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The Villain 09-05-2011 05:46 AM

Best Found Footage
So last night i watched Apollo 18, the latest edition to the found footage craze but unfortunately not the last with Paranormal Activity 3 coming out later this year and an American version of Troll Hunter in the works as well i'm sure many other's im not aware of.

So i was very disappointed in Apollo 18 and generally am getting sick of this style of movie making. I started to think about all the found footage movies that there have been lately because of this and which one's i liked and disliked. Here's my opinion on the ones that i can think of.

The Blair Witch Project: Really dull and kind of silly. It only had one moment that could be considered creepy and it definitely wasnt enough to redeem the whole movie. In my opinion, i don't think this would have been as big as it was without people thinking that it was real. So kudos to the marketing department on that one.

Paranormal Activity: I found it interesting but i think it's hype and mystique were the only things it had going for it. Repeat viewings expose this movie for what it is, redundant and boring. The movie is watched to see what happens next instead of enjoying the story.

Paranormal Activity 2: Much like the first one without the wonder of what will happen next as it's nothing different from the first. They tried to put more of a story into it but the constant boring shots of the living room/pool and other locations of the house without anything happen null out anything else the movie had going for it which wasnt much. I get they were trying to build suspense but they really failed with that.

Cloverfield: The reviews on this one seemed to be mixed but i for one really enjoyed it. There's a lot about the camera work that takes away the realism effect and there's enough shaky cam elements to make you think you're watching a Jason Bourne movie but i love giant monster movies (so i'm probably biased) but i really enjoyed the movie. Much like Blair Witch, the best thing about this movie was probably the marketing as much about the film was kept secret and i think a lot of people went to see it mostly out of curiosity. This film also seems to get a lot of grief that other found footage movies don't even though the complaints are typical to this kind of film such as the ending.

Troll Hunter: One of my favorites along with Cloverfield. The story was great, the camera work was excellent and i loved the Trolls. (Once again my love of giant monster movies come into play)

The Last Exorcism: The biggest thing i've heard people complain about with this one is the ending. Much like Cloverfield people seem to give this one some unwarranted grief. I however really liked the ending and thought the build up and story before that was very interesting.

REC: Very interesting "zombie" movie and a great use of the found footage technique.

REC 2: What i really liked about this one was instead of going the Paranormal Activity 2 route and trying to duplicate the success of the first, this one gave us a completely different kind of movie and story that still went along with the first one. Really well done.

Quarantine: Pretty much a shot for shot remake of REC with the exception of the different ending. Still very good though.

The Poughkeepsie Tapes: This one is done with more of a documentary style then watching things unfold as the characters themselves do. I found this to be really disturbing and i enjoyed it.

Lake Mungo: Totally boring. They didnt even try to give a feel that what you were watching could possibly be real or at least that the characters thought it was real. The whole thing felt like the dramatizations from one of those ghost shows where the people talk about times they witnessed a haunting.

Monster: Rip-off of Cloverfield. Boring with really bad effects. Not worth watching at all.

Megan Is Missing: Pretty lame. The only thing the movie had going for it were the last couple moments where there actually was some scary elements. But it also had one scene that was so long and boring that dragged on forever that i actually found myself fast forwarding. I guess i liked it but it was nothing special.

From this list, i would say my favorites were Cloverfield and The Troll Hunter and the worst i had seen were Monster and Lake Mungo. Obviously there are a lot not included as there are the only one's I've seen. I'm curious as to what everyone else thinks about these movies and other's that i haven't seen and what is everyone's opinion on Found Footage movies. I think the craze is dying and for good reason. It's become overdone and i think people are getting tired of it. I don't think they should completely stop but maybe just be more spread out.

William Seabrook 09-05-2011 06:44 AM

My favorite would have to be REC. My second would have to be Paranormal Activity. But I agree with you, its a movie you really only can see once.

roshiq 09-05-2011 08:08 AM

Home Movie
The Troll Hunter
Noroi: The Curse
The Poughkeepsie Tapes
The Silent House

Not as good as I expected but decent nonetheless:
Paranormal Activity 1 & 2
REC. 2

Better than the expectation:
Paranormal Entity
The Zombie Diaries

Not good but not so bad either:
The Tunnel
Grave Encounters

Blair Witch Project
Diary of the Dead
Lake Mungo
The Zombie Diaries 2
The Last Exorcism

Haven't seen more than half of this list of 57 FF Films from wikipedia.

William Seabrook 09-05-2011 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by The Villain (Post 903067)
I think the craze is dying and for good reason. It's become overdone and i think people are getting tired of it. I don't think they should completely stop but maybe just be more spread out.

I agree it really has become an overworked gimmick. Id much rather see a beautifully shot film than something done on a camcorder anyway:p

The Villain 09-05-2011 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by William Seabrook (Post 903075)
I agree it really has become an overworked gimmick. Id much rather see a beautifully shot film than something done on a camcorder anyway:p

It's definitely gimmicky but theres nothing wrong with a change from the normal pace of things. I just think it shouldnt be used so often

The Villain 09-05-2011 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by roshiq (Post 903074)
Home Movie
The Troll Hunter
Noroi: The Curse
The Poughkeepsie Tapes
The Silent House

Not as good as I expected but decent nonetheless:
Paranormal Activity 1 & 2
REC. 2

Better than the expectation:
Paranormal Entity
The Zombie Diaries

Not good but not so bad either:
The Tunnel
Grave Encounters

Blair Witch Project
Diary of the Dead
Lake Mungo
The Zombie Diaries 2
The Last Exorcism

Haven't seen more than half of this list of 57 FF Films from wikipedia.

I checked out that list. I had no idea there were so many

TheWickerFan 09-05-2011 08:20 AM

I really liked The Blair Witch Project, and I didn't go into the film thinking it was real. Of the other films you listed that I've seen, I enjoyed:

Quarantine (saw this before Rec, but they rate about the same)
Paranormal Activity
Troll Hunter

Monsters - I was torn with this one. I loved the monsters, and was disappointed I didn't see more of them.

The Poughkeepsie Tapes - just mediocre.

I also liked The Last Broadcast; a film that was made not too long before Blair Witch about a film crew that went out in the woods to make a short film about the Jersey Devil.

The Villain 09-05-2011 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by TheWickerFan (Post 903078)
I really liked The Blair Witch Project, and I didn't go into the film thinking it was real. Of the other films you listed that I've seen, I enjoyed:

Quarantine (saw this before Rec, but they rate about the same)
Paranormal Activity
Troll Hunter

Monsters - I was torn with this one. I loved the monsters, and was disappointed I didn't see more of them.

The Poughkeepsie Tapes - just mediocre.

I also liked The Last Broadcast; a film that was made not too long before Blair Witch about a film crew that went out in the woods to make a short film about the Jersey Devil.

Monsters wasnt found footage was it? The one i talked about wasn't the one with the aliens in mexico. Monster, the one i mentioned, is an asylum rip-off of Cloverfield.

TheWickerFan 09-05-2011 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by The Villain (Post 903079)
Monsters wasnt found footage was it? The one i talked about wasn't the one with the aliens in mexico. Monster, the one i mentioned, is an asylum rip-off of Cloverfield.

Oh, sorry. Names are too similar.:o

Looking at that Wikilist, the only other one I've seen is Paranormal Entity. That was truly awful.

William Seabrook 09-05-2011 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by TheWickerFan (Post 903080)
Oh, sorry. Names are too similar.:o

Looking at that Wikilist, the only other one I've seen is Paranormal Entity. That was truly awful.

It was sooo booooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiinnnnnnnnnngggg g!

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