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The Flayed One 02-13-2007 08:56 AM

Why We Hate You: An HDC Guide to Not Being an Asshat
Inspired by the recent General Forum activities.

The Problem
u dont bother to spell or punchuate ur sentenses or make n efort two use propur grammer.

The Solution
Have some respect for your readers if you want them to read your posts. Mozilla has an add on that underlines offending words in red. You don't have to be perfect, just readable.

The Problem
You start too many threads or the majority of your posts are irrelevant.

The Solution
Slow down there, buckaroo. Starting too many threads/posting too many irrelevant posts in one thread can frustrate people. Some feel it's pointless to make a thread/post to the OT when it's going to get bumped several pages.

The Problem
People keep asking me why I'm here:(

The Solution
Sometimes people wonder that when you join a horror board and never talk about horror. If people are saying this, that's probably the problem.

The Problem
Members yell at me for posting in the wrong forum/spamming/topics been done.

The Solution
We have a search function. It's not as good as it could be, but it helps you get by. Usually, if you start a new thread about a topic that's only 4-5 pages back, you're going to get called on it.

Search Help
To get the search feature to open, you have to right click on the search button and open it in a new window. For those of you who haven't been here very long, this came about when the forum underwent an upgrade. The upgrade still has some bugs in it that were never worked out, this being one of them.

Posting in the right forum is fairly simple. There are descriptions under the name of each forum about what to post there. It only takes a few seconds to browse through and figure out where your topic should go.

As far as spam, if you feel you must, be polite and don't try to pawn yourself off as someone else who found this "great new thing and must share it with people I've never enteracted with before." Post in the right forum, and don't get all defensive. There are plenty of people here who will give you an honest review of your crummy product.

The Problem
You guys are all assholes lolz:mad:

The Solution
Yes, we are.

Before anyone takes immediate offense, please note that this thread is supposed to be helpful. Constructive criticism (or barbing, as it goes here) makes up the backbone of our little INTERNETz society.

Roderick Usher 02-13-2007 09:12 AM

Bravo, Flayed

now maybe a little about obsessive ass-fucking/jizzing/fag-hate posts

AUSTIN316426808 02-13-2007 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by omcdave (Post 551831)
but i dont spell or write well so should i never be on a forum ? im sorry if people have had a hard time with my posts or threads but i do try to make it all spelled right and make sense . im just not as good as most of you people .

This post is typed well enough and relevant to the topic. Just keep this up and chill with the..

Thread title- What's your favorite Scorsese film?

Dave response- elifants are prity n i luv mexikun food.

Member x response- Yeah, anyway...I'd say Goodfellas is a close second to Taxi Driver.

Dave response- a taxi driver tuk me two the zoo yesturda to sea the pritty elephints.

That's pointless and has nothing to do with the fact you can't write or spell to well.

Yes, other members make irrelevant post outta nowhere every now and then..sometimes it's funny/interesting or whatever and takes the topic off course for a bit. Yes, other members make off the wall threads for oblivious reasons every now and then..sometimes it's funny/interesting or whatever and goes on for a bit, on other occassions it'll get a few..''What the fuck are you talking about'' responses and go away.

All that's fine as long as it's every now and then instead of over and over and over and over...and over and over again, that's when it gets pointless and annoying.

And besides the spelling and irrelevance, not everybody's going to like you anyway, that's just how it is..you can get over it or cry about it, totally up to you.

The_Return 02-13-2007 03:04 PM

To expand on Austin's point:

Using the same example, I see nothing wrong with a post like this:

Thread title- What's your favorite Scorsese film?

OMCAnnoyingMember: i dunno...there all gud. mean streetz i gess.

Yes- Its annoying as all fuck, but at least it makes some degree of sence....not just random crap like the vast majority of OMC / TG posts.

slayer666 02-14-2007 02:29 AM

I think I might be an asshat because I've never figured out how to get the search function to work here. I first thought that it must be incompatible with Firefox, but I'm now worried that I might just be an asshat.

bwind22 02-14-2007 04:39 AM

You're not an asshat for that. The search link doesn't work for me either. If I wanna search something, I have to physically type in the url of the search page.

As for the rest of this... Good thread Flayed. I don't have much problem reading OMCdave's threads despite the grammar & I don't spend much time reading TG's because they're all completely pointless, but I can certainly see the need for a thread like this. Good work.

ferretchucker 02-14-2007 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by bwind22 (Post 552147)
You're not an asshat for that. The search link doesn't work for me either. If I wanna search something, I have to physically type in the url of the search page.

As for the rest of this... Good thread Flayed. I don't have much problem reading OMCdave's threads despite the grammar & I don't spend much time reading TG's because they're all completely pointless, but I can certainly see the need for a thread like this. Good work.

I cant get my quick response thing to work.

On another note, someone said flayed has 3 stickies in this section. He has them because his threads are relevant to what everbody is thinking. So, tg/omc, look at what flayed does and then maybe you can do it too. Hopefully that will be easier thantrying to work out a strategy for yourself.

The_Return 02-14-2007 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by ferretchucker (Post 552247)
I cant get my quick response thing to work.

See that little button beside "Quote", below the post? Click that, then type your reply in the little box at the bottom of the page

slayer666 02-15-2007 02:36 AM

Thanks for the search tutorial - very helpful.

Doc Faustus 02-15-2007 08:33 AM

I'd like to point another asshat style debating phenomenon. In a formal debate ad hominem comments are not welcome, and in any argument they don't deserve to discredit the opponent, they serve to make the attacker look like a flaming douche. Short debate style tutorial:
Imbecile 1: Children of the Corn 7 rocks the hizzie! It's like Citizen Kane with lesbians.
Imbecile 2: Cumswilling asstard! Sheepfucker! Children of the corn 7 blows!
The Smartest possible person who could have liked Children of the Corn 7:
Children of the Corn 7 was great. I don't see what all this Children of the Corn bashing is about.
Witty riposte:
Children of the Corn 7 is akin to bestiality.
While Children of the Corn 7 is akin to bestiality, we need not directly accuse those who love it of being cumswilling asstards or of having sheeploving proclivities. This goes back in a way to the productive posting comments at the beginning, but I think it's just as important to bring up productive rhetoric.

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