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avenger00soul 10-25-2003 05:38 AM

28 Days Later alternate endings...

I just watched the alternate endings on the 28 Days Later DVD. I was sorely unimpressed. The ending that they put back in theaters wasn't that big of a deal to me. If I had paid money to go back to the theaters to watch that, I'd be one pissed off dude. However, the "Radical" ending was neat to see (if only in storyboards). It took the film in a completely different direction. But still not nearly as great as the military segment of the film. That was the best and most horrific part of the movie to me. I liked that movie so much b/c of the nature of man that is shown at the end in the military complex.

Ritualistic 10-25-2003 08:04 AM

I would have to say I wasted the 3 bucks to rent this movie. I have mentioned in another post about the alternate endings and like avenger I was unimpressed as well, I had heard a lot of great reviews about this movie and sure enough I was let down big time. Although they were some great killing scenes.

avenger00soul 10-25-2003 08:15 AM

Did anyone see the deleted scene "the infected in the house?" Why did they cut that out? I really enjoyed that stuff and it gave the appearance of way more of the infected running around the house.

massacre man 10-25-2003 09:19 AM

the whole 28 days later movie scared me cuz ther movie sux so bad

avenger00soul 10-25-2003 09:27 AM

How is it that a movie can have such critical success, and yet horror fans are not pleased? I for one loved this movie. I'd like to hear some solid reasons why you liked or disliked the film. Not b/c it sucked.

I dug it mainly b/c it had solid characters, characters I cared about in a horrific situation. It reminded me so much of Dawn/Day of the Dead that I could not not like it. Plus, it had a "real life" feel to it. I believe this situation is possible. And that scares me. And the digital filmmaking adds to this sense of realism.

dmihatmttl 10-25-2003 11:43 AM

Loved it. I couldn't wait to buy it, and you better believe I hit Best Buy after work that day to pick up the DVD. Damn good stuff . . . .

Is it the most original movie in the world? No, certainly not. Is it perfect? No, it has its flaws (frankly I think the second half -- when the military enters the story -- doesn't quite live up to the haunting tone set by the first half). But I still think it's a great little horror movie. Something for other modern horror films to aspire to, definitely. I'd love to see Danny Boyle work in this genre again . . . .

Count me in as a 28 DAYS LATER fan, no doubt about it.

James N.

Ritualistic 10-25-2003 01:09 PM

SPOILERS dont read if you havent seen it.

The reason I was dissapointed by this movie is because it bored me. I did like the digital effects but the whole concept didnt make sense to me. It started out about a blood disease that took over the world and had spread very fast. They didnt really get in too depth about the disease which to me it would have been great if they had. It was slow in parts and it was not made up in any gore/fights/action.. I had heard such great reviews on it but I was sadly unimpressed. In a few scenes it reminded me of Day of the Dead but that was the only thing. so that is my opinion

vera-icon 10-26-2003 02:17 AM

When i first heard about this film i was very excited about it... but when i saw it in the theater, i was unimpressed... i expected something different.
i saw it on DVD a few months ago and i was able to understand it a bit more. If i remember correctly... NOTLD, Dawn/Day of the Dead gave very little, if any explanation as to why people were coming back to life and killing people... it just happened. It made for a bit of confusion and mystery in the films which i think added to their appeal.
28 Days Later does the same thing... to a point. The special features on the DVD have a segment on the reality of deadly viruses and how it is splattered into our faces with this movie.
Anyhow, i just finished watching it again and i can safely say that i do like the movie. it has that apocolyptic feel - the scenes of a deserted London are quite chilling, considering what a bustling city it normally is, there's little decay but you can see the signs of devastation all over.
Aside from that i like how Danny Boyle manages to throw some full-frontal male nudity into his films :D LOL

Ritualistic 10-26-2003 05:59 AM


Originally posted by vera-icon
When i first heard about this film i was very excited about it... but when i saw it in the theater, i was unimpressed... i expected something different.
i saw it on DVD a few months ago and i was able to understand it a bit more. If i remember correctly... NOTLD, Dawn/Day of the Dead gave very little, if any explanation as to why people were coming back to life and killing people... it just happened. It made for a bit of confusion and mystery in the films which i think added to their appeal.

I have a question and a comment for you vera-icon. How did you see 28 days later months ago when it was only released last tuesday on DVD..?? and I have a comment about how the zombie virus broke out in the NOTLD series. They did explain it, it was the military`s doings. they were trying to make the ultimate soldier by brining back dead people. and the gas/chemical they used had broken out of the cannisters and it had spread that way..

avenger00soul 10-26-2003 06:10 AM


Originally posted by Ritualistic
I have a question and a comment for you vera-icon. How did you see 28 days later months ago when it was only released last tuesday on DVD..?? and I have a comment about how the zombie virus broke out in the NOTLD series. They did explain it, it was the military`s doings. they were trying to make the ultimate soldier by brining back dead people. and the gas/chemical they used had broken out of the cannisters and it had spread that way..
I have to say something here, I saw the DVD WAY back in early August at a horror con. It's also been out in England for a while now. As far as the cannister stuff, isn't that in Return of the Living Dead?

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