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Rage777 12-14-2006 09:28 PM

Scariest movie you have ever seen
Okay guys, I have been watching horror all my life and sure ive seen a film that will give you the chills here and there but its would be really sad if that is the best horror media has to offer. I wanted to hear some suggestions on what you guys would thing is like all time unmatched scary movies out there, I'm talking about ones who haunt you as you grow up, something you can never forget about. You guys hear of like the 10 movies to die for aka horror fest, they are like the movies are so graphic and raw that they weren't able to release it in theatres. I watched one of them, the one called The Grave Dancers, sure I thought it has its moments in a scene or too but cammonnnnnn. So I wanna hear some suggestions from you guys out there, I am sure there are peeps out there with tons of more horror experience than me, just hope you can share the wisdom.

So lets hear some suggestoions guys........

Spec7ral 12-14-2006 10:17 PM

i filmed myself taking a shit standing up... i can upload it to an FTP if you wanna see it?

ManchestrMorgue 12-14-2006 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Spec7ral (Post 522094)
i filmed myself taking a shit standing up... i can upload it to an FTP if you wanna see it?

I don't care how much horror you have seen, THAT would be fucking scary!


Elvis_Christ 12-14-2006 11:16 PM

omcdave or renob would crack wood over that shit :D

The Flayed One 12-15-2006 03:42 AM

Your thread title suggests creepy/scary, but your post suggests you're looking for something disturbing/disgusting instead. Or do you consider them to be one and the same?

Tell us a little bit about your taste in movies so we can better assist you.

Vodstok 12-15-2006 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by Rage777 (Post 522090)
Okay guys, I have been watching horror all my life and sure ive seen a film that will give you the chills here and there but its would be really sad if that is the best horror media has to offer. I wanted to hear some suggestions on what you guys would thing is like all time unmatched scary movies out there, I'm talking about ones who haunt you as you grow up, something you can never forget about. You guys hear of like the 10 movies to die for aka horror fest, they are like the movies are so graphic and raw that they weren't able to release it in theatres. I watched one of them, the one called The Grave Dancers, sure I thought it has its moments in a scene or too but cammonnnnnn. So I wanna hear some suggestions from you guys out there, I am sure there are peeps out there with tons of more horror experience than me, just hope you can share the wisdom.

So lets hear some suggestoions guys........

There are plenty of classics out there that scare the hell out of kids and the general adult public (exorcist, the ring) but just dont jave the same impact on day to day horror fans. So are you looking for the kinfd of thing that scares horror fans, or people in general?

Tisha 01-02-2007 11:12 AM

It is still the Amityville Horror (1979), not to be confured with the remake, which was just unbelievably stupid.

halloweenfreak1 01-02-2007 11:20 AM

UMMMMMMMMMM............. you know thats a good question, probubly halloween the first time i saw it ( I was 7). And ummmmm....... i dont know about scare the hell out of me but the thing had its moments.

slayer666 01-02-2007 12:22 PM

I think the hard thing is that the films that traumatized me in my youth (e.g., The Exorcist, Jaws, The Shining) don't have the same impact today because I've seen them so many times. Coming up with a film that is truly scary in my adult years is a challenge. Honestly, I think I'd have to say that the closest I've found was Blair Witch Project. As someone who used to do a lot of tent camping, this one really freaked me out the first time I saw it, haunting me for days afterward. I'm not even sure what a close second would be at the moment, but I'll give it some thought.

I think this has the potential to be a good thread if we can keep it above the level of toilet humor for a change.

BASSI 01-02-2007 01:34 PM

the movie that scared me were

1 Ju-on: The Grudge - the whole movie was so scary, (one scene in movie creep me out, the was when the girl wake in middle of the night to see that the Ghost boy and girl looking her)

2 Ringu- this movie did scare the hell out me, i was on floor and close to the TV at time girl came out TV and that scared the shit out of me, almost ran out the room

3 Evil dead 2 - 1st time i got scared so i turn it off, but then the next day i watch not turing it off, great movie

4 Signs - when they show the part the Alien at the birthday party that ALWAYS sends shivers down my back (why is this movie a 12 it should be a least 15)

5 The Thing - that all am going say

that my top five movie that scared me

XtRaVa 01-02-2007 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rage777 (Post 522090)
Okay guys, I have been watching horror all my life and sure ive seen a film that will give you the chills here and there but its would be really sad if that is the best horror media has to offer. I wanted to hear some suggestions on what you guys would thing is like all time unmatched scary movies out there, I'm talking about ones who haunt you as you grow up, something you can never forget about. You guys hear of like the 10 movies to die for aka horror fest, they are like the movies are so graphic and raw that they weren't able to release it in theatres. I watched one of them, the one called The Grave Dancers, sure I thought it has its moments in a scene or too but cammonnnnnn. So I wanna hear some suggestions from you guys out there, I am sure there are peeps out there with tons of more horror experience than me, just hope you can share the wisdom.

So lets hear some suggestoions guys........

Unfortunately I doubt theres anything that will actually scare you a lot, or really impress you with its amount of disturbing scenes. The problem is you had to of asked this question when you were about 10 and I have the feeling you are at least in your teens.

When I was a very young kid, sure, some movies scared the crap out of me, but those days are gone :( Stupid desensitised sick mind. :mad:

Amalthea_unicorn 01-03-2007 12:11 AM

Signs too! :eek:

swiss tony 01-03-2007 02:49 AM

when you are older nothing really scares you shitless. i do have to say i was severely traumatised by the exorcist at 10 years old. it still gives me the shivers, especially when i watched the extended version with the demon faces flashing in the shadows and the spider walk. also, i watched the omen trilogy around the same age. recently emily rose was quite jumpy, but like i said you never really get that scared when you are older. blair witch was quite atmospheric and the passion was just plain disturbing. so those are my recommendations however obvious they might be:)

slayer666 01-03-2007 03:02 AM

In recent adult years, I have been focusing more and more on Asian horror. Because it is much less familiar to me than American horror, I find it to be far more effective in provoking fear. I'm less able to predict what is going to happen next, and I've not had the opportunity to habituate to the film conventions they use. Best of all, I've rediscovered that feeling of not being able to get certain films out of my mind the next day.

If mainstream American horror is not doing it for you, I'd suggest some experimenting with Asian horror.

swiss tony 01-03-2007 03:16 AM

funny you should say that. i've been veering in that direction myself but have only got as far as buying old boy. recommend your top 5 asian movies and don't worry about including the obvious ones. thanks

XtRaVa 01-03-2007 06:14 AM

Yeah. I mean I'm 22 now, but only watched Kairo this year. It's not an overly scary movie or anything, but I have to admit I was quite freaked out.


The bit where the guy accesses the internet for the first time, only to have some weird guy appear on his screen was very weird. Then it turns on by itself to see more of the same.


Although its not something that would make you jump, or even be very scared, if you think about it in terms of it could happen to you its very freaky. (It was worse due to the fact my PC froze at one point with a shadowy figure full screened lol). I think thats why a lot of asian horror is working so well lately, now that its using modern communication technology (and previously video tapes ;)).

Everyone has a telephone, and a computer...and EVERYONE would be very freaked out if they had bizarre phone calls, or freaky stuff appear on their screen whilst surfing the net. However its very unlikely you could ever see yourself in a situation of being hunted by a monster or psycho killer like in american horrors, and therefore they dont scare you as much, you just want to see some cool bloody death scenes.

cryptkeeper666 01-03-2007 10:00 AM

Fd3. It scared the living shit out of me.

XtRaVa 01-03-2007 05:53 PM

Barbie in The Nutcracker. Simply terrifying.

halloweenfreak1 01-03-2007 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by XtRaVa (Post 528626)
Barbie in The Nutcracker. Simply terrifying.

o my god your right:)

SLAYERFAN 01-05-2007 10:40 PM

Personally, the scariest fuckin' movies I've ever seen was Halloween H2O and House on Haunted Hill. I saw them when I was like 7 or 8 and I had to sleep with the covers on my head for 2 or 3 years no lie. Man, that part in Haunted Hill when the girl sees the people opperatiing through the camera and then they look at her and she turns around and sees the guy whos head is shaking and moving around all funny and then appears in front of her made me cry. Also the part in H2O when the guy got a skate in the face creeped me out big time.

gracie 01-12-2007 07:45 PM

To me I judge a good horror film by how much suspense it has and how much I am drawn in the fear the characters have. High Tension, Texas Chainsaw (original), HOTC and also alot of the Asian horror (and I don't mean The Story Of Ricky).

Then I have films that disturb me. Films like Irreversable and August Underground.

Then there is just a good fun gory horror film like 28 days, Dawn of the dead etc.

Then the classics like Argento and Fulci. Also films like Last House and I spit on your grave.

But please, no more shit rubbish indi horror like Children of the Dead and Cradle of Fear. No more handicam home mades please.

Elvis_Christ 05-17-2009 12:46 AM

I've been more disturbed by extremely graphic scenes rather than been scared while watching a movie.

The Exorcist on the big screen was pretty creepy especially the sound.

But like a lot of you guys have mentioned I think I've become desensitized. Hellraiser II and Suspiria scared the shit out of me when I was younger but its been a long time since I experienced more than the usual jumps something like say [REC] delivered.

milktoaste 05-17-2009 04:45 AM

*Yawn* it's a little early for wisdom sharing.

Ok, now is good.

I was actually pretty freaked out by Prince of Darkness the first time I saw it. I turned out all the lights and got stoned before hand. It was a good cold fear, and with such shitty cover art too. For a lesser known movie, I really like it.

Miss_Murder 05-17-2009 11:30 AM

Scariest movie ive seen so far... Well theres See No Evil , thats pretty scary.

mrbelle 05-17-2009 02:49 PM

I have never been scared at any movie. I have been watching since i was a baby and was told i would just stare at the tv and not move until the movie was done. I would love to be scared but since i am not i can scare the people watching with me lol

milktoaste 05-17-2009 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by mrbelle (Post 807195)
and was told i would just stare at the tv and not move until the movie was done.lol

That's creapy, were you medicated as a child? I've never met anyone who just stared at the TV like that, you know, unless there was something seriously wrong. When I was a baby movies scared the hell out of me, they didn't really even have to be all that scary.

mrbelle 05-17-2009 03:17 PM

no i was not medicated as a child. but i will say that i am not all there and i am sure i should be on meds now lol

Elvis_Christ 05-17-2009 10:08 PM

Oh well at least you like a great band like Destruction :D

Haunted 05-22-2009 10:04 AM

The Shining scared the shit out of me when I was little. It was those goddamn twins! I have to connect with the poster who said the extended Exorcist is creepy, but that's my favorite horror film of all time. There have been films that have disturbed me because of violence (not the cool kind of violence that we're used to, but something on a scale that could say, happen to you, any of you).

I mostly like films about ghosts and haunted places.

roseyred 05-22-2009 10:52 AM

The exorcist. This movie scared me to death! For months i had to sleep in my moms room. I watched it when i was like 11, im pretty sure thats to young to be watching such a horrific movie.

Gory Artistic Maniac 05-25-2009 08:45 AM

I think the movie that scared me the most was the Exercist. I still does, just that girl does.
I was also freaked out by the Blob (the 80s one not the first on).

Your Mother Sucks Cocks In Hell!

dewaholic 05-25-2009 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Gory Artistic Maniac (Post 809078)
I think the movie that scared me the most was the Exercist. !

Really? I laughed all through that. I just thought it was funny. As for movies that really scare me. Hmm... Snakes on A Plane. I hate snakes and as I watched it through my fingers (yeah some parts were humorous and cheesy) I knew I was going to have realistic bad snake dreams a couple days later. I think I only did it to see if I'd have snake dreams. I did.

Zero 05-25-2009 04:32 PM

recently - i'd say high tension was pretty good - it had me going

wtb2612 05-27-2009 10:36 PM

Anyone have any good suggestions for really scary ghost/haunting movies? Those seem to be the only type that I still find the least bit scary. Doesn't matter if it's in English or not.

psycho d 05-28-2009 06:06 AM

As a kid jaws, Jaws scared the crap out of me. As an adult, i did not want to go home alone after watching The Ring (the American remake). That one creeped me out.

Noah 06-01-2009 05:35 PM

Going to go with The Blair Witch Project. I was 16 at the time of it's release - I made it a point to jump online and try to confirm that it wasn't "REAL" after all.

Even after doing so, I still went and saw it. It's the fear of the unknown, and (in my opinion) the very well done climax in the last 5 minutes or so of the flick. I didn't like the ending initially, but the more I thought about it and have viewed several times since, the more I love it.

joshaube 06-03-2009 02:31 PM

Won't lie. The Blair Witch Project. Gets me every time.

Gucci_Mane 06-03-2009 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Amalthea_unicorn (Post 528116)
Signs too! :eek:

This. When he sees the alien leg crawl into the crops it scared the crap out of me. On top of that, I was alone at midnight and there was a huge cornfield in the window right next to where I was laying. Ohhh dear. :eek:

UngodlyWarlock 06-03-2009 04:42 PM

You know what...the scariest movie for me isn't even scary to me anymore, but I stand by it 100%, despite all of the horror movies I have seen:

Event Horizon.

When I was 19, I worked in a movie theater in downtown Seattle. Often the booth guy would spool up movies the night before and run preview showings for employees and being that I had no class the next day, I said sure why not. First of all, I have to back up a little bit and say that up until the age of 18, I lived in the midwest (South Dakota and Kansas) so moving to Seattle and living downtown was a major thing for me. HUGE culture shock. Well staying at work to watch a movie that started at 1am, ended at about 3am and then walking home in the middle of the night in downtown seattle was already pretty scary.....but something about this movie just hit me to the core when it came out.

I sat in that huge theater, all by myself (except the booth guy who was upstairs) and then when it was over I left the abandoned multiplex thinking about all the corridor scares with the "ghost wife" in the movie scared out of my mind that I had to walk a mile and a half home.

I seriously ran my ass off and was home in about 5 minutes.

Awesome memory...and even though that movie doesn't actually scare me now, it's still one of my favorites. Sam Neill is the SHIT!


The Mothman 06-04-2009 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Gory Artistic Maniac (Post 809078)
I think the movie that scared me the most was the Exercist.


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