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ElDiablo 02-20-2005 06:14 AM

Five Fathoms Down
My first novel is being published in a few months, all details are on my site if you are interested. FIVE FATHOMS DOWN Let me know what you all think.

ElDiablo 02-20-2005 06:20 AM

Good reviews so far.
A dark and disturbing novel, especialy the short story included in the book, which takes the reader into the sick and twisted mind of Gemma Crow. The character is established well, early in the story along with some well researched surroundings. The beginning of the story could be any of thousands of young girls who have had a bad break in life. But as you read on; the story transcends into a disturbing account of a girls consciousness to leave behind the terrible crime she has just committed. The writer shocks you right from the beginning with the harsh introduction to the story. He also takes you from being disgusted with the character at the start, to feeling quite sorry for her at the end. Overall a very well written novel that I would recommend to anybody who thinks they can stomach such a storyline.

Luke Plastow
Editor GK

and ...

This a truly macabre piece made all the more so by its plausibility. It touches on so many of the everyday happenings in our own life, making it all the more believable and at the last so deeply disturbing. This isn't a far fetched muse, this is a step into the darkest recess of human nature, a path we pray we never have to tread. Chris can be so matter of fact, but again this works to augment the hopeless sense of dread. There is a pathos here which makes the denouement all the more terrifying.
There is a well conceived pace to these pages, it never drags, instead they take you on a course you would ordinarily wish to avoid. But of course you can't, once you have been drawn into this tales introduction there is no escape.
This is an unsettling tale and Chris should be congratulated
for his craft.

Peter Normanton
From the Tomb (UK Horror Magazine)

ShankS 02-20-2005 06:57 AM

this thread needs to be thrown Vods and Stingys way, they'll check it out.... not much of a reader myself, but your site does it justice though, very nice looking.

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