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Baron Von Marlon 09-12-2014 07:20 PM

Movies you want to be made
What movies would you like to be made?
From your wildest dreams to adaptations of existing movies or books...
Choose your own castmembers and directors, make up your own title,...
It's your fantasy, you're the boss. Money's no object.
Since it's imaginary every idea is perfectly executed and all ideas result in decent movies.

Here are some that crossed my mind:

The Thingies
New creature movie like Critters and Gremlins with plenty of gore and good jokes.
An old artifact containing ancient creature eggs arrives in an American coastal town and soon all hell breaks loose.
Billy Connolly plays an old sailor who's up to date with the Scottish myths of the Thingies and helps the locals in their fight.

Big Gun
Arnold Schwarzenegger in a grindhouse revenge flick mix of Machete and Death Wish.
His character will be a cigar smoking, whiskey drinking ex-mercenary. He say stupid one-liners and yells a lot.

Section 8: War Veterans Gone Wild
During a meeting for war veterans and ex-solders, a massive riot/gang war kicks off outside,
triggering all kinds of flashbacks in our veterans, they unite in a team in order to find and eliminate the enemy. I want Commando like action on a larger scale, some insanity and a bit of humour.
At the end they all disappear and become some sort of r-rated, hardcore version of The A-Team.

Alien: Engineers
The prequel to Alien(s). The movie Prometheus was meant to be.
Everything makes sense and is logical. Most questions will be answered, those that won't be will be in the sequel.

Expendables VS zombies
(or any other cool bunch of soldiers will do).
Special team of soldiers have to take on a large town overrun with zombies and crazy thugs, in order to evacuate some scientist. Maybe the scientist is Herbert West?

Every Lovecraft story
John Carpenter directing, Guillermo del Toro taking care of the creatures and maybe Tim Burton for the scenery.
Cast: Johnny Depp, Sam Neil,...

R-Rated Wolverine
Wolverine finally does what everbody wants him to do. Uses his claws to slice, dismember, decapitate,... lots of bad guys. And no romantic substory.

Transformers G-1
An adaptation of the original cartoons. Same voices, script, less humans, no romance, more robots,...
And less logic when it comes to transformations, for example Soundwave is a giant robot but can still transform into a small radio.

Destroy All Humans
A video game adaptation.
Alien(s) attack(s) the USA set in 60's, filled with non-pc humour and alien clichés.
Little bit similar to Mars Attacks but with evil versions of Paul.

Angra 09-12-2014 08:19 PM

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Last Light by Alex Scarrow
Summer of Night by Dan Simmons
Strangers by Dean Koontz
Midnight by Dean Koontz
Cold Fire by Dean Koontz
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
Turn of the Screw by Henry James (Just kidding)

Make it happen. Chop chop.

Damn Heathen 09-12-2014 09:05 PM

I have a boatload of ideas, but I'll be damned if I'm giving them all to the Baron. ::big grin::

So, here's one of my horrible throwaways that needs some serious work:

A retired porn actor and ufologist with an enlarged prostrate discovers an alien and probes it. He finds a analagous gland, and with the help of his good friend and mad doctor, tests its effectiveness as a transplant in human subjects. It turns out that the gland not only salvages but drastically increases semen production in humans (and has another nonhuman function). The mad doctor clones the alien cells, sells them to Ron Jeremy for use in the porn industry, and the rest of the story writes itself.

neilold 09-13-2014 01:13 AM

neve would get made but a film where all the serial (and other) killers, Jason,michael, leatherface,pinhead, freddy,jigsaw, victor crowley etc. Fight each other. A bit like the end of cabin in the woods, only more extended and less like the shite freddy vs jason

Anthropophagus 09-13-2014 08:33 AM

James Herberts:

The Fog

The Rats

The Dark

tfantasy 09-14-2014 10:12 PM

There are a lot of zombie books that I have read that I would LOVE to be made into movies!!!

I would like to see more serial killer movies; on the same level as the Hannibal tv series or Dexter. There just isn't enough of them!!

The Hunted 09-16-2014 09:30 AM

to be made
a film with Jason, Michael, Leatherface, Candyman, hellraiser, Freddy and some others.

I had a good story idea for it if anyone wants to make a fan film, lol.

Solarmist 09-16-2014 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Baron Von Marlon (Post 977866)

Expendables VS zombies
(or any other cool bunch of soldiers will do).
Special team of soldiers have to take on a large town overrun with zombies and crazy thugs, in order to evacuate some scientist. Maybe the scientist is Herbert West?

Hey - I like that, and make sure it's a super splatterfest loaded with heavy artillery!

Baron Von Marlon 01-04-2015 06:30 AM

Possible Aliens movie from the man who made District 9?!
Can't be bad.


Baron Von Marlon 03-01-2015 01:03 PM

Night At The Haunted Museum

After watching the third Night At The Museum I thought, this would be a good concept for a big budget horror movie.

"A couple of classes on a school trip to the natural history museum, get locked up in a nightmare after one of the students touches an ancient tablet.
They must break the curse before they all get slaughtered by the creatures in the museum."

Plenty of different things in the museum so cool and original kills should be easy.

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