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NightStalker 10-17-2020 05:04 PM



Angra 10-18-2020 01:59 AM

The one starring Michael Paré?

HammerGal 10-18-2020 10:21 AM

For me its either, "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" or "Hereditary"...those two really made me feel horrified.

mr. macabre 10-28-2020 12:27 PM

We need more movies like this
Hereditary and the Witch are both excellent movies. The only movie that "affected" me was the Exorcist, but that was 30 years ago. Now, I can watch just about any thing and still sleep well.

The Shroud 10-28-2020 01:15 PM

At first I didn't know what to say. There are only a few scary movies that really got under my skin, but I couldn't really tell which I thought was scariest. Then I realized that the only one that I only watched twice, primarily because I've been too scared to watch it again, was, Candyman.

TaeKwonZombie 10-28-2020 11:34 PM

for me it's all about mood, there are certain movies that scared me at the time, but now don't at all, I saw Devil back in this old 100 year old house i used to live in, and for some reason that movie got to me, but when i watch it nowadays in my new home....not as scary for some reason...these days very little scares me movie wise, sometimes movies will make me feel uncomfortable like italian giallo's can sometimes, which is a good thing in horror, or fulci's movies, but its usually upon first watch. Are we desensitized?

ImmortalSlasher 10-30-2020 09:52 PM

Old movie. Nightmare on Elm Street (original), when I was a kid.

New movie. Sinister. Watched at night, under the influence of alcohol.

vilmer 11-27-2020 03:56 AM

As a child in the mid-80s, I watched the first episode of a two-part film, the name of which I do not remember. The film began with a woman walking slowly down the street and the camera showing her from the back, and sometimes with her eyes, as if the camera was attached to her head. The action took place in a Gothic style village. The woman walked slowly towards the bazaar. When the woman got to the stalls, the camera showed her hands and nails - it was a terrible sight. But then it was even worse - the camera turned to her face. It was hell of a hell. I have not seen such a scary face in the aftermath of any horror movie. I remember how I pressed myself into the sofa and could not move from the terror that fettered me. Now I understand why the director did not show the old woman's face for a long time, filming her from behind, this was specially conceived to enhance the effect. The old woman is a monster. Later, when the camera showed the old woman's face in close-up, I immediately closed my eyes.

classic_horror_fan 11-28-2020 12:24 PM

Some of the scariest films I have seen could be a close race between Umberto Lenzi's Eaten Alive and Cannibal Ferrox, Lucio Fulci's The Beyond, Mario Bava's Kill Baby Kill! and Shock, Dario Argento's Phenomena, Tenebre, Deep Red, and Stendhal Syndrome, Tales From The Crypt(1972), Night Train Murders, to name a few that I can think of right offhand... ::devil::

aidengr03 12-10-2020 06:00 AM

Honestly not alot of movies scare me i think the one that made me feel the most uncomfortable was the blair witch from 99 and it wasnt even the witch or supernatural element of it it was honestly just the aspect of them being stuck in woods while running out of food with no one knowing. Also the found footage aspect of it is creepy and makes it feel more realistic.

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