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Killer Clown#1 10-28-2003 06:03 AM

Killer Klowns 2:The 2nd Invasion
I just started it last night. Right now it sounds like a love story but I'm just developing the characters from the last movie such as where they are in life etc. I don't have that much done but I hope you like it so far:)

KKFOS 2:The 2nd invasion

Mike Tobacco reclined the “lazy boy” chair and popped open a another budwiser. He grunted as he flipped threw the last of the channels, “nothing on” he said to himself. Mike opened the cabinet to his left where his beer was resting and pulled out a picture. “Ah Debbie...it was so long ago”. Mike sighed and followed it up with a belch, he then stood the picture up on the cabinet and admired it for a couple of seconds, the image faded away as his eye lids closed.
“come on guys my Grand mother can shoot better then that” Yelled Sherif David Hanson as the officers reloaded their weapons. When the shooting began again David remembered his first day of training, he hated it when officer Mooney was breathing down his back, yet here he was doing the same thing. Officer Mooney died though, even if he was a jerk he had still learned a thing or two from him. The death of Curtis then reminded David of Debbie. Debbie was his girl friend a long time ago but she broke up with him and started going out with Mike. After they stopped the klown invasion 15 years ago they grew closer, sadly it never lasted. Debbie moved to California but David still continued his career as a cop, Mike however turned into an alcoholic after Debbie left, he was all alone then and never did anything with his life.

avenger00soul 10-28-2003 06:42 AM

Man, it would be awesome if they could get the same cast back. Are you planning on included the Terenzi Brothers in your plot??:) I love those fucking dorks.

Killer Clown#1 10-28-2003 09:08 AM

Yeah they will be in there:)

avenger00soul 10-28-2003 09:42 AM


Originally posted by Killer Clown#1
Yeah they will be in there:)
Great, love those guys.

Killer Clown#1 10-28-2003 11:31 AM

One kill that I already have planned out goes like this. A man walks into the "tent" which is extremly dark inside all of a sudden a spot light goes on him then he notices he's on a platform so he looks down and sees that he is high up, then one of those things that trapiez people swing on comes torwards him and grabs him(it has arms) It then starts swinging him back and forth then it lets go of him. The man is relived to notice a net below him as he falls but the net turns into lasers(la resident evil) and cuts him into bits.:D

Killer Clown#1 10-28-2003 01:22 PM

These are the only original deaths I have came up with so far...
2.Head smashed by mallet.
3.Eats a piece of Klown popcorn, the monster then bursts out of his stomach(la Alien).
4.Pump stuck in mouth then blown up like a ballon, then a klown pulls out a needle and pops him.
5.Face melted off by acid pie.
6.Hunted down by ballon dog then ripped apart.

Those are the only deaths I can think of right now but there will be plenty of people turned into cotten candy. So if you can think of any deaths that did not happen in the movie then please post them:) .

avenger00soul 10-28-2003 01:36 PM

You somehow have to work in a death by shadow's puppets. That was my favorite part of Killer Klowns. I can't think of any more clown gimmicks though. They pretty much used them all in the film.

michaelargo 11-19-2003 06:33 AM

Callin all Klown Writers
Factions, and indi publisher, is producing a fiction anthology titled simply "Evil Clowns".
This is a submissions call for short stories about evil clowns.

We are looking for fiction stories 10-20 pages in length. Approaches to the subject may range from serial killers, conspiracies, hitmen, aliens, psychos, monsters or others so long as the story is about or pertains primarily to evil clowns. The genre is flexible, though stories in the horror/sci-fi will be given preference for publication.

In general only one story per individual author will be accepted, though multiple submissions are encouraged and special exceptions may be made for outstanding work. The publisher will assume ownership of each published story, unpublished stories remain the property of the author. In exchange for their work authors will recieve an equal share of 50% of the profits from the anthology for each story published, recognition for their contribution, and a signed contract binding the publisher to that arrangement.

Send submissions to: [email protected]

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