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Modestas 10-10-2004 06:03 AM

blair witch - produced shit?
well, how do yuo think: the movie blair witch is reality... or it's just a produced shit as many say that...

allmykids 10-10-2004 06:12 AM

It's bullshit!! But very smart on the movie makers part. Look at how it made so much money because people thought it was real!!

zwoti 10-10-2004 06:27 AM

blair witch - crap

Dark_Hero 10-10-2004 07:53 AM


Originally posted by zwoti
blair witch - crap
Most of it....Ill agree

But near the end, the last 15-20 mintues......The tension scared the fuck outta me! Im ashamed to say it....but this is the only movie to have ever scared me. For that, I overlook the crappyness of most of the movie.

filmmaker2 10-10-2004 08:04 AM

Scared the hell outta me.
I couldn't sleep for two days after I saw "The Blair Witch Project," and I knew very well that it was fake. I had gone to the website, and I knew what I was going to see and not see. But something about it got under my skin. Seriously.

Although I should point out that I was tailor-made for this movie when I saw it in the theatre. The friend I went with was sick of seeing effects movies, and so was I (both of us are effects people). We were very much in a mood to see something with no visual or makeup effects at all.

Production-wise, there is not a lot to the film, but its charm lies in its originality. There have been many ripoffs of the documentary approach since then, and these have all cashed in to some degree...but I knew when I saw "Blair Witch" that this trick could only really be pulled off once. I was very happy for these filmmakers.

orangestar 10-10-2004 10:17 AM

I love it. Scared me a lot, and I didnt even see it in theaters.

People arent scared by it because they dont pay attention. You have to see the big picture, how they dont know that they are going to be killed, but the viewer knows because of the three rock piles.

ShankS 10-10-2004 11:18 AM


Originally posted by zwoti
blair witch - crap

Malicious_Mirth 10-10-2004 12:16 PM

ok ill admit it......the very first time i saw it, i had heard nothin about it.....except for that it was real and all that jazz.....so i saw it and it scared me a lil....more than alot of movies then.......i thought it was very intense clever and at points, freaky as hell......but i went to see it again (after i found out it was fake) a second time and i went to sleep!!!......i lost a little respect fr it but all in all i thought it was a VERY clever idea with decent filmwork.....it was OK

Sick_As_Fuck 10-10-2004 11:08 PM


Originally posted by Dark_Hero
Im ashamed to say it....but this is the only movie to have ever scared me.
Same with me. This, and the OG Excorsist.

I never understood why just because it being "real" was a fraud, made everybody hate it so much? This movie is fucking brilliant. Scary as fuck too. One of the best horror movies ever made IMO. Part 2 though, now that's a different story.

Preacher 10-12-2004 06:20 AM

What the fuck??

You'd have to be a complete dumbass to think it was real.

I mean Jesus. What fuckin drugs are people takin these days.

No wonder these films are so bloody effective. Been tryin for ages to explain to someone the fact that 'Open Water' isn't a true story, its just based on true events. What a knobjockey.


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