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sickfish 01-19-2008 06:14 AM

Zombie Porn : Is it ethical ?
A relatively recent phenomenon is Zombie porn . Now I like to think of myself as quite liberal-minded, but surely this is wrong ?
The "models" only get paid in human flesh, they are made to do the most disgusting things and they have the mind of an imbecile . We wouldn't exploit mentally handicapped people in this way so just because they're undead they're fair game ?
People say "Oh yeah, but Zombies can dig it too"
Well, sorry, but the people next door are a nice Haitian couple and they tell me Zombies don't masturbate ... unless trained to do so .
So I think it's about time we all wrote letters of complaint to the various leaders of the world and let the porn industry know ...

Leave Necrophilia to INANIMATE corpses . Zombies have rights too !

newb 01-19-2008 06:45 AM

meh......I think a more pressing issue in society today is Dwarf Tossing.


these wee people still have thought and feelings.....unlike the zombies.Lets give them back the dignity they so rightly deserve.

sickfish 01-19-2008 07:35 AM

Little people have it easy
They're not called Dwarves - the politically correct term is "The Little People Who Live Under the Mountains and Throw Axes at Each Other for Fun"
And they love the attention !

OK so they are discriminated against ... but IN A GOOD WAY !!! Whenever a normal-sized person sees a Dwarf they automatically in their mind go "Awww ! Look at da liddle man . In't he cute ! " and we treat them with the love and affection we normally bestow on pets and teddy-bears .

We don't generally think "Ugh ! A fucking Hobbit!" and spit on them .

Unless we're Elves.

There's Dwarf porn - you don't see them complaining about that !

No, Zombies are much more vulnerable and exploited .

I think there should be an undead union of some kind .

Posher778 01-19-2008 08:17 AM

couldn't you think of a more funny way of being stupid? This is lame.

sickfish 01-19-2008 08:25 AM

No I can't ! I'm too stupid to think of something that's funny and stupid .
Unfortunately I have a sense of humour which I have been developing over the last 27 years .

Since I was about 10.

And things I found funny at your age don't amuse me now .

So quit bitching - if you don't want to join in then eat your own intestines , film it, and send me the footage - I'll laugh my f***ing HORNS off !!!

Posher778 01-19-2008 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by sickfish (Post 660420)
Unfortunately I have a sense of humour which I have been developing over the last 27 years .

Since I was about 10.

And things I found funny at your age don't amuse me now .

So quit bitching - if you don't want to join in then eat your own intestines , film it, and send me the footage - I'll laugh my f***ing HORNS off !!!

Aw well look at you go. That was a bit more amusing. Congratulations.

sickfish 01-19-2008 08:52 AM

Being patronised by a teenager ! WTF ???
In my day that was a birching offense . A trip down to the headmaster's office and he'd pull your pants down and whip your bumfluffed behind until ... but that's all changed now .

Like that kid who wore a Pepsi T-shirt on CocaCola day at school - all they did was suspend him for a day !
He'd have been flogged publicly in Saudi Arabia for that .

Or the one that wore a "Say No To War" T-shirt in a mall and was thrown out !
Shoot the pansy hippy yellow-tailed rat-bastard !

They have it too easy these days . We need a good war to sort them all out . I say , let's take Iran, Syria and North Korea down ALL IN ONE WEEK !

That would give the kidz something to do... "here fly this and blow the shit out of anything you see ! You did your basic training on the Playstation ."

Posher778 01-19-2008 08:56 AM

Hmmm, good plan. good comments too. You're popular.

sickfish 01-19-2008 09:41 AM

Ooooh you're so cooool ! Can I join your group ?
Popularity ? Who cares as long as we entertain the masses . We love badness more than goodness .

I'd rather have lots of free advertising from offending my critics than a few wishy-washy reviews . Bill Hicks knew the score - the sicker and more offensive his material, the more his fans loved him and his critics hated him .The same with Lenny Bruce :

Lenny was arrested in 1961 for saying "cocksucker" on stage .
The sergeant wanted to have a word with him ...
"I took exception. I took offense" Sgt Solden exclaimed. "We've tried to elevate this street . I'm offended because you broke the law. I mean it . I can't see any right, any way you can break this word down, our society is not geared to it ."
Lenny replied " You break it down by talking about it...How about a word like 'clap' ?"
"Well, 'clap' is a better word than 'cocksucker'"
"Not if you get clap from a cocksucker" Lenny countered.


Despare 01-19-2008 10:40 AM

You think Zombie porn is bad but I personally LOVE it! Flesh sloughing off while two bodies collide clumsily together accomplishing nothing really but looking damn funny doing it. It's better than Two Zombies and a Cup or Two Zombies One Finger that's for sure! Welcome to the HDC, but really... why shouldn't we exploit the metnally handicapped in the same way?

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