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The Mad Monk 04-01-2008 10:10 AM

Jesus/Jess Franco
The Spanish filmmaker Jesus Franco (also known as Jess Franco, and dozens of other names) is probably well known to many of us here. He's been involved with well over 100 films over the years which, like Franco himself, are known by various different names - but include the likes of Oasis Of The Zombies, Love Letters From A Portuguese Nun, Barbed Wire Dolls, Isla The Wicked Warden, Eugenie - The Story Of Her Journey Into Perversion, and Female Vampire.

People often either seem to love or hate his distinctive and unusual approach, which often involves the camera purposefully going out of focus, unusual lighting techniques, and usually plenty of nudity and sleaze.

Personally, I've seen quite a lot of his work, and own around 10-20 of his films on VHS and DVD - but you need to be in the right mood to enjoy them, and the quality varies considerably.

So, what do you think? A misunderstood genius? A dirty old man who can't keep cameras in focus? :) Discuss Franco and his films here!

urgeok2 04-01-2008 10:27 AM

i get a kick out of his films ... at one time they were the utlimate bad-ass cutting edge exploitation films but they're pretty tame by todays standards.

i'll say this - i like his taste in women as far as the sleaze goes,

The_Return 04-01-2008 05:36 PM

Ive only seen Oasis of the Zombies, and I hated it. I have nothing against bad zombie movies, but a boring zombie movie? I cant put up with that.

Elvis_Christ 04-01-2008 07:11 PM

I really liked Faceless

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