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Malicious_Mirth 12-11-2003 03:48 PM

There should be a chat room here
ok guys in the upstairs

hrere is my suggestion and you cant pretend to not listen cu i know you do......there should be a chat room here...it would give some of a place to go and others a place to rant.....cmon guys give us a chat room

bloodrayne 12-11-2003 04:07 PM

I think that many of us are using the forums to "chat"...Some of us are filling up threads with idle chatter...If we had another place to go, an actual "chat room", we could save the threads for the purpose in which they were intended...Many of us are also using the pm system to chat...This takes too long, and doesn't allow for open forum discussion...I really do not think that it would be difficult to set something up as this site already has pretty much everything else...I know that many others would appreciate it as well...

How about it guys?

I urge all fellow boardmembers to support this idea...Stand with me here...See if we can make something happen...

devilsbackbone 12-11-2003 04:47 PM

yes we need a chat room!
i demand that you "big doggs" comply with our requests! we dont ask much, just a little 'ol chat room, mabey a new car not so much to ask! is it? i think not!:)

SoUl SuRvIvOrS 12-11-2003 05:13 PM

Ok a chat room...HELL YEA IM right behind you guys..we need one bad...Im sure Horror..will see this a good idea too..but I dont know how much domain he has..so..PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ..ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A CHAT ROOM IN MY FAVORITE FORUM HORROR.COM
Ive been really good this year Santa Horror....all I watch is body dismemberment and I play nice with the other kids.. I really do..unless you have pictures(then we really need to talk)heheheh
BUt yea seriously A chat room would be perfect for the reasons listed previously.....IM almost positive the others will agree..

meetthecreeper 12-11-2003 05:14 PM

At the request of my fellow horror fanatics I have something to say WE WANT A CHAT ROOM please.

I dont think you want to upset the The Creeper, the man in the upper left hand corner, personal friend of mine, he wants a chat room 2. Did I mention that I said Please??


teenagezombie 12-11-2003 05:23 PM

i agree!!!!! a chat room would be kool, it would only add more to this awesome site, its got almost everything else.

how about it guys? please *makes cute innocent sad puppy face thingy*

Arioch 12-11-2003 05:24 PM

i concure, it would clean up the site alot.

Leviathan 12-11-2003 05:54 PM

I totally agree,I use a chat room in my forum and it has cut down spamming and useless threads a whole lot. A chat room isn't hard to set up. May I also suggest setting up chat times as well for those of us that work the evening shift.

ABBY 12-11-2003 06:02 PM

i think a chat room would be a great idea wont waste so much time on pm's and shit

Malicious_Mirth 12-11-2003 06:25 PM


thanks alot for all you guys help in requesting this chat room

i really did not expect this many people to be into that idea......hopefully they will listen to us if we keep filling this thread up.......

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