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prayforhumanity87 03-28-2015 04:52 PM

5 Horror & Dark SciFi Comic Books
Hello fellow horror fans! The previous Kickstarter turned out to be a misstep. The goal was too high, and so were the pledge amounts. It was all too much to ask for so I halted funding and decided to do it all over. This time however, the 5 stories will now be their own Kickstarter campaign, and rewards are much easier to come by.

This is my second and last time I'm going to restart the crowdfunding. The link under this paragraph leads to the page for the first story, Lost Flight 1313. Hope you all find this interesting enough to support:

(The link doesn't work, so I posted a new one right after TheBossInTheWall told me about it.)


prayforhumanity87 03-31-2015 10:25 AM

By the way, the other stories will make their way onto Kickstarter gradually, depending on when I receive the extra work from the artists.

prayforhumanity87 04-22-2015 08:19 AM

If their is anything that I'm doing that is making you unwilling to pledge money, please let me know.

TheBossInTheWall 04-22-2015 10:00 AM

Well your link doesn't work, could be why?

prayforhumanity87 04-22-2015 10:11 AM

Here's the link again:


If it still doesn't work, let me know.

prayforhumanity87 05-05-2015 07:12 PM

A very generous donation has pushed us closer to our minimal goal! Currently, we are at 43%! Help us reach 50% of our goal!


prayforhumanity87 05-11-2015 11:18 AM

A new reward has been added for pledges $10 or more!:

Pledges will receive the short illustrated PDF poem, "No Time", written and illustrated by the artist of this current comic book, Tim Pfalzgraf.


MichaelMyers 05-11-2015 11:56 AM

Excellent news. I really wanted to pledge something in the $500-800 range, but see there is no option for me. That is unfortunate: best of luck.

prayforhumanity87 05-12-2015 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by MichaelMyers (Post 994681)
Excellent news. I really wanted to pledge something in the $500-800 range, but see there is no option for me. That is unfortunate: best of luck.

::big grin:: You could still pledge if you wanted. Heck, it could be that much, or may be even the $200. Any would do really!

Could arrange something though, depending on what you expect to get for $500-800. You have anything specific mind?

prayforhumanity87 05-14-2015 08:23 AM


If you want to help this campaign succeed, pledge money to the project today!


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