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Angra 04-25-2006 12:01 AM

Upcoming ASIAN movies.
Siren (Forbidden Siren)

Donīt know when it will be coming up or if anybody but me know of the game?

Wasnīt one of my favorite horror games. In fact, i didnīt like the gameplay at all and iīm not sure if i tried playing it more than once before i returned it. A game where you have to hide instead of facing the evil "zombies" just doesnīt appeal to me.

But 1 thing i remember working for it was the atmosphere and for some reason i think Forbidden Siren will work much better as a eerie horror movie than it did as a eerie horror game. :)

Iīm looking forward to this one.

Angra 04-25-2006 12:12 AM

Forgot to add this:

Zero 04-27-2006 04:10 AM

never heard of it - but cool looking poster

ringu rocks 05-19-2006 07:49 PM

hey all im new here,im from australia.i love the horrors made in japan.i have seen the grudge 1 and 2,a tale of 2 sisters,the eye 1 and 2,dark water(i also saw the remake of it,not as good as original),ring 1 and 2 and ring o,phone,one missed call(exellent),ghost(supposed 2 be a remake of it)i want 2 c koma but everytime i go 2 get it its out lol.i no ive seen more but cant think of the names lol...:D :)

ringu rocks 05-19-2006 07:50 PM

i have heard of the game but never played it but it looks cool and freaky:p :D

Angra 05-20-2006 12:18 AM


Originally posted by ringu rocks
hey all im new here,im from australia.i love the horrors made in japan.i have seen the grudge 1 and 2,a tale of 2 sisters,the eye 1 and 2,dark water(i also saw the remake of it,not as good as original),ring 1 and 2 and ring o,phone,one missed call(exellent),ghost(supposed 2 be a remake of it)i want 2 c koma but everytime i go 2 get it its out lol.i no ive seen more but cant think of the names lol...:D :)

Yeah, thatīs it. Just go fuck my thread up!!:mad:

And welcome.


Nyarlathotep 05-20-2006 02:24 AM


Originally posted by Angra
Just go fuck my thread up!!:mad:

is that a suggestion?

Angra 05-20-2006 02:51 AM


Originally posted by Nyarlathotep
is that a suggestion?

Yeah, you would like that, wouldnīt you? Wouldnīt you, you filthy little Nyarlathotep!!:cool:

Jacob Singer 05-20-2006 03:17 AM

Shit, I know that game!!! Me and some friends get it just 'cause we're fans of Fatal frame and for some reason we think it would be similar. I stoped to play it on the fourth phase just 'cause I was tired to run away from the sibitos.....It's so fuckin' hard to play it!!! But my friends finished it....they're sick. I thinck too that it could work better as a film. The game's plot was cool and the animations are so good (I remember one where the siren starts to sound, and all the fuckin' monsters goin' to that red river....that was weird and creepy:D )

Angra 05-20-2006 03:30 AM


Originally posted by Jacob Singer
(I remember one where the siren starts to sound, and all the fuckin' monsters goin' to that red river....that was weird and creepy:D )

Yeah i remember that part. That was an awsome scene.

But then the game began...:(

Jacob Singer 05-20-2006 03:37 AM

yeah, enemies that never dies, enigmas without any sense (I remember one "find nurse's shoe" man before that I did'nt see any nurse or any hospital. At this moment my friends get a wolkthrough just to do that mission....I can't enjoy a game when the only way to finished it is in that way. Other stupid thing was that in the game's town are a Snipper in each roof....and when a shot they killed you....spend half an hour runnin' just for nothin', danm!!!

Angra 05-20-2006 03:47 AM


Originally posted by Jacob Singer
yeah, enemies that never dies, enigmas without any sense (I remember one "find nurse's shoe" man before that I did'nt see any nurse or any hospital. At this moment my friends get a wolkthrough just to do that mission....I can't enjoy a game when the only way to finished it is in that way. Other stupid thing was that in the game's town are a Snipper in each roof....and when a shot they killed you....spend half an hour runnin' just for nothin', danm!!!

I canīt enjoy a game that doesnīt allow you to, at least, have a gun. :mad:

Jacob Singer 05-20-2006 04:08 AM

Even if you had a gun .... you could not kill the fuckin' Sibitos and i probe that, finally when you play with the hunter or with the teacher you can use it ....... and that bastards only get paraliced for a few seconds. :eek:

Angra 05-20-2006 04:20 AM


Originally posted by Jacob Singer
Even if you had a gun .... you could not kill the fuckin' Sibitos and i probe that, finally when you play with the hunter or with the teacher you can use it ....... and that bastards only get paraliced for a few seconds. :eek:

Yeah.... The game sucked!!

Jacob Singer 05-20-2006 04:36 AM

Yeah, it looks like every body was member of the NRA on that town:D . It was sad 'cause the game chief designer was one of makers of the first Silent Hill and I thougt that he would another great game....but is bored and hard as hell. But it's the kind of story that can work better as a film. A damned town full of monsters, a weird cult etc etc:cool:

bigcherry 06-04-2006 04:41 AM

Forbidden siren
Looking forward to" Forbidden Siren" comes out in japan sometime in July, expect a dvd release date later on in the year?.
The Buzz around the internet on forthcoming Japanese/Korean horror is gaining momentum. The trailer for the above looks very creepy, apparently the movie has been out in japan since March.
Also due, the poster looks amazing entitled "The Host", also have seen the trailer, looks wicked! Also "The Grudge" 2, But wait there is more? The eagerly anticipated "Pang Bros" new horror
"Re-Cycle": starring Angelika Lee from "The Eye", A romance novelist announces the new title of her next project/novel. After running out of ideas she deletes all drafts from her computer.
She starts seeing a strange woman over & over again, then all
the stories in her novel come alive!!! This one looks quite promising. Look forward to feedback.

ringu rocks 06-11-2006 06:01 PM

yes i heard the grudge 2 is due out soon cant wait 2 c it,sarah michelle gellar is ment 2 b in this one but only 4 a short time coz this movie revolves around her younger sister.what is the host about lol or do u mean the ghost coz ive seen that one and theres ment 2 b a remake.on back of the cover it said remake due 2005.havent heard of re-cycle.sounds good though.i finally saw koma it rocks and it has the chick from the eye in it 2....:D :) ;)

bigcherry 06-13-2006 04:40 AM

the host {Ringu Rocks}
The Host is actually a monster movie that opens in
the cinemas in Japan around the middle of July, the actual poster
to the forthcoming movie looks wicked, i have also seen a preview. It's apparently a monster movie, What i shall do is find the site for you, and you can be the judge, great to see you enjoyed "Koma" very atmospheric, creepy, I have also got a copy of "Koma"2, this one is more gut wrenching, creepy and at times a little sad.

ringu rocks 06-14-2006 06:55 PM

OMG theres a koma 2 sweet i cant wait 2 c it.have u seen the remake they did of dark water?i was very disapointed in it coz the original rocks,that girl in the remake was totally wrong 4 the part and it didnt really stick with what its all about.:( .......lol soooooooo glad theres a koma 2...:D i luv horrors made in japan they make the best.the guy directing grugde 2 is from there but doesnt speak a word of english so they had 2 get a translator for him.all the cast get along with him really good.lol i watch alot of t.v.....we have austar at home and they have upcoming movies on the movie channels...:D

bigcherry 06-14-2006 11:28 PM

ringu rocks
Good to hear from you. Must admit stayed away from "Dark Water" remake, although i was tempted, but much prefer the Japanese version. Other Japanese/Korean horror which like you, i
can't get enoguh of! are, these are the ones i have bought the past twelve months or so. Love to know what you think:
"Suicide Club", "A Tale Of 2 Sisters" my all time favourite, "One Missed Call" 1&2, They're making a 3rd one too!! "The Red Shoes"
a little gem "Into The Mirror", the killer "Audition" the atmospheric
"Premonition" "Cello", "Sympathy For Lady Vengeance", "Nightmare", love this one "Phone", a weird one but enjoyed it
"Marebito", 3 extremes ! & 2. Koma 2 is also entitled "Home Sweet Home"

ringu rocks 06-15-2006 07:16 PM

hey bigcherry,what up....i love "one missed call but didnt no there was a 2nd lol,a tale of 2 sisters was very creepy,i love phone.the director of phone has done a movie b4 phone it called sissor ( i think i spelt it wrong lol) omg a 3rd one missed call movie i cant wait.lol.... we have 3 extreams at my local vid shop...but havent heard of any of the others though.have u c the eye 1&2 they r cool.i own the eye,i got it for xmas of mum.i like the horrors more than the actions.my mates ask why i watch these type and i just tell them,all the sub-titles r doing is telling u what they r saying.:D :p :cool:

bigcherry 06-15-2006 11:25 PM

ringu rocks
Great to hear form you, i actually forgot to mention, that "The Eye" is a real gem, have also got "The Eye' 2, Although its confusing, There is also "The Eye"10 out now too, but that is actually the 3rd edition of "The Eye', but from what i have heard
it's pretty poor. Once again some great news they're now preparing "The Eye" 11, in other words a 4th Eye movie i kid you not! Now i am not quite sure if i encourage copying, but i have a dvd recorder, and form what i heard it will play in all players, over the next few days i will send you one of the movies i have listed
as a sample

bigcherry 06-20-2006 04:03 AM

ringu rocks
Hope you are a.o.k. R u ready for this one, i am screaming for this movie. The Pang Bros responsible for "The Eye" have teamed up
for another chilling horror, also starring the lady from "The Eye"
Lee Sinje. Apparently she is amazing in the new "Re-Cycle", there
are a couple of "Eye" elements but with more terror. Ringu-rocks
here is a first review of the movie, u will get visually assaulted,
the fear puts the first one 2 shame. Jump out of your seat terror,
dark,morbid, spirit eye popping terror. The horror heavy images & set peaces that were evident, were better than any slit throat.
Get ready to pop a heart attack. Please discuss. Look forward to
your thoughts.

Angra 06-26-2006 07:15 AM

Cool to see people keeping this thread alive.



bigcherry 06-26-2006 11:44 PM

Uncertain if you have seen these horror sites, these ones are quite good with Asian horror reviews, new ones on the way too. Check them out let me know what you think:
movie review index: 300,000 reviews plus, a special
Japanese/Korean horror section!
evildread: Asian horror section too, and to the right of
screen, up and coming new horrors, including, Japanese
upcominghorrormovies: A full review of many Asian horror as well
This one is excellent on what's due too:
A Japanese site not too bad: Midnite Eye

ringu rocks 06-28-2006 05:56 PM

sorry havent been on 4 a bit coz i been sick...cant wait 2 cheak out the eye 3and4 when they come out....:D i will let u no what i think of the other sites 2

ringu rocks 06-28-2006 06:00 PM

re-cycle sounds very very creepy cant wait 2 see it,the more freakier the better i say.lol.:D

bigcherry 07-04-2006 02:09 AM

ringu rocks
Ringu Rocks, r u ready 2 check out some brand new Korean/Japanese horror!! You can also preview 5 of the movies. Here we go. The site is loveasianfilm.com, just type loveasianfilm. When the page loads, on the left of screan, Hong Kong/China Films, follow menu, to Re_Cycle
Further down, Korean/Japanese Film, u can c Reincarnation, Death Note, One Missed Call 3, and the movie with so much buzz at the moment, The Korean Flick called "The Host", check the middle section and to the right, and let me know what u think of the poster!!!
It Kills,

ringu rocks 07-14-2006 11:37 PM

thanks big cherry i will check it out now....while mum not home,coz it her comp and sometimes i have 2 ask 2 check other sites....:p nah just kidding ya lol im in a funny mood.....:D ....and i cant wait 2 c the silent hill movie...it b out soon

Angra 07-26-2006 11:20 PM


Originally posted by omcdave
yes i saw this film on e bay today.i was thinking of buying it. if anyone has seen it please let me know.

Eeerhh....... What movie?

Angra 08-18-2006 05:20 AM

Chan-wook Parkīs (Oldboy) horror movie "Bakjwi" aka "Evil Live" to come out in 2007.

Plot Outline: A modern-day vampire story.

Interesting. VERY interesting.

XtRaVa 08-18-2006 05:46 AM

Sounds very interesting indeed. I love his revenge trilogy, and if he goes for an all out horror movie I think it could be an awesome watch.

Angra 08-21-2006 01:02 AM


Originally posted by omcdave
did you see CUT? he did that to.

Yes. It was the best of those three.....extremes.;)

Angra 08-24-2006 12:50 AM


Originally posted by omcdave
have you seen marebito yet?


The worst Shimizu movie yet.:mad:

Angra 08-26-2006 04:34 AM


Originally posted by omcdave
well try shutter then it was a lot more creepy then marebito.


Shutter was good.:cool:

Angra 01-06-2007 10:45 AM

"Ong-bak 2" to come out in 2007.


Starring Tony Jaa, but this time with Panna Rittikrai (Born to fight) as director.


XtRaVa 01-06-2007 10:49 AM


ShankS 01-06-2007 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Angra (Post 530039)
"Ong-bak 2" to come out in 2007.


Starring Tony Jaa, but this time with Panna Rittikrai (Born to fight) as director.


Bit slow with that release. Had the DVD since april last year. :p

Angra 01-06-2007 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by ShankS (Post 530136)
Bit slow with that release. Had the DVD since april last year. :p

Sure it was "Ong-bak 2" and not "Tom yum goong", wise guy? ;) :p

ShankS 01-07-2007 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Angra (Post 530139)
Sure it was "Ong-bak 2" and not "Tom yum goong", wise guy? ;) :p

Ong-bak 2 is Tom yum goong in Thailand ;) :p

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