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Freddy Krueger. 07-26-2004 11:49 AM

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Remake (theater version)
Is it really that bad? I've herd some bad stuff said about it, and I might have even said some. But after watching it again I stoped and wondered whats so bad about it? To be completely honest, I loved the movie. Everyone seemed to HATE the idea, and didn't want it to happen. Which the more I thought about it, I didn't either. How could they do this to such a classic? I was very disappointed. I mean, remakes have a bad history the way it is. But this one was great. It could have used some more Chainsaw action but still very good.

C'Mon, honestly, what did you think about it?

Egekrusher 07-26-2004 11:51 AM

There you go. If you don't like my threads, make your own. Don't shit on mine.

Egekrusher 07-26-2004 11:53 AM

I was looking forward to the movie. Maybe that is why I was dissapointed. I was expecting more gore for some reason. Maybe that was because I had just seen Cabin Fever, one of the grossest movies I've ever seen.

Overall, it wouldn't have been too bad if it wasn't a remake, but it just doesn't stand up to the original.

newb 07-26-2004 12:06 PM


Originally posted by Egekrusher
There you go. If you don't like my threads, make your own. Don't shit on mine.
Kinda ironic....don't cha think. You told him not to SHIT on your POOP thread.:D

Egekrusher 07-26-2004 12:12 PM

I was thinking that same thing.

Angelakillsluts 07-26-2004 01:52 PM

I couldn't get into it. Jessica Biel can't act.

wufong 07-26-2004 02:12 PM

i thought it was ok. i think the reason a lot of people hated is beause tcm was one of those break through movies. a original, a new concept w/e. and it had a big impact on horror fans because of its originality, and thats something that this movie was missing. for most tcm fans

friday13thfan 07-26-2004 02:34 PM

it was good

friday13thfan 07-26-2004 02:43 PM


Originally posted by MD2
It was alright. I cant understand why most of the film was filmed with the camera attached to Jessica Beils ass. Which didnt bother me actually, just didnt get it.
thats was a fine ass 2

bwind22 07-26-2004 09:45 PM

I was very against the idea of this movie coming out.

How could they try to remake the perfect horror movie? I thought.

Well, upon seeing it, it certainly wasn't anywhere near as groudbreaking, gritty, or real as the first one, but it was still a pretty damn good horror movie, especially by today's standards. Most of the new ones that come out nowadays are pure horseshit, but this was actually pretty creepy. I really liked that they didn't try to 'remake' the original (like they did with Psycho), instead they just took the general plot and created a similar, but different and unique story around it.

I loved the remake and I think it's because I went in with low expectations.

P.S. Same thing with Dawn of the Dead. I thought it was a bad idea to remake it and I was sure it was gonna suck and then 10 minutes in, when suburbia was burning and the zombie outbreak was first getting going, I was like "This is the coolest fucking movie to come out in years!" I absolutely loved this one too!

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