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freddy101 10-15-2003 09:35 AM

Need some Help with Freddy Interview
Hey all!! Per a request for this....I am going to start a thread for a possible interview exclusive for Robert Englund aka Freddy Krueger!! :)

If there is a question that you would like to know what Robert thinks then please post and I will work on Robert and his busy schedule to try and get the answers that you want!!

Please keep them legit. I will wait till we have about 20 questions or so before submitting to him.

This will be an EXCLUSIVE Interview to Horror.com!!!

If you are interested in autographed Freddy pics look here...


Killer Clown#1 10-15-2003 09:53 AM

Was Ken intimidating while filming the fight scenes in fvj?

Tony 10-15-2003 09:57 AM

Which Nightmare on Elm Street film did he have the most fun working on?

Other than Wes Craven, which director does he think brought the most to the table as far as the Nightmare Series went?

Also try to add light or dispell some of the rumors going around about throwing a third character into the mix of the a Freddy vs. Jason sequel.

freddy101 10-15-2003 10:06 AM

Great questions!! :) Keep them coming!!

Thanks everyone!!


Tony 10-15-2003 10:08 AM

Here's another question..

We've all heard rumors about Gunnar Hansen's "Last Horror picture show" ( a film that would contain Freddy, Jason and Leatherface) With New Line having rights to all three characters it seems like it could possibly happen. What are your thoughts on this film being made?

freddy101 10-15-2003 12:26 PM

Good question!! :)

Here is a snip from an interview I saw with Ronnie Yu on the upcoming DVD Freddy vs. Jason.

Yu says that other ending will be on the forthcoming DVD. “It will be on there. Most definitely. But I’m not telling you who wins in that one”, he laughs. “There’s a great DVD coming actually. I love it. It’s called a Platinum Collectors edition and it’ll be two discs. On the first disc we will have this whole feature on the evolution of both series with interviews and everything, leading right up to Freddy vs. Jason. And then we have some deleted scenes, including some of the CGI stuff that I just didn’t think worked. There are also two commentaries - One just me by myself, and then one with Englund and the guy that plays Jason”.

For the full article look here...


Killer Clown#1 10-15-2003 01:15 PM

Do you still keep in touch with any of the actors that played in the Nightmare series with you? and if so are you good friends with them.

freddy101 10-15-2003 01:25 PM

Killer question from a Killer Clown!! ;)

Killer Clown#1 10-15-2003 01:28 PM

Kick @$$!!!!! thanks:)

freddy101 10-15-2003 01:35 PM

You are most welcome!! :) I think that this is shaping up to be some great questions and I am looking forward to digging up the answers for everyone!!

Keep them coming!!


Tony 10-15-2003 01:51 PM

One would think that at one time or another there have been many proposed Elm Street films that never came to be. What are the worst and best ideas thrown around at New Line that never came to be?

Tony 10-15-2003 02:01 PM

-If he ever got tired of playing the Freddy role, does he feel that it would be the final end of it or would the attempt to replace him?

-What kind of music is he into?

-What are the chances of the rumored Elm Street prequel happening?

Tony 10-15-2003 02:02 PM

-Freddy has been known to be a big time deliverer or one liners. Did you ever come up with any of the one liners on your own or were they all scripted.

-Which Fredd one liner is your favorite and why?

Amelie 10-15-2003 02:56 PM

I heard they're doing a remake of the series "V". Are you going to be involved in that, and do you have any cool stories about the original series?

freddy101 10-15-2003 03:19 PM

We have about 13 questions right now so keep them coming!! :)

Thanks everyone!!


freddy101 10-15-2003 03:25 PM

Tony - You have a lot of questions on your mind!! :) It is a good thing though cuz I am the same way...lol.

Killer Clown#1 10-15-2003 03:30 PM

What are some upcoming projects you are involved with?

Tony 10-15-2003 04:01 PM

This one comes from avenger00soul who can't come to the board right now due to computer difficulties.

-is it true that you'll take just about any role offered to you where you don't have to wear make-up?

Great question because I have heard that rumor before.

To Freddy101: Thank you. I think of stuff I want to ask people all the time but never get chance. Glad you are going to try to get this done. It'll be great for the site.

freddy101 10-15-2003 04:06 PM

Tony - Not a problem!! :) I try and bring the people what they want and deserve!! After all it is people like this that make Freddy and the whole genre something special!! This is what gives Freddy his powers....love for the character!! ;)


avenger00soul 10-15-2003 07:03 PM


Originally posted by Tony
This one comes from avenger00soul who can't come to the board right now due to computer difficulties.

-is it true that you'll take just about any role offered to you where you don't have to wear make-up?

Great question because I have heard that rumor before.

Yeah, I really want to know if this is true.

freddy101 10-15-2003 08:42 PM

avenger00soul - Noted....it is a good question and I will try and get the answer for you!! ;)

Good to see that you got your computer problems solved for now!!


ChaoticMinister 10-16-2003 08:05 AM

In pure jest... ask this in a child-like voice if possible:

"Is Freddy's peepee as messed up as his face?"

Yeah... I'm bored... what of it?


avenger00soul 10-16-2003 08:10 AM

Re: Joking...

Originally posted by ChaoticMinister
In pure jest... ask this in a child-like voice if possible:

"Is Freddy's peepee as messed up as his face?"

Yeah... I'm bored... what of it?


Hahaha. Good one. I appreciate the laugh.

freddy101 10-16-2003 08:12 AM


That is crazy!! I am sure in theory that everything is burned like his face but on Robert, not a chance they have painted his peepee. LOL


_Leatha_Face_ 10-16-2003 08:34 AM

How long does it for make-up?

_Leatha_Face_ 10-16-2003 08:36 AM


Killer Clown#1 10-16-2003 01:47 PM

Do you have a freddy glove from each of the nightmare movies for your own to keep?
(running out of questions:mad: )

freddy101 10-16-2003 04:26 PM

Killer Clown#1 - Running out of questions?? That is not possible....lol. :)

We are up to 17 questions so we only need 3 more!!!! :)


Killer Clown#1 10-16-2003 04:28 PM

Do you know if there is a second boogeymen dvd in the works? and if so will you be doing the audio comentary?

freddy101 10-16-2003 04:33 PM

Killer - see I knew you would think of something :)

Killer Clown#1 10-16-2003 04:38 PM

Was "the glove" uncomfortable to wear at all in any of the movies?

freddy101 10-16-2003 08:38 PM

What about all the different gloves and styles through all of the movies...which was his favorite style?? ;)

Also for some cool looking gloves made to match the movies look...




Tell em Brian sent ya!! :)


SCREAMERatorX 10-17-2003 01:34 AM

OK.. i hope u havnt got 20 questions yet.... im sure u could fit this 1 in if u have already...

Robert: were there many scenes, out of all the freddy movies, that u had 2 get your stunt double 2 play freddy??
if so, which scenes and why didnt you do them?

CHEERS.... : freddy101
p.s. hows the autographed print sales going?

freddy101 10-17-2003 07:41 AM

SCREAMERatorX - No there is still plenty of room for questions because I want our questions to be very different from the normal questions that you see in all of Robert's interviews. I have read through tons of interviews and I notice that a lot of questions are repetitive so I do not want to have questions presented to him that we could find in an interview. So I am trying to pick out the most original questions to present to him.

The autographed picture sales are going well, thanks for asking, and I still have people asking for them every day. For me to be able to get the pictures personalized for the same price is going over great!! ;) Let me know if you would like one!!


SCREAMERatorX 10-17-2003 08:10 AM

im still considering getting an autographed print ... sound like a once in a life time chance 4me....
how long would it take 2 delivery to australia????

freddy101 10-17-2003 08:19 AM

SCREAMERatorX - Yeah it would be a once in a life time thing!!

For International shipping it would be $4 and I get shipped stuff from Australia to me all the time and it takes anywhere from 10-12 days to get stuff here.

Let me know soon though cuz I know you would like to have it personalized!! ;)


SCREAMERatorX 10-17-2003 08:27 AM

yes, definately, wouldnt get one if it wasnt personalised...
coz wouldnt b for me, would get it 4 my brother ... he's a massive fan and would praise me 4 gettin it written out 2 him....

i'll let u know by Monday..... i think about it 2nite and get back 2 u..
thanks again.

freddy101 10-17-2003 08:37 AM

SCREAMERatorX - Hey that is a nice thing to do for your bro!! :) I know if he is a huge fan then he would become your personal slave after getting a pic made out to him from the man himself!! ;) It would be the ultimate gift!!

That is cool you have till next Friday to get it in!!


SCREAMERatorX 10-17-2003 08:46 AM

till next friday?? ((24th oct))
ok.. no worries. i shall let u know b4 then.
I'm probably a 85% yes.... just have 2 think of what 2 have written

freddy101 10-17-2003 08:50 AM

Yeah till next Friday the 24th. :)

And it is mainly just putting your brothers name on it and then Robert usually gives it his own touch to putting anything else on it to quotes or drawings or such. So you don't really need to think of anything special per say.


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