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Devil-Hunter 10-02-2008 11:34 AM

Movies that scared you as a kid
Movies that scared me as a kid.

Return of the living dead

what scared you?

hammerfan 10-02-2008 11:43 AM

The Exorcist. Still does.

siorai 10-02-2008 11:49 AM

Evil Dead

jenna26 10-02-2008 05:51 PM

No movie scared me as badly as the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and it STILL scares me just a little, to be honest. The Exorcist and A Nightmare On Elm Street got me as well. :o

Nella 10-02-2008 06:29 PM

There was a movie called Let's Scare Jessica To Death. (I was under the age of 10 at that time.) These are not in order, of course:

Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (4th movie)
King Kong (70's Version)
Some grizzly movie- there have been so many but I just remember certain scenes...

La Chat Noire 10-02-2008 06:50 PM

Jaws and Pet Semetary. And I remember this scary version of Little Red Riding Hood that I saw when I was about 4 that made me terrified of wolves.

ManchestrMorgue 10-02-2008 11:40 PM

Some of the films that I remember scaring me when I was really young:

Dracula AD 1972
And Now the Screaming Starts
The Exorcist
Count Dracula (BBC production)

Probably heaps of others, but those were the ones that really left an impression.

crabapple 10-03-2008 05:22 AM

Frankenstein (1931)
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
The Land Unknown
Monster from the Ocean Floor
Horror of Dracula
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (sounds silly but it's true!)

ChronoGrl 10-03-2008 06:13 AM

Carnival of Souls
The Birds
The Invisible Man
The Thing From Another World
Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Vodstok 10-03-2008 06:30 AM

Fright Night
The poster for Return of the Living Dead gave me nightmares, as did the commercials and comic for Creepshow
Kingdom of the Spiders (great cheese now, who doesnt love Shatner and some dumb woman shooting regular spiders with a damn .44)

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