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avenger00soul 10-31-2003 05:02 AM

Stephen King
The only film King ever directed was Maximum Overdrive. Was it so bad that he should never make another flick again, or would you like to see him direct again?

I like M.O. I grew up with it. So I would enjoy another King directed movie.

dmihatmttl 10-31-2003 05:30 AM

I'm totally with ya on this one, Avenger. I'm not saying this movie's a classic, by any means, but I do think it is very unfairly maligned. I loved it, though it was fantastic for what it was -- a cheesy 80's horror movie. I love going back and watching it at least once a year or so . . . .

And anything with an AC/DC soundtrack can't be *all* bad!

Count me in. I dig the hell out of MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE, and I ain't ashamed of it. :)

James N.

avenger00soul 10-31-2003 06:04 AM


I thought I was getting bashed for sure. I'm glad someone out there agrees with me.

SoUl SuRvIvOrS 10-31-2003 09:41 PM

MO rocked I loved the giant....what was that a jokers face on the front of the semi...Its been awhile since the last time I popped it in to watch.... Electronics with an attitude...LOVED IT

avenger00soul 11-01-2003 05:42 AM


Originally posted by SoUl SuRvIvOrS
MO rocked I loved the giant....what was that a jokers face on the front of the semi...Its been awhile since the last time I popped it in to watch.... Electronics with an attitude...LOVED IT
It was the Green Goblin and, yes, it kicked ass.

mictlan 11-01-2003 05:53 AM

stephen king as director
i don't think stephen king directed it... but he was very heavily involved in the making of the truly rotten made-for-tv version of the shining.

dmihatmttl 11-01-2003 06:59 AM

Right . . . Mick Garris directed that one.


avenger00soul 11-01-2003 09:00 AM


Originally posted by dmihatmttl
Right . . . Mick Garris directed that one.


Garris is like "Mr. Stephen King" or something. He's got two more King movies in the works: Riding the Bullet and a mini of Desperation. I hated The Shining mini, but I loved The Stand. He was responsible for both those as well.

FangoFan 11-20-2003 08:45 AM

Hell yeah he should direct again,
I own Maximum Overdrive, I like it, it's pretty cool
King has a great style to anything he works on , another movie with King in the Directors chair, I would most definitly see.

I love when King does cameos, though, it's always damn cool.

We could start a thread about King's Cameos.

bloodrayne 11-21-2003 01:08 AM

I've got ALL of his movies and his books...If the movies were actually the same as the books, they would be truly incredible.

Children of the corn...in the MOVIE, the husband and wife end up adopting the kids and everyone lives happily ever after...In the BOOK, the wife ends up eviscerated and hung on a cornstalk cross with corn husks stuffed in her eye sockets...Stephen doesn't do FAIRY TALES(but it would be cool if he did). That's just one, small example of some of the many differences...I swear to you, if you like his movies...You'll LOVE his books (of course, you guys probably already do)...

More than his movies or his books, I love his mind...I love what's in there and how he thinks...

As for "Maximum Overdrive"... Some say they like it , others don't, but EVERYONE knows what it is and REMEMBERS it... that has to say SOMETHING for it...

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