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Azazel005 01-07-2009 02:07 PM

The Sandman
So I just finished reading this particular Icon of comic history. I'd avoided it for some time, yet decided that I was going to dig my heels in and read it to see what all the fuss was about.

I am certain some of you have read it...It's possibly the most effecting piece of Pop Culture I have ever expierenced... it has that imposing effect that I simply doubt I will be able to read or watch anything new for a little while.

I think it's the first time as an adult that I have cried over any fiction. I may have fought back some tears that I had forgotten... I know that I cried at the end of Kill Bill 2, but I glandular fever and had previously that week cried when my jeans were too big...

I know I cried at the end of the final episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer... although I was in a room with 150 people rather drunk and I amdamn sure most of those tears where out of sympathy and loss of nostalgia rather then the show itself.

I probably cried when I watched Bambi's mother die... but I was a wee child then.

No, though I cried at the end of Sandman, I fought it so hard that the pressure of the tears forcing there way outpushed against my skull and hurt, then I had to let go and sobbed.

I miss him... I know he was just a fictional chracter but I miss him.

So after that rather wimptastic display... I thought I'd potter around to a few places and see what others thought of this legendary little comic book.

Also I may need a hug.

Doc Faustus 01-07-2009 07:28 PM

Seven of the ten volumes are rock solid. Brief Lives, A Game of You, Fables and Reflections are sort of weak. But, when it's good, it's transcendent. I have to say the first four are so much better than the last half of the series. Endless Nights is also excellent, particularly the Dream and Delirium stories.

Azazel005 01-11-2009 05:00 AM

I felt it stretched itself at some points in both the arcs you mentioned and a few others. Still on the whole it was brilliantly endearing. Full of touching one shot stories and clever shifts.

I also found the first arc to be a little closer to average horror comic fare and not quite so compelling, but beginnings can be tricky.

Still I think the stories and the themes will stick with me for quite some time and I really enjoyed the art style in both "The Kindly Ones" and the first three "The Wake"

Thanks for the reply Dr, still where's my freaking hug? :p

Doc Faustus 01-11-2009 08:05 AM

Here ya go!
Definitely check out Endless Nights. The Wake does have some good stuff going on. I liked Preludes/Nocturnes in part because of my love of Batman and JLA characters.

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