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thehalk 10-11-2003 04:24 PM

Ed Gien
ok ed gien is the guy that inspierd the tcm sico n black sheep he was a grave rober from wesconsin who made furniture n close from bodys to read more about ed gien go to http://www.edgeinthemovie.com/

Ritualistic 10-13-2003 04:34 PM

Re: Ed Gien

Originally posted by thehalk
ok ed gien is the guy that inspierd the tcm sico n black sheep he was a grave rober from wesconsin who made furniture n close from bodys to read more about ed gien go to http://www.edgeinthemovie.com/
Ed Gein his named is spelled E-D G-E-I-N no offense but why do you keep spelling words the wrong way..??

Killer Clown#1 10-13-2003 04:40 PM

I was on this message board once(boogeymen.com) and there was this guy who always talked like a cave man... well spelled like one any ways, but he did it on purpose.

thehalk 10-13-2003 04:41 PM

how was it spelled wrong?

Killer Clown#1 10-13-2003 04:53 PM

You ask way to many questions:rolleyes:

thehalk 10-13-2003 05:00 PM

suck a nut u way to gay

Killer Clown#1 10-13-2003 05:02 PM

I'm sorry you did not give me your address.

thehalk 10-13-2003 05:10 PM

i didn't give it becuse i seen ur mouth was full

Killer Clown#1 10-13-2003 05:14 PM

Oh... so that means you wanted me to suck your nuts. He has finally come out of the closet boys and girls.

Killer Clown#1 10-13-2003 05:15 PM


Killer Clown#1 10-13-2003 05:16 PM


Killer Clown#1 10-13-2003 05:16 PM


Ritualistic 10-13-2003 05:17 PM

LOL ahhh man this is funny shit.. okay thehalk you spelled Ed Gein wrong.... look at the link you added on your first post and that is the way you spell it... Killer Klown stay cool he pissed me off earlier about leprechaun... :D

Killer Clown#1 10-13-2003 05:17 PM

The moderator can delete those last few posts with 1 word in them. Just nedded to get to 100 posts first and I did:D

blue angel 10-13-2003 05:23 PM

yea and he spelled wisconsin wrong

thehalk 10-13-2003 05:25 PM

killer klown your life is worthless u souldent be here you sould be locked up some where and that othere person u killer klowns bend over body so yall wastin ya time vages

blue angel 10-13-2003 05:26 PM

you need to
A:learn how to spell
B:stop looking for trouble and
C:Get A Life your self

thehalk 10-13-2003 05:27 PM

blue angel where u keep comin from u need to hop off if its like that

blue angel 10-13-2003 05:28 PM

hop off what

Killer Clown#1 10-13-2003 05:31 PM

I'm sorry for making fun of you just because you can't spell worth a $hit. I feal bad though...really. Lets start over.

thehalk 10-13-2003 05:34 PM

take a gusse

blue angel 10-13-2003 05:35 PM

guess halk comeon

Tony 10-13-2003 05:35 PM

What's a gusse? I want one.

blue angel 10-13-2003 05:36 PM

is he mentally impared i am just wondering

thehalk 10-13-2003 05:42 PM

shut u blue u wack u need to hop off comin just jump off the edge cuse u geting annoyg

blue angel 10-13-2003 05:43 PM


thehalk 10-13-2003 05:55 PM

u have some kinda problem u dissin y so u can feel better about your self get a life

blue angel 10-13-2003 05:58 PM

maybe i would be nicer thehalk if you would not make up lies

ChaoticMinister 10-13-2003 06:14 PM

Ed Gein: Some links for Information
Ed Gein Links:




These are the three best links I'm aware of Re: Ed Gein... some of them do have some varying information, but use your best judgement and your own research. With these, you should be able to get the best idea of the facts, then go from there.

Just remember that when a film has a tagline including the words "Based on/Inspired by actual events" it infers "loosely based on."

Anyways, it's purported that Tobe Hooper, Co-writer/Director Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), says in the Directors commentary for the original that he had no idea who Ed Gein was or and inkling of the acts he committed until after the film was made. Though I only heard this on an IMDb messageboard post for the film (Either on the boards for the Original or New one, not sure), so I'm uncertain as to it's accuracy since I haven't seen the film with the directors commentary. I would love to, but no tengo dinero.

Your Friendly Minister...

thehalk 10-13-2003 06:59 PM

i didn't make no lie i even asked tonmy wat happined he don't no wat u talkin about

blue angel 10-13-2003 07:01 PM

eather do i because i love you thehalk

thehalk 10-13-2003 07:05 PM

yea thats y u help 2 other people diss me

Tony 10-13-2003 07:06 PM

I never helped anyone diss you dude. I think the trashing each other shit has gone way over the edge.

thehalk 10-13-2003 07:09 PM

i wasnt talkin about u

blue angel 10-13-2003 07:13 PM

i know because i hate lesbians and idiots hahahahahahahaha

thehalk 10-13-2003 07:15 PM

so u tryin to say im a idiot u tight

blue angel 10-13-2003 07:15 PM

yea you are

thehalk 10-13-2003 07:20 PM

ok i am ok so u whant to no wat i think i think u stuped 4 getin on that gurl cuse u like everyone u talk to thats a boy that gurl wasn't hertin y couldn't u just let her be?

Tony 10-13-2003 07:24 PM


Originally posted by blue angel
i know because i hate lesbians and idiots hahahahahahahaha

Geez...so you leave on thread where you were bashing someone....and come into another one and start again. Grow up. Please. No more. If you can't be nice to people then don't post.

blue angel 10-13-2003 07:26 PM

listen thehalk i didn't understand one word you said

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