra 11-03-2006 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by SleezeQueen (Post 501374)
Ive seen them all xcept of course the third Ju On or/and Grudge.

Mmmhm..... That didnīt really answer my question..

SleezeQueen 11-03-2006 09:54 AM

Actaully it DID. You asked which ones I have seen... but since it appears to be to confusing for you let me LIST it


Ju On

Ju On 2

The Grudge

The Grudge 2


Ju On 3

The Grudge 3

And yes I do know what order they go in. I do know that the Grudge is an American remake of Ju On.

SleezeQueen 11-03-2006 10:01 AM

Acatually maybe I was just being a bitch for no reason and just made an idiot out of myself :p I read your questions more carfully. So Im guessing that they have a jap version called Ju On the grudge?

Angra 11-03-2006 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by SleezeQueen (Post 501045)
I just saw both Ju On 2 and the Grudge 2. The gruge 2 of course had really good effects and a good stroy line but I think overall it was lame in the way most american movies are lol I LUVED Ju On 2 I thought it was great and the ending really did it for me :p I dont see tons of connects with the two of them personally.


Sooo................... What which one did you actually see?...... Bitch. ;)

What happened in that, so called, Ju-on 2 you saw?

SleezeQueen 11-03-2006 10:32 AM

:rolleyes: LOL ok ok I admit when I am wrong [and cranky] I believe Ive seen Ju On and Ju On 2. I never saw anything about "the grudge" on either covers. But now that I know about those 2 I want to see them now :p But if there IS a Jap. Grudge one and two then Im figuring the Americans took there remakes from there? But Ju On 1 follows alot of the same stuff the american Grudge 1 did. Either way the jap versions are always better :)

SleezeQueen 11-03-2006 10:34 AM

Ju On 2 Hmmm how to xplain I rememer the ending really well [spoilers or whatever Im supposed to say here] where the original ghost woman who started the curse [Id luv to remember her name but I dont] rebirths herself and then kills "her mother" on the stairs.

Angra 11-03-2006 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by SleezeQueen (Post 501973)
Ju On 2 Hmmm how to xplain I rememer the ending really well [spoilers or whatever Im supposed to say here] where the original ghost woman who started the curse [Id luv to remember her name but I dont] rebirths herself and then kills "her mother" on the stairs.

That´s "Ju-on: the grudge 2" you´re describing right there.

I thought so.

You´ve never seen Ju-on and ju-on 2. :rolleyes:

SleezeQueen 11-03-2006 12:23 PM

well I wish they would be a little more clear on the covers of the dvds! :p So now that im all mixed up its time to get them again and hunt down the remaining 2 . Jap. Is nothing less than confusing .la sigh. but I guess that might be what makes it so amusing!

SleezeQueen 11-03-2006 12:27 PM

And I think I have seen Ju On alone... of course with all Ive been wrong about I wont be suprised if Im wrong about THIS to :rolleyes: I remember the last part of the other one I saw as well [I dont know why the ending stick out the best] The main ghost [mother] was wrapped up in the closet attick and she opened her eyes and it was just a frame shot of her dead making her little broken neck noises.

Angra 11-04-2006 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by SleezeQueen (Post 502042)
And I think I have seen Ju On alone... of course with all Ive been wrong about I wont be suprised if Im wrong about THIS to :rolleyes: I remember the last part of the other one I saw as well [I dont know why the ending stick out the best] The main ghost [mother] was wrapped up in the closet attick and she opened her eyes and it was just a frame shot of her dead making her little broken neck noises.

But isnīt that the ending in all of them??

Ju-on ends with some personīs looking at the house and then the ghost of the mother shows up in the window looking out (Very unscary)... The end.

Did that ring a bell?

SleezeQueen 11-08-2006 09:39 PM

I got the point hun :rolleyes: I have seen Juon - the grudge and Ju On- the grudge 2.... I have NOT seen the telivision ones.

acenobitesgod 11-09-2006 07:45 PM

japanese horror blows hard. theres never enough blood. don't get me wrong dead little kids or whatever are creepy but i'd personally be more afraid of a big man with a chainsaw.

that is all...cheers!

SleezeQueen 11-09-2006 08:03 PM

Ya but that is so overdone. Blood and guts and gore is hott and all but Jap. movies are more into phycological fear and not just ahhhhhhhhh "someone is going to chop us to bits! Lets all be dumbasses and run into a corner!"

SleezeQueen 11-09-2006 10:01 PM

cause hes a trouble making douche bag :p

Angra 11-10-2006 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by SleezeQueen (Post 505782)
cause hes a trouble making douche bag :p


Someone should ban him for trashing our beloved asian horror. :cool:

SleezeQueen 11-10-2006 12:39 AM

Pure blasphemy! I can almost see the angry mob forming :D

Jameslofton 11-10-2006 01:51 AM

A few days ago, I was downloading The Grudge 2 from Limewire. It got some shitty reviews, so I wasnt gonna waste money seeing it in the theatre. Anyways, when the movie finished downloading, it wasnt the grudge 2, but Ju-on 2 instead. I watched it, and it was brilliant. The segment with the banging on the wall, like you guys said was incredible. It actually gave me chills, which pretty much never happens. I am trying to track down Ju-On, and see how it is.

Quick question: If the american versions are pretty much straight up remakes, why is The Grudge 2 getting such bad reviews? Since I liked Ju-On 2, is it worth watching the american version? Or did they fuck up this remake? I actually hated the first Grudge, so thats a reason I was hesitant to watch it.

SleezeQueen 11-10-2006 01:54 AM

The Grudge 2 remake... wasnt very much like Ju On grudge 2 at all I think... the concept was great but the movie well... blew badly lol. I wasnt disspointed really I thought it was still ok good for american but if you didnt like Grude 1 American version you probably wouldnt like american version 2... although it focuses ALOT more on horror than the stupid romance thing. Ju On the grudge one is easy to find [blockbuster or whatever] and is really good :D

Did any of that even make sence? lol

SleezeQueen 11-10-2006 02:02 AM

Got it :D at least now I know why they didnt seem to match up AT ALL. I wish they would make up their own damn names if they are going to change so much instead of ripping of the asian names though :p we americans... so uncreative lol

SleezeQueen 11-10-2006 02:02 AM

Oh shit you wernt even talking to me! Omg I need to read harder and stop staying up so damn late.

SleezeQueen 11-10-2006 02:08 AM

I know! I found that really interesting. It seems like Asians dont spend alot of money on fancy effects so I wonder how he felt doing a movie that used so many? And if it will effect his movie making in the future?

SleezeQueen 11-10-2006 02:14 AM

I LUV Maribito. I mean like really luved lol I refused to return it to blockbuster and my husband had to sneak it back when I was sleeping :rolleyes:

SleezeQueen 11-10-2006 02:20 AM

.drools. She was fucking ADORABLE. Why cant I meet a chick like that? haha

BASSI 12-06-2006 09:57 AM

juon the grudge 2 i found this free on the net but there is no subtites to it.


i have also found one miss call but they chopped into 2 parts

slayer666 12-09-2006 04:29 AM

I am still a bit confused about which Ju-On films were TV vs. theatrical presentations. Am I correct that Ju-On: The Grudge and Ju-On: The Grudge 2 were the theatrical versions?

Adam1983 11-01-2021 10:46 PM

The history of the Juon franchise not counting the American re-makes is as follows:
1998:"Katasami" "4444444444" 2 short films that were part of the TV anthology special "Gakko No Kaiden G" (meaning "School Ghost Stories" with "G" standing for Great).
2000: Juon: The Curse 1
2000: Juon: The Curse 2
2002: Juon: The Grudge 1
2003: Juon: The Grudge 2
2009 Spin-Off Film: Juon: White Ghost and Juon: Black Ghost
Later Entries: To silly for me to follow but others might like

Overall, it's crazy to think that the only place to find the prequel shorts in North America is on the Director's Cut of the American re-make simply

In North America, these can only be found on the directors cut of the 2004 American remake simply called "The Grudge" as extras. "The Curse" movies haven't appeared in North America at all but debuted on Shudder in the last year or so.

Adam1983 11-01-2021 11:13 PM

Just to add to my above post, I looked into the "Gakko No Kaiden G" anthology that "Katasami" and the "4444444444" shorts are supposedly derived from.

An entry on "School Ghost Stories" ("Gakko No Kaiden" or in Japanese found following characters:
学校の怪談 )
can be translated to English here:

There's a movie sub-section that can be found here:

Movie History from this link Summed up As:
1995: School Ghost Story
1996: School Ghost Story 2
1997: School Ghost Story 3
1999: School Ghost Story 4
2014: School Ghost Story Cursed Spirit

*Related Games/Books/Soundtracks link above

The TV serial and specials spun-off from this serial sub-section can be found here:

TV History from this link summed up as:
1) Jan. 14th 1994 to March 25th 1994 an 11 episode Serial entitled "School Ghost Story" was broadcast on Konsai TV in Japan that I can find very little information about. Supposedly, on August 19th 1994 there was a VHS tape with the 1st 10 episodes on it but the 11th was never put on film for 1 reason or another.
This 11 episode series focusing on horror was the final work Kansai TV production "Hankyu Drama Series ".

2)July 1996 a spinoff anthology movie called "School ghost story R".

3) July 1997 a spinoff anthology movie called "School ghost story F"

4) July 1998 a spinoff anthology movie called "School ghost story G". This is where the "Katasami" and "4444444444" shorts debuted.

5)March 1999 School Ghost Story Spring Haunting Special (School Ghost Story Haru No Tatari Special)

6) March 2000 School ghost story Haru no Noroi Special

7) March 2001 School ghost story Spring Mononoke Special

8) August 2020 Monster Share House Special

*Mobile, Gaming, and Anime were derived from these TV specials as well as described at link above

Adam1983 11-01-2021 11:49 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Since there's no IMDB entry for the 1994 serial or 1996 Spinoff Special here are the VHS jacket covers... I think the 1994 series 10 episodes appears in 3 VHS tapes pictured below covering about 10 episodes with the 11th left off for mysterious reasons never seeing print.

The VHS jacket for the spinoff from the TV series "Gakko No Kaiden R" I have pictured as well. There's an IMDB entry of "Gakko No Kaiden F" but pictured that too for completion sake.

Attachment 19882

Attachment 19883

Attachment 19884

Attachment 19885

Attachment 19891

Adam1983 11-02-2021 12:11 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Here's the next rest of the TV anthology specials spinning off the 1994 TV series:

1998: School Ghost Story G (Gakko No Kaiden G) Attachment 19887

1999: School ghost story Haru No Tatari Special Attachment 19888

2000: Gakko no Kaidan: Haru no Noroi Special Attachment 19892

2001: School Ghost Story Spring Mononoke Special Attachment 19893

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