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-   -   REAL Zombies In Cambodia (Story Stolen From Shanks)...*This Story Is A Hoax* (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15159)

bloodrayne 04-28-2005 03:56 PM

REAL Zombies In Cambodia (Story Stolen From Shanks ;))
*******THIS STORY IS A HOAX...Debunked By MurderDoll*******

Cambodian Troops Quarantine Quan'su

Cambodian troops moved into Quan'su after Malaria victims attack populace.

There has been a small outbreak of “zombism” in a small town near the border of Laos in North-Eastern Cambodia.

The culprit was discovered to be mosquitoes native to that region carrying a new strain of Malaria which thus far has a 100 percent mortality rating killing victims in fewer than 2 days.

After death, this virus is able to restart the heart of it’s victim for up to two hours after the initial demise of the person where the individual behaves in extremely violent ways from what is believed to be a combination of brain damage and a chemical released into blood during “resurrection.”

Cambodian officials say that the outbreak has been contained and the public has no need to worry.

General Ary Serey had this to say, "We have obtained samples of this new virus and plan to learn how it starts the heart and other major organs of the deceased. We intend to use this to increase the quality of life for all."

US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice opposed the plan saying that the Cambodian government holds a great biological weapon and should destroy it immediately. Cambodian officials have yet to comment.

A United Nations team will be dispatched to Cambodia to confirm the safety of biological research in Cambodia.

Marroe 04-28-2005 04:48 PM

:eek: ....nuh uh

bloodrayne 04-28-2005 04:51 PM


Originally posted by Marroe
:eek: ....nuh uh
Yuh Huh...For real...

Or...Maybe not...lol

X¤MurderDoll¤X 04-28-2005 05:25 PM

Nope, it's fake. Wish it were true though.

bloodrayne 04-28-2005 05:29 PM


Originally posted by X¤MurderDoll¤X
Nope, it's fake. Wish it were true though.
Link me to your information...Because I have found this at 3 different 'reputable' news sources...I was skeptical, too...So, I checked it out...It is also being debated at other forums...Any input to it's validity or otherwise would be greatly appreciated

X¤MurderDoll¤X 04-28-2005 05:30 PM


Originally posted by bloodrayne
Link me to your information...Because I have found this at 3 different 'reputable' news sources...I was skeptical, too...So, I checked it out...It is also being debated at other forums...Any input to it's validity or otherwise would be greatly appreciated
Yeah? Can you post the links? That's fucking crazy, I still probably won't believe it. :p

I just went by

1)I couldn't find the link to the story on the BBC website

2) it was in the wrong section

3) Couldn't find any stories remotely like it on BBC.

bloodrayne 04-28-2005 05:36 PM


Originally posted by X¤MurderDoll¤X
Yeah? Can you post the links? That's fucking crazy, I still probably won't believe it. :p

I just went by

1)I couldn't find the link to the story on the BBC website

2) it was in the wrong section

3) Couldn't find any stories remotely like it on BBC.

Okay...Give me a minute to pull up the links again...Slow shitty dialup :mad:

massacre man 04-28-2005 05:48 PM

once again i am prepared

ChEEbA 04-28-2005 05:57 PM

IF this is true...and I don't care to comment on whether I think it is or not, because the inprobable/impossible is only that way until something proves otherwise....


We have obtained samples of this new virus and plan to learn how it starts the heart and other major organs of the deceased. We intend to use this to increase the quality of life for all."
- But...that sounds like a potentially very bad idea...of course, would make for some good watching

massacre man 04-28-2005 06:00 PM


Originally posted by ChEEbA
IF this is true...and I don't care to comment on whether I think it is or not, because the inprobable/impossible is only that way until something proves otherwise....

- But...that sounds like a potentially very bad idea...of course, would make for some good watching

get some popcorn and a Desert Eagle then take a lawn chair up to the roof ready for some good watchin

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