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horror_master 11-10-2004 02:06 PM

Classic Horror Flims That should/shouldn't be remade.
I would like to get your opions on classic horror flims that should remade into morden times, or the ones that should not have been redone, or shouldn't be redones.

Moribund 11-10-2004 02:21 PM

I want to see a Freaks remake without special effects.

phantomstranger 11-10-2004 02:31 PM

I hope they never remake "The Exorcist" the sequels were bad enough.

Halloween- same as above.

Some of the fun, but cheesy low budget movies of the 40's and 50's can and have benifitted from modern remakes (The Thing, The Fly, The Blob) but it will take some talented filmakers to make good remakes. Until then I think were going to get over CGI'ed crap like the American Godzilla or miscast films like DiNiro's "Frankenstein" and Coppala's "Dracula"

MichaelMyers 11-10-2004 07:45 PM

They should never re-make TCM....oh wait.

They should never re-make DOTD...oh wait.

They should never re-make The Fog...oh wait.


phantomstranger 11-13-2004 12:33 PM


Originally posted by MichaelMyers
They should never re-make TCM....oh wait.

They should never re-make DOTD...oh wait.

They should never re-make The Fog...oh wait.


Do you think Hollywood has finally, compleatly run out of ideas?

urgeok 11-13-2004 03:32 PM

i really dont give a crap what they remake ... i dont have to see it and if even one of them ends up being decent .. then there's one more decent horror to see.

either way ... the genre needs a kick in the pants .. its not like we have a lot to chose from these days ..

taylorsmommy 11-13-2004 04:02 PM

I haven't seen The Grudge yet, but I hear that it's a decent horror film. But, I agree - there hasn't been too much since the 80s.

chaplain 11-13-2004 04:14 PM

I don't know if you'd say these are "classics" but,NOES, RotLD, and Friday the 13th.

AcidOsmosis 11-13-2004 04:32 PM

Ive heard that Pet Sematary is in plans for a remake and that George Clooney may appear as one of the cast members.

ShankS 11-14-2004 01:18 AM

no more fuckin remakes...

horror_master 11-14-2004 12:54 PM


Originally posted by AcidOsmosis
Ive heard that Pet Sematary is in plans for a remake and that George Clooney may appear as one of the cast members.
I heard about that also. I own the oringal one, it's pretty good, I hope the remake if they do it, dosen't kill the story line that much.

urgeok 11-14-2004 01:53 PM


Originally posted by ShankS
no more fuckin remakes...
Hey .. I just watched the remake of Dawn today ..

Before i saw it .. and if i had just heard that it was being made i would have shit all over it ... but it was a great movie ..

Someone out there might be making these movies because they love them .. not just for the $$$.

What the hell, we'll just have to sit back and wait ..

KRUGERKID13 11-14-2004 04:15 PM

REMAKES SHOULD NEVER BE MADE (caps too show emphasis not stupidity)

jedicow 11-14-2004 04:18 PM


Originally posted by taylorsmommy
I haven't seen The Grudge yet, but I hear that it's a decent horror film. But, I agree - there hasn't been too much since the 80s.
but...isnt the grudge a remake of a japanese film?

anyway...i dont mind remakes much as long as they are good. DotD was excellent, IMO.

i think a good remake of friday the 13th would do well.

chaplain 11-14-2004 04:21 PM


Originally posted by KRUGERKID13
(caps too show emphasis not stupidity)

The things you could teach HPW!

horror_spooky 11-14-2004 05:17 PM

i think Friday the 13th, the entire Evil Dead series, and Day of the Dead should be remaked. Those were damn good movies.

chaplain 11-14-2004 05:20 PM


Originally posted by horror_spooky
i think Friday the 13th, the entire Evil Dead series, and Day of the Dead should be remaked. Those were damn good movies.

You are fucking stupid.

massacre man 11-14-2004 05:53 PM


Originally posted by horror_spooky
i think Friday the 13th, the entire Evil Dead series, and Day of the Dead should be remaked. Those were damn good movies.
haha remaked

filmmaker2 11-15-2004 07:22 PM

Films that shouldn't oughta never been remaked.


I agree with someone else who had a rather interesting take on the remake thing. Some filmmaker, I ferget who it was. But he said something like, "Good films don't NEED to be remade. Remake BAD films, and make them into GOOD films. Then you've done the world a service."

Take a look at William Castle's HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL and 13 GHOSTS. Both essentially pointless, but good movies. They get remade in the digital age. What do we get? Something that tastes suspiciously like wallpaper paste. These same (and arguably VERY TALENTED!) geeks tackle some original material, and SURPRISE! We get GHOST SHIP, an excellent piece of modern exploitation horror. Accident? I think not.

Then take a look at those silly early GAMERA movies from Japan. Not without a certain endearing cheese appeal (and made by some talented people!), but not classics. They get remade in the digital age, and become polished, decent semi-classics. Well, except for the second one, something bad happened with that one. But the first and the third films of the new Gamera series were pretty effing cool.

These are just ramblings of mine, and as always, they are not intended to make any sense. But really, there seems to be some kind of lesson here: Remake a good film, and you will make garbage, as likely as not. Remake a bad film, and greatness is created.

ThenThereWasOne 11-16-2004 05:45 PM

'Last House on the Left' always gets my vote for a re-make. I'd still get David Hess in as Krug though.

horror_master 11-19-2004 08:45 AM

One I personally didn't like the remake of was The Huanting. The oringal black and white versions was scray, the newier one, is okay. The only diffence I like about it was, the in depth reasons the main charter was chosen.

jedicow 11-20-2004 03:28 PM

i would like to see a creature from the black lagoon remake.

yourlastmistake 11-21-2004 02:23 PM

Just saw the Dawn of the Dead remake, Director's cut. I thought it was a damn good movie. The extra bonus features like Andy's
Diary were pretty cool. This one I will purchase for keeps.

horror_master 11-22-2004 01:16 PM


Originally posted by yourlastmistake
Just saw the Dawn of the Dead remake, Director's cut. I thought it was a damn good movie. The extra bonus features like Andy's
Diary were pretty cool. This one I will purchase for keeps.

I liked the extras were prety good. I want to see the old version of the movie.

TheOmen 11-22-2004 01:23 PM

Dawn of the Dead the remake is utter garbage. It's an action movie. Instead of 'remaking' these films, I often wonder why studios don't just re-release the original. They would spend less, and make just as much if not more profit. And movie geeks like me wouldn't be revolted by the seemingly endless supply of remakes in the pipeline because of lack of originality. It's a win- win situation.

No more remakes of good movies. I agree with the post above...remake bad movies.

urgeok 11-23-2004 06:28 AM


Originally posted by TheOmen
Dawn of the Dead the remake is utter garbage. It's an action movie. Instead of 'remaking' these films, I often wonder why studios don't just re-release the original. They would spend less, and make just as much if not more profit. And movie geeks like me wouldn't be revolted by the seemingly endless supply of remakes in the pipeline because of lack of originality. It's a win- win situation.

No more remakes of good movies. I agree with the post above...remake bad movies.

Utter garbage ? i whole-heartedly disagree with that.
I'm a guge fan of the origional, have been for mant mant years.
I though the remake was a great film. Great characters, realistic scenarios...

Both were survival films .. both had the same 'adventure' elements.

This movie was made by someone who loved the origional movie .. not just by someone who was given a horror remake as part of a contract.
You can tell the film was made by a fan of the genre.

The only thing i didnt like was the old lady in the wheelbarrow ... i thought hat was an extremely poor creative decision.
But the rest of the movie was great.

It covered the most important thing that many horror movies take for granted .. the thing that made the origional Dawn a hit as well : characters you care for.

I thought the characters in the remake were well drawn out.
One or 2 cliches but even a coupl eof those acted in unexpected ways ...
It wasnt a remake per say .. it was another zombie movie in a mall with a different direction.

horror_master 12-08-2004 12:26 PM

I just watched the fiffty version of the Blob, It was really craply done, however I haven't seen the 1980's version yet so I can't really comapre them yet. But One day I hope I can can compare them to each other.

Gojira 01-20-2005 12:00 AM

I am not against remakes at all heck the 1931 Dracula and 1931 Frankenstien movies are 2 very famous remakes yet some fans think they are the originals. Frankenstien was 1st made in 1910 by Thomas Edison then it was made a 2nd time in 1915 then a 3rd time in 1931 by Universal. Dracula was 1st made in Russia 1920 then in Hungry 1921 then in America 1931. Dracula was almost remade in Germany in 1922 but there was a Lawsuit so the movie became Nosferatu instead of Dracula. Now there is this one gripe I have about the 1954 Godzilla movie it has never been remade Never ever. Toho studios wont allow the movie to be remade. The reason some think it was remade was because Tristar Leased the name Godzilla from Toho. They did not buy the rights to Godzilla they just leased the name to title their movie thus fooling the public into thinking they were going to see a movie about Godzilla. Anyone with a brain knows Godzilla has an atomic ray the Tristar 98 monster did not have one and the Tristar monster was an Igunanasarus not godzilla if you watch the 98 movie even Mathew Brodrick says its an Ignanasarus. In anycase I think some remakes are pretty darn good and some arnt. Right now I am worried that Peter Jacksons remake of KingKong wont be what Kong fans expect I would like to see a movie with a 50 tall Gorilla as I understand it Jacksons Kong will be a very short 25 ft ape. Yikes sounds more like KidKong than KingKong.

AUSTIN316426808 01-20-2005 12:30 AM


Originally posted by urgeok
Utter garbage ? i whole-heartedly disagree with that.
I'm a guge fan of the origional, have been for mant mant years.
I though the remake was a great film. Great characters, realistic scenarios...

Both were survival films .. both had the same 'adventure' elements.

This movie was made by someone who loved the origional movie .. not just by someone who was given a horror remake as part of a contract.
You can tell the film was made by a fan of the genre.

The only thing i didnt like was the old lady in the wheelbarrow ... i thought hat was an extremely poor creative decision.
But the rest of the movie was great.

It covered the most important thing that many horror movies take for granted .. the thing that made the origional Dawn a hit as well : characters you care for.

I thought the characters in the remake were well drawn out.
One or 2 cliches but even a coupl eof those acted in unexpected ways ...
It wasnt a remake per say .. it was another zombie movie in a mall with a different direction.

totally agree i think the Dawn remake was really good and done by someone who cared about making a good horror movie unlike others who just say ''ok it's a horror movie just kill some people and show some tits'' you can tell he wanted to,tried to and did make a great film.

gnarly 01-20-2005 12:36 AM

they should make some more evil deads ...... or make that freddy vs jason vs ash thing

ClassicHorror 01-21-2005 11:34 AM

I hate remakes with a passion.

Gojira 01-21-2005 12:18 PM

Every once in a while I hear from fans that say remakes are bad or they suck. I once asked some fans how they felt about the 1931 Dracula movie with Bela Lugosi and the 1931 Frankenstien movie with Boris karloff and 1932 Mummy movies. They all said those movies rule. Then I told them they were remakes not originals. They freaked and I told them when the original Frankenstien Dracula Mumy movies were made. 1909 1910 1920. So I wouldnt say all remakes suck because alot of them are pretty darn good.

taylorsmommy 01-21-2005 12:22 PM

Personally, I'd like to see a remake of Mark of the Devil.

Gojira 01-21-2005 12:50 PM

Mark of the Devil 1970 didnt that movie have a couple of sequels Mark of the Devil2 and Mark of the Devil666.

ClassicHorror 01-21-2005 03:02 PM


Originally posted by Gojira
Every once in a while I hear from fans that say remakes are bad or they suck. I once asked some fans how they felt about the 1931 Dracula movie with Bela Lugosi and the 1931 Frankenstien movie with Boris karloff and 1932 Mummy movies. They all said those movies rule. Then I told them they were remakes not originals. They freaked and I told them when the original Frankenstien Dracula Mumy movies were made. 1909 1910 1920. So I wouldnt say all remakes suck because alot of them are pretty darn good.
Well I hate the remakes coming out in these times....sure Thomas Edison's Frankenstein is great damn it I was going to buy this but it got sold out....

The Thing, The Fly, and a bunch of others are great remakes....BUT these remakes are made for $$$$$ not for craftsmanship and art. Its in the wallot for horror films these years....

Gojira 01-21-2005 10:32 PM

Hey Classic you know what will be intersting to see is how old school stopmotion KingKong 1933 will compare to a new CGI Kong in 2005. I get the feeling Willis O BriansKong will still rule. Anythoughts

ClassicHorror 01-22-2005 05:21 AM

Well Gojira I can't say the new Peter Jackson Kong will compare to the O' Willis kong.

I hate cgi, Peter Jackson proved to us in LOTR series that he's capable of overflowing his cgi.

Gojira 01-22-2005 05:49 AM

Well Classic I enjoyed the LOTR movies and imo Jackson should have been best director for 3 years not 1. but Hollywood does not really give awards to fantasy films. But after 3 years I guess they couldnt ignore what Jackson had made. The thing that bothers me about this new Kong movie is that I hear Kong will be only 25 ft tall and if thats true alot of Kong fans will be turned off by that.

ClassicHorror 01-22-2005 05:57 AM

Peter Jackson has made some good movies: Dead Alive, Bad Taste, The Frighteners, Heavenly Creatures...ect.

In matter of fact Dead Alive is my 6th fav horror film. I think Clash of The Titans, Sinbad movies, Wizard of Oz, and a bunch of others are way better then LOTR.

Gojira 01-22-2005 06:10 AM

Well Classic here is how I see it LOTR was voted best picture and Wiz of OZ Class of the Titans Sinbad and Dead Alive were not. So imo LOTR is better far far far better. But any movie that makes 3 times what it cost to make is infact a successful movie. The remake of the Wizard of OZ in its day was awesome in 1939 and even today its still great no doubt about it. But I think LOTR is better

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