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TorJohnsonIII 11-04-2003 07:06 PM

need some advice for gore fx
hey, just joined this forum, it seems pretty cool. Anyways, does anyone have any advice for good gore fx? I like to make movies, but i cant make very good blood, or blood spray, or anything like that. Any advice would be greatly apreciated. thanks

ShamSham04 11-08-2003 12:57 PM

Be a little more specific about what you're trying to do. What happens in the scene you want the effect to be in?

I'll try my best to help you out. I'm into filmmaking too. :)

White Rabbit 11-09-2003 07:18 AM

The first thing to making believable gore in low-budget films is to love making the gore...anyway, I get a kick out of it. I find it helpful to like what you're doing. From your vague comment, all I can really say is to go to your local party store and browse through leftover Halloween items. "Flesh Latex" and the various Woochie appliances can be used. But I find myself drenching them in fake blood and latex to cover up the seams. A makeup kit is also handy. Woochie makes a couple nice gorey kits that include some appliances, flesh latex, fake blood, stacks of makeup, a wedge, and a stipple sponge. I find the stipple sponges add some pretty convincing burn marks or "skinned" effects. If you are planning to spend money on this fake stuff, make sure its woochie. Its about the closest you're going to get to "good."
Also, if you'd like to make real splattery low budget blood, use chocolate milk and mix in red and blue food coloring. Its great for drooling out of peoples mouths and spraying out of people's mouths.

Here's an example of using a woochie appliance, by yours truley. Sorry for the crappy pic:

Ritualistic 11-09-2003 05:17 PM

chicken livers are great to use for insides.. :D also scrambled eggs mixed with red food coloring is great to use for insides as well...

GERRY_FINNEGAN 11-10-2003 04:11 AM


sgt_insano 11-10-2003 07:44 AM

Who knows what a bloodinator is?

That's because we named it that.

It's an insecticide container filled with fake blood.
Run a hose up your shirt. Hook the Bloodinator to the hose.
Push used coffee grounds and pieces of sponge in the end, which will be the entry wound. Pump up the pressure. Release and watch an air-pressured squib explode from the wound.


abbycomix 11-12-2003 07:59 PM

Llyod Kaufman's book ('All I Need to Know About Filming I learned from the Toxic Avenger') is interesting and has good advice on cheap gore (Troma style) I remember it said for running over a character's skull with a car in Toxic Avenger they just used a watermelon and edited it quick. So for head smashing (with a hammer or car, or door, etc.) try a melon.
Also Bruce Campbell's autobiography ('If Chins Could Kill') has this official Evil Dead fake blood recipe:

6 pints karo syrup
3 pints red food coloring
1 pint non-dairy creamer
1 drop blue food coloring

-mix the karo syrup in a large bowl
-stir the non-dairy creamer up in a separate bowl until pasty
-gradually mix the creamy paste into the syrup
-stir in red food coloring, add a drop of blue.
-test on white surface.

according to Bruce Campbell this stuff is pretty much impossible to get off of clothes and very difficult to wash off. (think sitting in a hot shower for 30 minutes, so use with caution!)
I recommend those books for aspiring film makers along with 'Shock Value' by John Waters. Great anecdotes and advice!

grimbrotherjake 11-16-2003 06:06 AM

SGT--- you moron!!!

... bloodinator? Try vodkanator.

It originally was an insecticide pump that we filled with tang and silent sam vodka that we took to a party. We could intoxicate people from across the room... it was awesome.

Awesome that is until good ol' Sarge took too much of his own sauce and started spraying people in the eyes.

That ended its reign as "the new age beer bong".

But yes, it has been used in multiple ways for sure since then. One thing to take note of though... attach a tube and fill THAT with whatever you want to spray... it might not spray as long, but otherwise you'll muck up the insides of the sprayer for the most part.

PS: Sgt_Insano, I think we need a new one. The bloodinator I have is all gummed up from milk, acrylic paint, bisquick, and karo syrup from the pirate fellatio penile amputation impalement scene I shot last month...

...heres a pic!

White Rabbit 11-16-2003 12:23 PM

Its so wonderful. I love it.

grimbrotherjake 11-16-2003 09:18 PM


Demon Slayer was quite impressive also, and I look forward to seeing what you do with the sequel.

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