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ada1985 10-25-2008 04:37 AM

Friday the 13th Remake
I just saw a trailer of the remake of Friday the 13th, coming out Feb 13th 2009..


Are they combining the first few parts into one? I saw the hockey mask...

I've always been a fan of the original Friday the 13th movies, I notice the guy playing Jason is not one of them from the original movies, I didn't care for the stunts that show in the trailer... Jason is always serious looking and mostly walks when chasing a victim, the trailer shows him running and jumping, I thought that was kinda stupid, plus the cloths and the belt kinda looked un original, Also there is a newer car in the movie...

You know they don't make horror movies like they use to back in the 70's and 80's.... Even characters were funny back then like Ethal Hubard.. Acting sure isn't the same....

I hope they do a great Job at this remake and make it look more original, like it was taking place in the 50's - 80's... They should use old cars, old appliances, furniture etc.... And for good sake use one of the original actors of Jason, or even some of the original crew like Ethal etc..


Eat Horror 10-25-2008 10:40 AM

Apparently it's the first three films combined into one, they couldn't make it without having the hockey mask and Jason didn't pick it up till part three.

I'm not really liking the look of the trailer either, bit worried it might just suck

The_Return 10-25-2008 06:27 PM

I said it in the other thread about this movie, but this looks like it'll be exactly the same as the TCM remake, only with a hockey mask and a machete.

I'll watch it (and probably buy the DVD - I'm a completest, heh), but it doesn't look overly appealing.

ManchestrMorgue 10-25-2008 09:07 PM

Doesn't look like it is going to add a lot to the genre, that's for sure.

They so often tend to remake films that didn't need a remaking. Look at The Wicker Man, Halloween, Black Christmas.. etc.

chaibill 10-25-2008 09:36 PM

Was the halloween remake any good. In the trailer looks like Michael breaks chains or handcuffs with his human strength. Why would a director do that?

ManchestrMorgue 10-25-2008 11:49 PM

Actually, I didn't mind the Halloween remake as a film. But I don't think it added anything to the Michael Myers legend.

The original Halloween just wasn't a film that needed remaking. The original is one of the all-time great horror films.

Ferox13 10-26-2008 02:23 AM

I liked the mask in the 2nd one....

So is pams going to be still a kilelr in this on too.

Staal 02-12-2009 01:29 PM

Friday the 13th Remake
I just finished watching this one at a "sneak-preview".

I'm going to get bashed for this, but I actually enjoyed this one as much as the originals. This wasn't a great movie, but I was satisfied and entertained. I loved that asian guy. Funny as hell.

Didn't really scare me, but I wasn't expecting that. The movie had my girlfriend jumping a few times tho.

What's your thoughts on this one?

Wuqaz 02-12-2009 04:33 PM

I haven't seen it yet, but I am looking forward to watching it this weekend. I heard from others that it's not as good as the original but I love the Friday the 13th series so I'm hopeful that this will be just as good as some of those.

Elvis_Christ 02-12-2009 05:03 PM

Hopefully gonna check it out in the weekend can't wait!

lyricist 02-12-2009 11:21 PM

i just got back. man it's the shiznit.. i wouldn't even classify this as a remake cuz it's more like a tribute to parts 1-7. don't want to give away any spoilers but it's great gore, nudity, drugs, etc. and it's not too late to get the 30 years of jason dvd for 10 bucks at walmart so u can see the film for FREE!!

Roderick Usher 02-13-2009 09:25 AM

I'm going tonight and I'm taking my eleven year-old son (who is an avid horror fan already) to see it as his first horror film in the cinema! And we're going with a bunch of horror directors and journalists who are all jazzed to break in a virgin.

I saw #3 in 3D in the theater when I was his age and it made quite an impression on me.

We spent the week getting up to speed, watching 1,3,4, X & HIS NAME WAS JASON - so he'll totally get any homages/references.

I can't wait. I'll be watching his face even more the the screen.

Rodus 02-13-2009 09:45 AM

Going to see it in a couple of hours and seriously looking forward to it. The trailer really whet my appetite so lets hope the film delivers.

milktoaste 02-13-2009 09:55 AM

Going tonight, wish my boy was old enough to take with me..I can't wait to be in Roderick's shoes.

crabapple 02-13-2009 09:57 AM

It's a silly sort of thing to go and see, but, ya know what? I'm going out to see it right now, it looks like it might be fun. And I'll be seeing it just a block away from where I saw the original first film, nearly 30 years ago! (It was on a double bill with Mad Max...that was a fun evening!)

That theatre I saw the original F13 at was torn down about ten years ago... but the one I'm visiting today has been there for forty years or more........... it has been rebuilt and has a parking structure, and is nothing like it was (it had two screens originally, and is a multiplex now), but I get nostalgic about seeing movies there anyway.

Posher778 02-13-2009 10:54 AM

I'm looking forward to seeing it. Looks intense to say the least. I wish I had some money :(

bwind22 02-13-2009 11:20 AM

I'm taking the wife later on tonight. How I managed to talk her in to this as our Valentine's Day date is beyond me, but I'm glad it worked!

Rodus 02-13-2009 01:17 PM

Damn that was good fun. It lives up to the trailer and more then compares well with the originals. I never thought I'd say this as a huge Kane fan but Derek Mears is bloody brilliant as Jason, the most menacing yet. As remakes/reimaginings go, Friday 13th rocks.

hacelikewhoa 02-13-2009 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by bwind22 (Post 788843)
I'm taking the wife later on tonight. How I managed to talk her in to this as our Valentine's Day date is beyond me, but I'm glad it worked!

Tonight is my Valentine's as well but I think it's awesome. I can't wait!

Elvis_Christ 02-13-2009 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by bwind22 (Post 788843)
I'm taking the wife later on tonight. How I managed to talk her in to this as our Valentine's Day date is beyond me, but I'm glad it worked!

Haha yeh I'm taking the girlfriend to it for valentines day too, she seemed pretty keen to check it out :)

La Chat Noire 02-13-2009 04:00 PM

The boyfriend and I are going tomorrow night too. Would've liked to go tonight but he works late.

MisterSadistro 02-13-2009 04:04 PM

I already saw it Tuesday. It just proves that Michael Bay can take an originally bad movie, add lots of flashy editing, gorgeous co-eds, tons of loud music, and great special fx and still deliver an even worse movie. Another pointless and ridiculous remake. It looks like the 'Halloween' remake Michael Myers switched masks and lived in 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' remake Leatherface's house. Lots of shaky camerawork and super loud noise as usual. Awful.

massacre man 02-13-2009 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Roderick Usher (Post 788821)
I'm going tonight and I'm taking my eleven year-old son (who is an avid horror fan already) to see it as his first horror film in the cinema! And we're going with a bunch of horror directors and journalists who are all jazzed to break in a virgin.

I saw #3 in 3D in the theater when I was his age and it made quite an impression on me.

We spent the week getting up to speed, watching 1,3,4, X & HIS NAME WAS JASON - so he'll totally get any homages/references.

I can't wait. I'll be watching his face even more the the screen.

I'm watching "His Name Was Jason" now. Did they release remastered versions of the previous movies or something? The quality of the clips seemed a lot better than before.

Elvis_Christ 02-13-2009 06:27 PM

The F13 flicks are being (are already out?) released on Blue-Ray and I think there's newly remastered DVD versions too.

milktoaste 02-13-2009 07:06 PM

It wasn't 'drop my jaw, perminately change the way I see horror movies' awesome. It was definetly a Friday the 13th movie though. I thought it was everything that could have been expected and maybe a little more. Boobs, blood, a bunch idiot kids running around drunk and high humping each other until there totally expected/foreshadowed death. I liked it alot.

Staal 02-14-2009 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by milktoaste (Post 788928)
It wasn't 'drop my jaw, perminately change the way I see horror movies' awesome. It was definetly a Friday the 13th movie though. I thought it was everything that could have been expected and maybe a little more. Boobs, blood, a bunch idiot kids running around drunk and high humping each other until there totally expected/foreshadowed death. I liked it alot.

I'm glad to see someone's enjoying this the way I do.

It may not be a masterpiece or even close, but it's worth watching and great entertainment.

Man, I wish that asian kid got his own movie.

Elvis_Christ 02-14-2009 03:35 AM

Great stuff I thought this was a lot of fun. My only complaint was the music, the score itself was great but the songs they played were awful. It always seems to be the case with a lot of modern horror flicks.
I really dug the ferocious pace of this one compared to the older films. Jason was badass and it was great seeing him in action on the big screen. Nice homages to the first few flicks.

Rodus 02-14-2009 08:55 AM

^^I thought the pacing was spot on, no dull moments or boring teen babble, one of the benefits of condensing 4 movies into 1. I really hope Mears comes back as Jason in the next one.

crabapple 02-14-2009 08:58 AM

Yep, I enjoyed it. It ain't no work of brilliance, but that's not what I was paying to see: I wanted to see an old-fashioned slasher movie, with a little production gloss and decent sound. And the movie delivers that. Partying, boobs, gruesome choppings. Rainstorm sequence, ending you can see coming from a mile away but who cares. (I suppose it could have used just a bit more gore...it seemed to be skimping a little in that department...but eh, that's a small complaint.)

hacelikewhoa 02-14-2009 12:12 PM

Saw it last night. I don't know how I feel about it. I didn't love it but I didn't hate it...It's just whatever I guess. I was excited to see Jason on the big screen again though. I'll have to watch it probably like 3 more times before I decide. I hated how they did the beginning during the credits. The recap of the first film was stupid. BUT, I liked how they tied the other movies into this one. A lot better than Halloween remake I'd have to say. I just feel modern horror movies now a days aren't scary. I found the oldies to be scary, still to this day. Same goes for Halloween. I thought Jason looked bad ass of course and the kills were awesome, but I wasn't scared like I used to be. They could have done a lot more to it I think.

crazy raplh 02-14-2009 05:26 PM

I saw it last night , I thought it was good. I kind with they would have dove more into jasons past and psychological make up. and shown a good shot of his face. I liked the jason house, though he never kept a victum alive and he never ran. and he had a sence of where people were when they were hiding from him

milktoaste 02-14-2009 06:36 PM

I'm pretty sure the only reason he kept the girl alive was explained in the foreshadowing of the film. It seems too soon for spoilers, but it's all laid out in the movie, if you had paid attention.

Taom 02-14-2009 07:03 PM

I've enjoyed most of the F13 series, so I didn't go into this expecting much.
Haven't been a fan of the remake bug thats taken over the industry since the late 90s.

Here's a few quick thoughts(Spoiler Alert)

-Pacing was pretty good. Fast but never seemed rushed
-I actually enjoyed how they dealt with the original film's plot durng the opening credits. Lets be honest here folks, everyone loves jason, not mama.
- kinda skimped on the gore, but in all fairness, it wasn't needed. You go into a slasher flick expecting inventive deaths and a fair amount of gore, this one had inventive deaths, homage deaths, and some gore. I felt there were going for quick pace and atmosphere instead of cheap visuals.
-only used the "ki ki ki, ma ma ma" twice after the opening credits, nice
-thank the lord they didn't try to give Jason some sorta touchy feely, awwwww storyline. He's Jason, he hates people, he kills people, nuff said
-the locals seemed to know something about who Jason was and left him alone, nice lil bit not touched on too much, just there to add flavr
-the score was usual modern horror fare, not great, but not horrible. it was just there
-Jason keeping a captive immedietly set off a buzzer in my head, but it seemed like they wanted to use the gal and the small link to his mother to set up the sequel, that could be interesting
-Jason looked great. They didn't show him too much, and I actually liked that they didn't give you a good look at his face. We all know what he looks like. While I'll admit I go into each one rooting for Jason, It did seem like they showed him less than in previous flicks. Like I mentioned earlier, it seemed they were going for more atmosphere, less visual gimmicks.

Overall I liked it. It isn't going to become my favorite in the series, but it didn't need to. Good homage to the series we all grew up loving.

In closing;
Bring on the Unrated DVD

Roderick Usher 02-14-2009 07:21 PM

My kid liked it, but didn't love it. It was really fun seeing this film with my horror-making friends, but I found it rather weak... but then again all the Fri 13th films are weak. It was sort of fun. It wasn't the best in the series and it wasn't the worst.

One of my biggest gripes - Out-of-focus does not make it scary or more visceral, it just makes it out-of-focus. Would it have killed them to actually lock off a shot or two?

And what the fuck happened to Crazy Ralph?

The "Tuesday the 17th" episode of PSYCH was better than this reboot - it was funny and got all the homage points right.

milktoaste 02-14-2009 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Taom (Post 789096)
In closing;
Bring on the Unrated DVD

Hell fucking ya. I also liked 'the locals' angle on the movie, I thought I even even recognized the tow truck from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3? I think I'm thinking of 3-the peice of shit with Mathew Mcconaughey. Either way, it made the story easier to swallow.

massacre man 02-14-2009 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by milktoaste (Post 789102)
Hell fucking ya. I also liked 'the locals' angle on the movie, I thought I even even recognized the tow truck from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3? I think I'm thinking of 3-the peice of shit with Mathew Mcconaughey. Either way, it made the story easier to swallow.

4 was the one you're thinking of. 3 was the one with Ken Foree and Viggo Mortinsen duking it out.

milktoaste 02-14-2009 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by massacre man (Post 789103)
4 was the one you're thinking of. 3 was the one with Ken Foree and Viggo Mortinsen duking it out.

Thanks, too lazy to look it up myself.

roshiq 02-14-2009 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Roderick Usher (Post 789100)
One of my biggest gripes - Out-of-focus does not make it scary or more visceral, it just makes it out-of-focus. Would it have killed them to actually lock off a shot or two?

Though I haven't seen this remake yet but I seriously hate this out of focus style too. So definitely that would be a major disappointing part about the film for me. :mad: But still I'm expecting to see a decent slasher at least.

crabapple 02-14-2009 10:22 PM

And there is a reference to "Blue Velvet" near the beginning of the film, a dialogue semi-quote. Kinda funny.

Yes, it's not the best or the worst...I think I was happy with it because I wanted to see something mediocre, just your basic F13 flick. I was hoping that it was actually about a summer camp--that would have made it quite a bit more fun--but oh well.

Elvis_Christ 02-15-2009 12:04 AM

Any word on a sequel yet?

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