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Sculpt 09-13-2016 03:39 PM

Continue The Story... "Dog"
This is the "Continue The Story..." thread.

  1. Read the story from where you left off, so you're familiar with the continuity.
  2. Using the Reply button (not Quote), add ONE sentence to further the story. You may add two short sentences if necessary.
  3. Please, no obscenity.
  4. Write whatever you like: horror, humor, romance, dialogue, narration, change narrative modes (1st, 2nd, 3rd person), simple or lavish description, corny or professional, etc.
  5. It's for fun.
Next post begins the story...

Sculpt 09-13-2016 03:40 PM

They said I could choose one dog as a companion.

Bloof 09-13-2016 04:08 PM

Size didn't really matter but color did.

TheBossInTheWall 09-13-2016 04:11 PM

Before I continue let me just say that bringing an ice cream cone to a kennel is a very poor idea.

anglewitch 09-13-2016 04:50 PM

All the dogs wanted the ice cream cone. One of the dogs bit my hand.

Sculpt 09-13-2016 09:08 PM

I narrowed my search.

TheBossInTheWall 09-13-2016 09:11 PM

If he could taste my blood then he could find me.

Bloof 09-14-2016 02:45 AM

Running out of time, I perused my remaining options.

anglewitch 09-14-2016 05:23 AM

1, lay down, curl up and cry. 2, play dead. Or 3, run like hell.

Bloof 09-14-2016 07:49 AM

The kennel owner glanced at me oddly.

Repo'd 09-14-2016 08:12 AM

From the way he glared at me I could tell he wasn't comfortable with my presence.

anglewitch 09-14-2016 09:22 AM

So I added onto my strangeness by splashing mud all over my face.

TheBossInTheWall 09-14-2016 09:59 AM

They asked about a duck on my head and I responded, "What duck?"

anglewitch 09-14-2016 10:06 AM

Then I looked up and there it was. The duck.

Bloof 09-14-2016 05:51 PM

Not a real duck, of course, but a charming paint-by-number painting of one above the cages.

anglewitch 09-14-2016 06:04 PM

But then the duck panting became real. It started howling like a wolf! Then it flew at me and bit my ear off.

Repo'd 09-14-2016 06:49 PM

Amazingly, none of these unusual events deterred me from my quest, and soon I was going home with a dog. A Black dog, exactly as was required.

anglewitch 09-14-2016 06:50 PM

But then my dog slowly turned into a duck. So I had to go back to the kennel.

Bloof 09-15-2016 09:23 AM

After revisiting the kennel to exchange the "duck" for my original black dog, I longed to go home and rest.

hammerfan 09-15-2016 09:26 AM

I had been up for 2 days straight, and was in desperate need of sleep.

anglewitch 09-15-2016 09:27 AM

But the duck on the bed post wouldn't let me sleep.

Sculpt 09-16-2016 05:08 PM

I let the duck out back and pondered what I would name my dog...

Repo'd 09-16-2016 05:23 PM

Now, I have to admit, I'm a huge Horror film fan, so my first inspiration came from the genre. Freddy? Michael? Jason? Great names, yes, but somehow they seemed kind of cliche, not to mention none of those names fit this beast in the least.

Bloof 09-16-2016 06:04 PM

For now, I felt just "Friend" would do. I didn't really have any and this gentle giant seemed.....well, it just fit.

Sculpt 09-17-2016 01:45 PM

Now, in my nursing home room-for-one, gazing past my food tray of tater tots, I looked out the window...

Bloof 09-18-2016 04:57 AM

The leaves were turning. My favorite time of year.

Repo'd 09-18-2016 11:50 AM

The signs of another approaching autumn made me smile softly. Funny, I thought, almost every life changing event I'd experienced had happened in the fall. I glanced down at my new canine friend and said..

::: my apologies for using a few more sentences than I should. It's just been so much fun, ya know. I'll limit myself from now on

anglewitch 09-20-2016 06:26 AM


Sculpt 09-25-2016 06:45 PM

Shaking away the illusions... with my new dog, I can now plan my escape!

Bloof 09-28-2016 02:37 PM

And I had barely a month to come up with a successful plan.

Sculpt 10-03-2016 03:33 PM

Thirty days, PLUS ONE, may be the trip down the hall no one is ready for... so I'm going to be ready to leave much earlier than that!

anglewitch 10-06-2016 11:22 AM

But the duck crapped all over the kitchen floor. So my plan was foiled.

Sculpt 10-06-2016 07:01 PM

I decided I must take Harvey, my duck friend, with me as well.

anglewitch 10-07-2016 03:03 AM

Harvey seemed to like that. He started quacking happily.

Sculpt 10-07-2016 05:27 PM

My room remains locked at night. Should I steal a key, or try a window escape?

anglewitch 10-07-2016 05:38 PM

But then I remembered that Harvey at all of the key in the house, and nailed all the windows down. He also managed to brick up all the doors.

Sculpt 10-16-2016 08:07 PM

Harvey does his work when I'm asleep...

anglewitch 10-16-2016 08:12 PM

Harvey was a little bastard, I wanted to kill him and then eat him.

Repo'd 10-21-2016 03:51 AM

So, I did.

Sculpt 10-22-2016 12:10 PM

I decided to make a rope of my sheets and blankets to climb down three floors; but how would I bring my dog?

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